Child health

Allergist on the use of Polisorb for children

Treatment of allergic diseases in newborns almost always includes the appointment of sorbents - drugs that can adsorb allergens. Sorbents help to quickly cope with the development of an allergic reaction in case of food allergies. In this article we will talk about the drug Polysorb, the features of its use in young children.

Enterosorbents and their classification

Polysorb belongs to the group of enterosorbents. Enterosorbents are drugs that can absorb particles of substances using their chemical structure. The ability of sorbents to bind with foreign substances is called sorption capacity.

The sorption capacity of Polysorb is much higher than other classes of enterosorbents. Polysorb works 3 times more efficiently than Smecta, Enterosgel and activated carbon.

By chemical structure all sorbents are divided into:

  • aluminum magnesium silicates;
  • methylsilicic acids;
  • lignins;
  • Activated carbon.

There is also another classification according to which adsorbents are divided into synthetic and natural. Enterosgel belongs to synthetic, to natural - Filtrum, Smecta, activated carbon, Polysorb.

The chemical structure of Polysorb is represented by colloidal silicon dioxide. Pharmacologists note the high sorption and detoxification properties of this compound when used in newborn children.

How enterosorbents work for allergies?

So, let's imagine the situation. A certain amount of allergens entered the child's body along with food, which triggered a reaction, during which a large amount of active substances were released that caused edema, a rash in the baby. The child is tormented by itching, he is lethargic, capricious.

In addition, the growing edema and a bright rash spreading over the body of the baby begin to frighten the parents. A frightening picture, isn't it? However, there is a wonderful way to break the chain of these terrible events and help the child's body cope with the disease.

It is clear that the cause of all troubles is an allergen that has entered through the gastrointestinal tract and triggered a chain reaction of the allergic process. What can neutralize a foreign antigen? What medicine will help relieve intoxication, eliminate itching, protect the intestines?

The answer is simple enough. These are enterosorbents. Polysorb, taken by a child in the event of allergic manifestations, will help to quickly bind particles of a substance and remove them from the body. If there is no allergen, there will be no continuation of the process. This means that the child will quickly recover.

When should Polysorb be used in infants with allergies?

Polysorb must be turned on in the treatment regimen for many atopic ailments in children, namely:

  • atopic dermatitis;
  • eczema;
  • hives;
  • angioedema;
  • various types of food allergies;
  • toxicoderma.

In what form is Polysorb used in babies?

The required amount of the drug should be diluted in a small amount of breast milk, formula or water and given to the child to drink.

The dose of the drug is prescribed by the doctor. Parents should remember that the maximum dose at a time should not exceed the value obtained by dividing the child's weight in kilograms by 10. Let's say the child's weight is 7 kg. This means that the baby can be given 0.7 teaspoon of Polysorb at a time.

What feedback can you hear from parents whose children were prescribed Polysorb for allergies?

  1. High efficiency. First, many noted the rapid effect of the drug. Elements of a rash with urticaria, atopic dermatitis disappeared without a trace already in the first day of admission.
  2. Convenience of reception. Polysorb is approved for use in children from birth. It is easy to give a suspension of the drug even to a baby by dissolving Polysorb in milk.
  3. No side effects. Polysorb is very well tolerated by children. Adverse drug reactions are extremely rare.
  4. Effective elimination of itching with skin rashes in children.

Almost all allergic skin rashes in children are accompanied by severe itching. Polysorb helps to quickly relieve the baby's condition.

Negative sides of using Polisorb

  1. Polysorb does not have the most pleasant taste. Older children can be difficult to persuade to take unpalatable medicine.
  2. Repeated intake of the drug in case of severe intoxication can be difficult for the baby. At the onset of the disease, it is necessary to give Polysorb every hour at the maximum single dosage up to 5 times in the first day.

Does Polysorb have side effects?

In the medical literature, there is information about the ability of Polisorb to bind calcium and vitamins in the child's body, which theoretically can cause hypovitaminosis and impaired calcium absorption. Therefore, in children, Polysorb is not used for a long time. The medicine is prescribed for the acute period of the disease and is canceled as the symptoms stop.

The use of Polysorb for various types of allergies in children

  1. Treatment of atopic dermatitis. Sorbents are prescribed for food sensitization of the child. The average course of treatment is 7-10 days. The dose of the drug is selected individually.
  2. Acute allergic urticaria and angioedema. In the acute period of the disease, taking the drug in the maximum daily dose is indicated, followed by adjustment as necessary.
  3. Food allergy. In addition to following the elimination diet, your child may be prescribed Polisorb to quickly eliminate the symptoms of an exacerbation of the disease, relieve itching during rashes.
  4. Drug allergy. In the treatment of drug allergies, Polysorb is simply irreplaceable, as it perfectly binds the allergen when prescribed in a timely manner. The course usually does not exceed 3 - 5 days.
  5. Eczema. In case of complicated eczema with symptoms of intoxication, Polysorb copes well with the tasks of binding allergens and toxins in the body. The child's condition is rapidly improving, itching and lethargy disappear.

Is it worth using Polysorb to prevent allergic reactions in newborns?

Some parents are wondering: is it possible to use sorbents for prophylactic purposes?

There is no point in using sorbents for prevention. The methods of eliminating allergens from the diet and the environment of the baby are much more effective.

What are the rules should be observed when using Polisorb in infants?

  1. Use Polysorb only as a suspension.
  2. Do not exceed the dosage prescribed by your doctor.
  3. There must be at least 1 hour between eating and taking the medicine.

In what situations is the use of Polysorb in children prohibited?

  • intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract.
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.

Comparison of Polisorb with other enterosorbents

There are many adsorbing substances on the pharmacological market.

We will try compare Polysorb with other representatives of the enterosorbent group:

  1. Enterosgel. Recently, a fairly topical drug. The peculiarity is a gel-like form of release, which is not always convenient when used in children, as this can provoke a gag reflex. Enterosgel is a synthetic sorbent, unlike Polisorb. The sorption capacity is inferior to Polysorb.
  2. Smecta. A convenient form of release in the form of a powder, which should be dissolved in water. Refers to natural sorbents. It is inferior to Polisorb in sorption properties.
  3. Activated carbon. Difficult to use in children. Sufficiently low sorption capacity.
  4. Polyphepan. Bad taste. It is difficult to get a child to take the drug. It is quite effective for allergies.
  5. Lactofiltrum. A quick and pronounced effect on allergic rashes. Good taste. It can be used in newborns. Convenient release forms.

Memo to parents

  • Polysorb belongs to the group of enterosorbents;
  • sorption capacity of Polysorb is much higher than that of other classes of enterosorbents.
  • pharmacologists note the high sorption and detoxification properties of Polysorb when used in newborn children.
  • Polysorb, taken by a child in case of allergic manifestations, will help to quickly bind allergen particles and remove them from the body. If there is no allergen, there will be no continuation of the painful process. This means that the child will quickly recover;
  • Polysorb is recommended to be given to children only in the form of a suspension;
  • Polysorb should be included in treatment regimens for many atopic ailments in children.
  • there must be at least 1 hour between eating and taking the medicine.

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