Child health

The transformation of a girl into a girl: the sexual development of a girl - writes a gynecologist

The sexual development of girls is a very difficult and delicate issue, which should be discussed with the child extremely carefully. Today we will talk about how to do it correctly, without abstruse phrases and unwanted silences.

"A difficult age

The time has finally come when you are faced with a wonderful, albeit difficult, age.

If you are a mother, then it is difficult for you to realize that your baby is getting older and now the thoughts in her head can overnight become butterflies of multicolored or glossy black. At this age, the mother's girl tries to defend her character, thinking that she will cope with everything herself.

Meanwhile, she does not have time to keep track of the changes in her body, which undoubtedly disturb her. And you, as the closest person, are entrusted with the responsibility to tell, help, direct in the right direction all the energy that covers your child with his head.

If you are a young girl, you have already had many questions about everything related to the adult life of a woman. But these questions could have been postponed earlier, since it was far away, maybe not very interesting, has nothing to do with the life when you were a carefree girl.

Sex education for girls is a complex and time-consuming process that must be approached with caution. Not only mom, but also dad should take part in the process.

Let's start with the changes in the girl. It is in the girl, because the restructuring begins not when secondary sexual characteristics appear, but much earlier. On average, puberty lasts 10 to 12 years. During this time, the girl changes noticeably in front of those around her.

Prepubertal is a period that begins at 7 - 8 years and ends with the arrival of the first menstruation. Usually this (menstruation) happens 1 to 3 years after the onset of secondary sexual characteristics. From such an early age, you can notice changes in the child's body. Hormones begin their activity, albeit not cyclically. But hormones are released all the time. In this connection, the transformation of a girl into a girl takes place.

Signs of puberty in girls

The first changes take place in the girl's body - the hips are rounded, the pelvic bones begin to grow. The mammary glands appear. Already you can see the areas of hairiness on the pubis and in the armpits.

As a rule, the girl begins to grow sharply before the onset of menstruation.

All these signs can develop inconsistently. Now let's dwell on each symptom and the pathologies associated with it. There are several stages in the development of secondary sexual characteristics.


A few years before the beginning of the first menstruation, a sharp increase in the girl is observed. Presumably, this happens 2 to 3 years before the onset of menstruation.

At this time, growth spurts can reach up to 10 centimeters per year.

Often during this period, the child is awkward, since the bones do not grow evenly, at the beginning the hands and feet become larger, then the tubular bones and only then the trunk.

Clumsiness in movements can also be observed, this is due to the fact that nerve fibers and muscles do not always keep pace with the growth of the bones of the skeleton.

Skin covering

The skin develops according to the skeleton and muscles, for this the secretion of the glands is intensified in order to have good stretching, as a result of which the teenager suffers from rashes, which in science are called "acne", "acne" or pimples. Hair also becomes more oily at the roots, now the head needs to be washed more often.

Subcutaneous adipose tissue also develops. There is an increased deposition of fat in the thighs and abdomen. The shoulders are also rounded and the waist appears.

Breasts (Mammae)

Telarche - development of the mammary gland. Usually, breast growth begins in girls at the age of 10-11, 1.5-2 years before the onset of menstruation. According to WHO, the appearance of signs of breast growth after 8 years is considered the norm. The nipples become sensitive, they can change their color, depending on the amount of pigment in the body.

And also there is an increase in the size of the nipple itself. Hair growth is possible around the areola of the nipple - this happens in women of Eastern and Caucasian origin and is not a pathology. The color, shape, size of the breast depends on genetic factors, the amount of subcutaneous adipose tissue.

There are several degrees of breast development:

  • Ma0 - the gland is not developed, the nipple is not pigmented;
  • Ma1 - the tissue of the gland is palpable in the area of ​​the areola limit, painful;
  • Ma2 - the mammary gland is enlarged, the nipple and areola are raised;
  • Ma3 - the mammary gland takes the form of a cone, the base of which is located between the III and VI ribs. The nipple does not stand out separately from the areola;
  • Ma4 - the gland has a hemispherical shape, the nipple is separated from the areola and pigmented.

The mammary gland ends its development and maximizes only after childbirth and feeding. And the final stage of development of the mammary gland is observed for about 15 years. The mammary gland itself can be painful during growth and before menstruation.

Hair growth

Pubarche - hair growth of the pubic area - begins at 10 - 12 years old. The growing pubic hair forms a triangle with its base on the lower abdominal line. Individual hairs are possible, rising to the navel. But if the hairline densely covers the entire area, forming a rhombus, you should consult a gynecologist-endocrinologist.

By the age of 13-15, hair appears in the armpit and legs. The stiffness, color and shape of the hair is individual and depends on the genetic predisposition.

Armpit hair:

  • Ax0 - no hair growth;
  • Ah1 - body hair with single straight hairs;
  • Ah2 - the appearance of hair in the middle of the armpit;
  • Ax3 - hairiness of the entire axillary region.

Pubic hair growth:

  • Pb0 - no hair growth;
  • Pb1 - hairiness with single straight hairs;
  • Pb2 - the appearance of hairline in the center;
  • Pb3 - Hairiness of the entire pubic region along a horizontal line.

It is necessary to learn how to properly monitor the smoothness of the legs, bikini area and armpits. Each girl chooses an individual method for herself to achieve her goal. But do not rush to remove, because the first hair is softer, thinner and less noticeable. Over time or under the influence of external factors, they become tough.


Menarche - the beginning of menstrual flow, the first menstruation. This happens in everyone at different ages, and menarche also depends on genetics. As a rule, the first bleeding occurs from 12 to 14 years old. After the beginning of the first menstruation, the girl's growth slows down, but the remaining signs of puberty continue to develop.

Many girls' periods are not cyclical at the beginning. For some, it takes some time - from six months to two years. In case of non-cyclic discharge, you should subsequently consult a doctor.

During menstruation, the mammary glands can be tense, somewhat painful. Also, many girls and women at the time before and during bleeding have aching pains in the lower abdomen, some have discomfort in the stomach or intestines. All this can accompany normal mensis.

Until critical days, the mood can change, more often the girl feels irritation, fatigue, tearfulness. But all this passes during the first days of menstruation. Despite the irregularity of the cycle, a girl can become pregnant, and this is important to convey to an immature person.

Deviations from the norm

As everyone knows, where there is a norm, there is a pathology. To date, more and more cases such as premature sexual development in girls (PPD) are observed. And here it is important that the mother carefully approaches the changes in the child's body.

They say about PPR if the age of the girl herself at the manifestation of the first sexual characteristics is under 8 years old. At this age, the child cannot always adequately approach the innovations of his body.

PPR types

Premature puberty in girls is divided into several types.

1. True type... It occurs when the endocrine glands - the hypothalamus and pituitary gland - are disrupted, which, in turn, stimulate the ovaries.

  • full form. When all secondary signs begin to develop before the age of 7 to 8, growth slows down by closing the growth zones in the bones, menstrual flow appears;
  • incomplete form. Here secondary signs appear, but the menses themselves come much later - at 10-11 years.

2. False type. It is characterized by a disturbance in the ovary itself - a disorderly production of hormones occurs, and therefore the sequence of the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics is disturbed in the child. And there is irregular spotting that can begin without the full development and formation of the mammary gland or hair growth.

3. Hereditary type. As a rule, if a girl has women in her pedigree (especially if it is a mother) whose maturation began earlier than the indicated dates, then the child himself will turn into a girl earlier than his peers. In this case, the order of appearance of sexual characteristics will not be violated.

Reasons for PPR

Causes of early puberty in girls may be:

  • brain cysts;
  • past bacterial or viral infection;
  • violation of blood circulation in the brain;
  • congenital anomalies (hydroencephalus);
  • exposure (strong exposure to radiation);
  • poisoning with poisons (lead);
  • consequences of brain injury.

If you notice any changes in your princess that can be attributed to PPR, or there is a growth spurt before 7 years, it is better to contact a gynecologist, endocrinologist and undergo an examination. Early sexual development is a process that requires the mandatory supervision of a specialist.

Delayed sexual development

Another problem for mothers and their girls is delayed sexual development in girls (DPD).

Signs of delay:

  • no onset of menstruation before the age of 16;
  • lack of sufficient growth of mammary glands up to 13 years;
  • poor hair growth by the age of 14;
  • insufficient growth or abnormal development of the genitals;
  • lack of compliance with height and weight for age.

Also, a delay in the development of maturity is considered a state when the sexual development of a girl took place only by half. That is, the mammary glands have developed, there is partly hair growth, and then everything slowed down for more than a year and a half.

Reasons for DPR

  1. Congenital disorders in the brain.
  2. Cysts and brain tumors.
  3. Poisoning with poisons.
  4. Heredity.
  5. Exposure to the body with radiation or radiation therapy.
  6. Removal of the ovaries.
  7. Strong physical activity.
  8. Severe stress or malnutrition (exhaustion).
  9. Complications after bacterial or viral infections, etc.

If you are worried about the health of your girl, consult a doctor, he will conduct an examination and be able to make the correct diagnosis. It is easier and more effective to treat any condition of the body at the very beginning, when the pathology has not given irreversible consequences. Everything needs to be done on time!

Another important moment in the development of a girl is growing up and becoming a girl, a woman from the inside.

Sex education for girls

The sexual development of girls should be given special attention from birth. A girl from her early childhood should feel like an important link in creating family comfort, since the atmosphere in the family depends on her. In addition, pregnancy, childbirth, and caring for a newborn are waiting for the girl in the future.

The child should prepare for the upcoming difficulties and it is not bad when the little ones swing their dolls in their strollers and are already beginning to experience maternal feelings, a sense of responsibility. When a girl tries to be like her mother and knows what awaits her, she is happy with all the changes and is not afraid to go forward.

If the girl is not talked to about the transformation of a girl into a girl, and then into a woman, all changes in her body are unpleasant for her, and the onset of menstruation generally scares her. You need to explain everything to your princess as you mature, in stages. It is important that next to the girl there was an older comrade in the person of her mother, friend, aunt, etc.

During adolescence, adolescents sometimes find it very difficult to understand themselves, mood can change dramatically, a feeling of irritability, tearfulness does not allow to calmly perceive changes. In no case should you ridicule, reproach a child during this period.

With the onset of adolescence, or rather, with its end, it is time to discuss with the girl the sexual side of her life. The girl's behavior changes - she often looks at the opposite sex, experiences attraction, she is overcome by erotic fantasies. A teenager must understand everything and learn not to be ashamed of it. Sex education for girls is an important task for parents.

In addition to the perception itself, it is necessary to convey to your child information about the possibility of getting pregnant and contracting infections through sexual intercourse. You should also tell her about the negative impact of early onset of sexual activity. Teenagers at this age often experiment, including in this area, violent actions are possible.

Teaching the child the rules of personal hygiene, the purity of sexual relations and their protection, and talking about the frequency of taking a shower during menstruation - all this is the task of a good parent. Having matured, the child also encounters new states of his body. For example, thrush occurs - a fairly common disease that needs to be cured in time.

Often a teenager, feeling his imperfection, withdraws into himself and suffers for a long time from symptoms that can bring severe discomfort. It is worth paying attention to the appearance of acne, it is important to tell your child how to deal with them correctly, because we all know the tendency of children to squeeze everything out. This can lead to unpleasant consequences: scarring skin changes, blood poisoning.

Sex education is often the subject of much debate. But there are certain rules that it is better to adhere to - they will allow the transition to adulthood as gently as possible and keep the girl's health.

It is worth paying attention to the nutrition of the teenager, the girls themselves often skip meals on purpose in order, as it seems to them, to be more beautiful. The girl should eat well so that there are no delays in the development of sexual characteristics and the onset of menstruation.

In no case should you treat a teenager like an adult. A person in a transitional age already knows a lot, has his own point of view, but he is only taking the path of growing up, your advice is important to him, although sometimes he does not show it. Control is never superfluous.

Masturbation is very important in the development of sexuality. There is nothing unhealthy or shameful about this behavior. This is how the child learns to relieve stress by fantasizing, imagining imaginary actions. Contrary to the ideas imposed by the Bible and Soviet education about masturbation as something dirty and unacceptable for a self-respecting woman, today its benefits have been proven, of course, if not "go too far".

As a conclusion

The main goals of parents, especially mom, during puberty, are:

  • teach a girl to accept herself as she is;
  • transfer all knowledge regarding the technique of sexual relations, contraception and methods of protection against sexually transmitted infections;
  • show all the charm of a woman, mother, wife;
  • define the framework for decent behavior with the opposite sex;
  • teach how to cope with some of the ailments associated with premenstrual syndrome, thrush, etc.;
  • surround the child with love and care, especially when he needs it.

Of course, you grow up along with the child. Do not forget that the child has never been an adult, and you, adults, have already experienced all the hardships of this difficult period. How your child perceives everything depends more on you.