
How does newborn hair grow on the head?

The hair of newborns on the head is thin and delicate, to the touch it resembles fluff. With age, the color and structure of the rods change. They become stronger in the future. Almost all children are born with a "hairdo". The amount of hair and color depends on the hereditary factor. When they begin to change their appearance, this indicates a change in hormonal levels.

Girl with red hair

What determines the amount of hair in a newborn

A newborn's hair begins to change almost immediately after birth. About 50 rods fall out per day. New hairs quickly appear in their place. The baby's head constantly rubs the back of the head against the surface of the crib, so a receding hairline forms in that area. When the baby starts to sit, new hairs grow there. The bulbs (the so-called lower ends of the hairs) form a new process after the rods fall out.

If a child's baldness is a concern, then you need to see a doctor. The science of histology will determine the health of the hairline. The amount of hair in a newborn depends on the genetics of the parents. This is a hereditary factor that forms at the time of conception.

Important! It is impossible to influence the color and structure of the baby's hair.

What is the hair of a newborn

Babies are born with a small fluff on the head. It can be light, very sparse, curly, sometimes, on the contrary, black, long and thick. In fact, the first hairs do not play any role for the future hairstyle.

The rods and bulbs are formed in utero, in 2-3 months of life they completely change. Therefore, the crumbs may have a different hair color in the future. Such changes are associated with the amount of melanin and the hormonal background of the baby.

According to popular beliefs, it is believed that it is impossible to cut a child under one year old - this will badly affect the memory of the baby. In fact, you can do this. Therefore, many parents will learn how to properly shave their baby's head.

The baby is smiling

How to help baby hair grow

How to properly shave a newborn's head? This is a difficult procedure for a child - he may misunderstand the intentions of his parents and be very capricious. Until a year, it makes no sense to cut a baby's hair. Permanent hair color and structure are formed only by 5 years.

Shaving is believed to help strengthen the bulbs and roots. Many grandmothers talk about good results after doing this procedure with a baby. Don't worry about your baby's hairstyle. In the future, the hairs may lighten and then darken again, this is normal.

How fast hair grows in babies

Hair growth in a newborn boy or girl depends on the genes of the parents. In the first year of life, the rods do not grow so actively in infants. The crown of the baby's head may be bald, in the future it will overgrow. Closer to two years old, the child opens up most of the bulbs, bald spots overgrow.

Behind, the hairs fall out more, because the child is constantly in a horizontal position. When he starts to sit and walk, a new hairstyle will form. Mothers of girls whose hair growth slows down are especially worried. Don't worry about that. In some children, the follicles open later.

Important! There is no scientific evidence that shaving helps stimulate hair growth.

First hair problems

Some babies experience scalp and hair problems that are easy to treat. Most often noted:

  1. Milk crusts. This is a collection of skin flakes that stick to its surface. They completely pass by the year. To speed up the process, they are lubricated with baby oil.
  2. Baldness. The baby drops 50 hairs a day. In their place, new rods quickly grow. It happens that bald patches appear on the head. If they do not start to overgrow, then you need to see a doctor.
  3. Split ends. The tips of the rods are damaged by environmental factors. In rare cases, this indicates skin dysbiosis.

Any problems that babies have can be resolved. If they cause increased concern, it is worth seeing a doctor.

Does a newborn need to shave

When to shave a newborn's head and why is it so important? There is a superstition that along with the first hair, the baby's bad memories of colic pains and childhood illnesses disappear. So he rises to a new level of life. Whether it is necessary to do this, only parents decide. In any case, new hair will grow back in 2-3 months, after which it will be at the same level.

Baby is being combed

How to shave correctly

To shave the hair of a newborn, you must prepare all the tools in advance. The procedure is best done while bathing. You will need:

  • razor;
  • baby shampoo;
  • toys.

It is worth rescheduling shaving to another day if the baby is in a bad mood. Parents should be sure that the procedure will not harm him. How to shave a baby's head, step by step algorithm:

  1. Collect a bath of water for the crumbs.
  2. Give him time to calm down and get carried away with toys.
  3. Long strands, if any, are cut with dry scissors.
  4. Lather your head with baby shampoo.
  5. The hair is removed from the head with a razor.

Be sure to follow some tips during the process:

  1. Shaving begins from the back from the bottom, if the baby starts to be capricious, then the shaved area will not be visible.
  2. Use only baby shampoos so as not to dry out the scalp.
  3. You don't need to shave your baby if not all milk crusts have fallen off - you can damage the skin.
  4. Razors with a soft roller are selected so as not to scratch the head of the crumbs.
  5. The razor blades are directed against the growth of the rods.
  6. The procedure is stopped if the child is scared and very naughty.
  7. If you have a hair clipper, it is best to use it on the smallest attachment.

Dr. Komarovsky advises to shave a one-year-old child once, so that an even growth of all rods is formed. However, he urges not to get carried away with the procedure. This will not make your hair thicker and thicker. The color and structure of the hairline are inherited, it is impossible to influence it by external factors.

Important! Dry indoor air damages the hair structure.

Baby in mom's arms

Hair care

Baby hair is thin and brittle and needs proper care. It's okay if they fall out. Only by 5 years of age a permanent hairline is formed. Necessary care:

  1. Shampoos and other shampoos are chosen with a neutral acidic environment. It is forbidden to use adult shampoos and soaps - they negatively affect the skin, dry it out, and some of the hairs may fall out.
  2. They try to wash the baby's head with plain water as often as possible. Shampoos are allowed to be used no more than once a week.
  3. It is allowed to use herbal decoctions for rinsing. They revitalize the scalp and give shine, especially to blonde hair. Pre-test for plant allergy.
  4. Wet hair is gently blotted with a towel after bathing.
  5. Comb the head after it is completely dry so as not to damage the hair strands.
  6. Bathing is carried out 1-1.5 hours before bedtime so that the hair has time to dry completely.
  7. They use special children's combs with soft teeth so as not to scratch the crumb. After each brushing, they are washed with soap and water.
  8. It is forbidden to use hair dryers for drying - they severely damage hair strands and skin. Baby hair dries quickly, there is no need to use them.
  9. If the baby's hairs are tangled in a knot, it must be carefully trimmed with scissors.
  10. You need to shave no more than 1 time in 3 months.

Every parent wants their child to have beautiful and strong hair, especially for mothers of girls. Don't worry if your baby is born bald or with fine hair. By 2-3 months they will completely change to new ones. By the age of 5, a permanent hairline will form.

Watch the video: Shaving the head of baby #HUDATV (July 2024).