Shopping for children

Do babies need a walker and at what age should they be used?

When the child begins to sit confidently and is already starting to crawl, parents think about purchasing a special walker for babies that will help him learn to stand and walk. However, doctors are wary of such a device, to put it mildly, believing that it does more harm than good. How Dangerous Are Walkers? Should you buy them? When should a child be seated in them?

These and other questions are spinning in the minds of caring parents. Experts will help you understand the pros and cons of the device, introduce you to the most optimal models and tell you how to use the walker correctly.

Cons and pros of adaptation

Baby walkers are constructions that consist of a body, wheels, a seat and a table top. Such devices are designed to support the child's torso in a position necessary for upright posture and hone walking skills.

When the baby is placed in the device, his feet reach the floor. As a result, he, feeling the support under his legs, begins to push off and move around the room.

It is rather difficult to say unequivocally whether it is useful to put a child in a walker or not. Even child health experts still have no consensus. Some pediatricians are convinced that stimulating walking skills with the help of additional devices is only beneficial.

However, other doctors (by the way, the majority of them) are sure that the child himself must learn to walk, and the auxiliary structures only slow down the emergence of this ability. Analysis of publicly available information allows us to highlight the main advantages and disadvantages of the product.

Benefits of a walker

It is believed that if the walker is used correctly and for a limited time, then they can only be expected to benefit in terms of the development of the child.


  • using the design will allow the mother to take a break or do household chores, while the baby is playing and having fun in complete safety;
  • the product is able to fully satisfy the child's desire to independently explore the world around him. The kid will "wander" around the room, having fun and perceiving new information;
  • walkers allow the baby to open up a "vertical" space and a lot of new impressions, which positively affects the improvement of his intellectual and emotional characteristics;
  • modern devices are equipped with a variety of various gaming accessories, including movable rings, balls, sound sensors, rattles. Such toys will help develop fine motor skills and sensory skills;
  • a design whose diameter exceeds the span of an infant's handles will prevent the young experimenter from reaching dangerous things or touching anything that could potentially harm him.

Disadvantages of walkers

If a baby has a slowdown in the formation of walking skills (when compared with the physiological norm), it will be useful for parents to learn how to teach a child to walk and what exercises are recommended for this.

Opponents talk about negative consequences of using such devices for walking:

  • the natural formation of motor skills slows down, since the child very quickly gets used to moving with the help of such a device;
  • when the device is used, the crawling stage "flies out" in the child. But in this age period, the musculature of the body should be strengthened, coordination of movements should improve. That is, crawling is a rehearsal for walking;
  • excessive enthusiasm for such a device often leads to the fact that an increased load on the body becomes the cause of deformation of the spinal column and legs;
  • since the child does not learn to maintain balance on his own, the vestibular apparatus does not develop correctly. As a result, there are problems with maintaining balance when walking without support;
  • reliable safety net against falls reduces the likelihood that the child will quickly and correctly learn to fall (grouping in flight, protecting important places), which can cause serious injuries later;
  • there is evidence that the enthusiasm for the walker provokes the incorrect formation of the arch of the foot, in addition, the baby can learn to walk on tiptoes due to improper placement of the foot on the foot;
  • in some situations, children accelerate in a walker, regardless of the restraints, and may roll over when they bump into an obstacle (threshold, carpet, doorframe). This is fraught with the structure overturning and the child falling out of it.

In the Soviet Union, walkers were discontinued in the 70s, as pediatricians found that such devices contributed to the formation of foot defects. The Canadian authorities did the same in the late 1980s.

From how many months can you put in a walker?

If the parents nevertheless decided to use this device, having weighed all the pros and cons, it remains to understand at what age a child can be put in a walker.

Pediatricians do not give a specific answer to the question of exactly what age you can start using the walker. Childhood development is always individual, so the device can only be used in the event that the child:

  • can sit confidently without parental support;
  • differs in activity, cheerful mood, curiosity;
  • does not suffer from diseases of the musculoskeletal system and / or rickets;
  • has normal vision;
  • interested in the proposed design.

If we take into account all the conditions described above, then the answer to the question from how many months it is possible to put a child in a walker will be as follows - 6 - 8 months.

The popular TV doctor E.O. Komarovsky is convinced that not a child needs a walker, but his parents. Many mothers, with the help of such a device, "neutralize" the baby in order to rest a little or do housework.

A later date for the start of walking allows the child's body to prepare for vertical loads. The muscular and ligamentous apparatus will become so strong that walking will no longer pose any danger to the child.

Komarovsky believes that if the baby spends less than an hour a day in the walker, this will not negatively affect his health. Naturally, subject to child safety. When can I put my baby on a walker? The doctor is convinced that not earlier than 9 months.

Gender issue

Walkers for little boys are a separate topic, because due to the anatomical and physiological characteristics of male babies, many parents are afraid of their prolonged presence in this device.

The main argument is the threat of the negative impact of the walker on the development of the genitourinary organs due to friction and pressing of the perineum, the frequent appearance of diaper rash and prickly heat in the place of contact of the seat with the skin.

Discussing the question of how many months a boy can be put in a walker, many pediatric and orthopedic specialists recommend waiting for the standard deadline (9 months) and limiting the time spent in this device to 30-40 minutes per day.

And at what age is it allowed to put a girl in a walker? This question is not for nothing that worries the parents of babies, since it is female babies who are more susceptible to dysplastic pathologies of the hip joints.

Such diseases can be aggravated by walkers if they have not been diagnosed before. That is why, before you wonder when to put girls in walkers, you should attend to the physical fitness of little princesses.

Interest in the topic, you can put girls in a walker or not, is quite justified. Each baby is a future mother. That is why one should take care of the state of her pelvis, spinal column and other elements of the musculoskeletal system.

Operating rules and contraindications

The main rule of operation is safety. Before putting a child on the walker, carpets that are not attached to the floor should be removed, otherwise they will bully and create high-altitude differences, which is extremely dangerous for moving children.

If the floor in the room is cool, experts advise purchasing the longest and widest carpet runner that will cover the entire walking surface without joints.

All corners and edges must be fixed with small nails or screws (for laminate or parquet boards), a special linoleum strip or thick paste if the floor is concrete. That is, parents should temporarily forget about the beautiful flooring.

You also need to remove all potentially dangerous low-standing objects, sockets should be equipped with plugs. Sharp furniture corners should be covered with special overlays. All these measures will prevent injury to the baby if the walker accidentally rolls over.

The following rules apply directly to using a walker:

  • the baby needs to be taught gradually, on the first day the device can be used for only a few minutes, then the time is carefully increased to 40-60 minutes a day;
  • children's feet should reach the floor with their entire foot and stand level. It is important to adjust the device for the child's height and make sure that he does not stand on his toes;
  • to walk in the device, it is worth putting shoes with hard soles on children's feet - this will allow the child to place the foot correctly and not damage the leg if he comes across scattered toys.

Do not forget about contraindications. You should refuse to use a walker if the child is too young and physically not ready for an upright position.

Besides, contraindications include:

  • hyper- or hypotonia of the lower extremities;
  • inflammation and damage to the skin at the points of contact with the seat;
  • rickets symptoms;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • unwillingness of the baby to sit in the walker.

Under no circumstances should the child be left alone in the room while sitting in the walker. To plant and leave is to expose him to unnecessary risk.

Varieties of baby walkers

The walkers, as mentioned above, are a structure consisting of a child seat, a special frame, which is equipped with rotating wheels. This allows the baby to independently move around the room by stepping over.

Depending on the complexity of the design, there are There are 3 main types of this device:

  • classic walkers - have the simplest design, most often there are no various gadgets and additional elements;
  • transformers - a multifunctional design that can be used as a rocking chair, swing or high chair. Has height adjusters, a surface with various toys;
  • pushers - in terms of their functions, these devices resemble those familiar to everyone. A child (already able to walk) pushes the toy forward, using it as a support when walking.

Also, devices are divided into folding and non-folding. Many parents are convinced that non-folding structures are more stable, but this quality depends on the height and width of the product, the size of the wheels.

In addition, the more wheels, the more mobile and maneuverable the walker, but it is important to choose devices with motion blockers. This will prevent the overclocking of the structure and will allow the little passenger to stop for a deeper study of the subject of interest.

Walker selection rules

Some disadvantages can be smoothed out if you choose a high-quality product and use it correctly. When purchasing, you need to pay attention not only to the design, but also main characteristics of the device:

  1. Sturdy wide body. It is better to prefer a structure made of durable plastic or metal. Moreover, the frame should be wider than the seat. You should also choose a product with a rubberized bumper that reduces impact energy in a collision.
  2. Wheel diameter. The larger the wheels, the better. Small wheels are undesirable in terms of safety, moreover, the child will be uncomfortable to move around. It is also worth making sure that the wheels rotate around the axle with ease.
  3. Safe seat. It is important to ensure that the backrest of the seat is rigid to support the child's spine table. The chair itself is deeply seated, which excludes the possibility of the baby getting out of the structure on his own.
  4. The ability to adjust the height. This parameter is very important because the height adjustment allows you to customize the walker for a specific child. In this case, children's feet will reach the surface with a full foot.
  5. Ergonomic design. It is very convenient if the product is folded because you can take it with you. In addition, the function of protection against unexpected folding will be useful, this will increase the safety of the walker.

Do not exceed the maximum weight for which the device is designed. Height and weight restrictions must be indicated on the data sheet. Usually they are 12 - 15 kilograms with an increase of 80 - 82 centimeters.

Popular manufacturers

Every parent who has used a walker can confidently name the world's most famous manufacturers. However, there are also products of little-known companies on sale. Which one to prefer?

Walking structures are traditionally divided into 2 main groups:

  • walkers of popular brands from Italy and China: Italian Peg-Perego, Chicco, Brevi and Chinese Barty. The products of these companies are expensive, but they are of high quality and workmanship;
  • walkers from China, Poland and Russia: Selby, Baby Care, Happy Baby, Capella, Firefly. Such products are cheap, but they are still of high quality and safe.

Do I need to overpay for a well-known brand? It is up to parents to decide. Of course, kids want to buy the best product, but the walkers will last only a few months, and then they will be put aside because they are not needed.

It is necessary to abandon "nameless" products and goods of little-known companies. Such walkers will either break down quickly or harm the child altogether.

Review of the 5 best walkers

There are many devices on the market for learning to walk, so it's no wonder you get lost in this abundance. We have selected the most popular walker models that deserve parental attention.

1st place. Baby Care Prix SB-806

A very lightweight device that stands out for its stability and well thought-out design. It is mounted on six doubled silicone castors, equipped with two locking feet. The latter, after pressing the buttons, go down and slow down the movement.

The baby walker is compact, allowing the child to move between rooms. The seat is cotton, soft, comfortable, easy to remove, washing in an automatic machine is provided. There is a possibility to adjust the height.

Main advantages:

  • sustainability;
  • height adjustment function;
  • comfortable seat;
  • playing surface with musical and light effects;
  • removable seat cover;
  • nice design;
  • the presence of clamps;
  • the ability to fold the product;
  • relative cheapness.

Main disadvantages:

  • there is no way to adjust the sound volume.

Baby Care Prix Walkers

2nd place. Chicco Dj Baby Walker

Quite an expensive model that can be converted from a walker to a feeding table. The body is quite stable, rests on 4 wheels, which are able to block when a child approaches a flight of stairs. Safety is generally very well thought out - there are brakes and clamps.

The music and game panel is very high quality, multifunctional. It can be removed and installed on a stroller. There is a feeding table under it.

Main advantages:

  • front wheels are swivel;
  • structural stability;
  • comfortable seat with removable cotton cover;
  • 6 brakes stoppers;
  • lock function when the product approaches the stairs.

Main disadvantages:

  • extended wheelbase;
  • high price.

Chicco Walky

3rd place. Capella Bg-0619

A very handy device with quiet running and compact dimensions. The base is mounted on 6 silicone wheels that provide good stability.

The music-playing surface is equipped with various buttons, lamps, sensors, which will undoubtedly please the little user. If necessary, the panel can be removed, and in its place there is a feeding table. The seat height can also be adjusted.

Main advantages:

  • the ability to adjust the height in 5 positions;
  • folding structure;
  • removable music and playing surface;
  • low-speed design;
  • the presence of clamps;
  • the ability to adjust in height.

Main disadvantages:

  • unpleasant plastic smell;
  • the seat may be lowered if pressed firmly.

Walkers Capella BG-0619

4th place. Happy baby robin

A transformable walker that can be turned into a rocking chair or feeding place. Usually children are very happy to sit in such a device, since it is distinguished by its comfort, attractive music and play center.

This product has a very good playing surface, which contains numerous toys, musical instruments, and various sensors. When the panel is removed, the walker is transformed into a feeding table or rocking chair.

Main advantages:

  • high quality;
  • easily removable upholstery that can be washed;
  • multifunctional surface;
  • the ability to transform into other devices;
  • compact design;
  • comfortable silicone wheels.

Main disadvantages:

  • insufficiently convenient transformation mechanism;
  • the child can easily reach various objects.

Walkers Happy Baby Robin

5th place. Jetem sky walker

Quite a good product of the Polish company, which is distinguished by its stylish appearance and thoughtful design. Parents appreciate this device for its durable materials, excellent music and play surface, and many options to diversify the child's life.

It is possible to put a child in a walking device from 6 months, which allows a little longer the "life" of the walker.

Main advantages:

  • optimal cost;
  • quality of materials;
  • rubber bumper;
  • stable wide base;
  • lightness of construction;
  • the ability to adjust in height;
  • 8 twin silicone wheels;
  • removable washable cover.

Main disadvantages:

  • the steering wheel is high enough, which is inconvenient for the child.

Jetem Sky Walker

These devices were popular with parents in 2016. All devices are distinguished by high quality, well thought-out design and durability.

As a conclusion

A child in a walker is a very cute sight, but many pediatricians and orthopedists are convinced that such a device is completely unnecessary for healthy babies. There is an opinion that without a walker the baby will learn to walk much faster.

If the parents are convinced of the validity of the use of the device, then certain conditions should be observed that can preserve children's health and avoid some problems:

  • the question of when to put a small child in a walker is decided on an individual basis;
  • you can plant a girl or a boy if the baby can sit and crawl well;
  • it is important to adjust the height of the seat so that the child can rest on the surface with a full foot;
  • it is better to train the baby so that he can put his feet on the floor correctly;
  • you can put the child in the walker for a quarter of an hour in a row; during the day, you cannot leave the baby in the device for more than 60 minutes.

Thus, the questions of how to choose a walker and from how many months to use them must be approached very carefully. As long as the parents follow all the precautions, then the gait training device should not harm children's health.

Watch the video: Can we use BABY WALKER? How safe it is? (July 2024).