Child health

Normal temperature in a baby - says the pediatrician

A child in a family is always a great joy. Caring for him is a whole science. There is a wealth of literature on this issue in the modern world. But young parents do not always understand everything about their own kids. Is it cold for a child or hot? What is the normal body temperature of a newborn? Our article will reveal all the secrets of thermoregulation in babies. Together with you, we will find out what the normal temperature is in children under one year old.

The concept of thermoregulation

The human body is designed in such a way that our body temperature changes under the influence of the environment. This process is called thermoregulation. Its main center is located in the brain. In a baby, this mechanism does not work quite well, so the baby is easily cooled or overheated.

Two processes always take place in a child's body - heat production and heat transfer. Heat production for babies is very active. A child produces much more heat than an adult, but babies can hardly give off this heat, since their sweat glands are underdeveloped.

Komarovsky, pediatrician: “If the parents are warm, then it may well be that their baby is hot. Touch the back of the baby's head, if it is cold, the baby is cold, if, on the contrary, it is humid, it means hot. The normal temperature of a baby fluctuates. "

In children of the first months, the source of heat is brown fat, which babies accumulate from the end of intrauterine life. The crumbs also do not know how to tremble, therefore, when they freeze, they begin to actively move their arms or legs.

The subcutaneous fat is too thin. This reduces the ability to retain heat inside the body. Sweating is poorly developed. The kid cannot properly give away excess moisture.

Indicators of the state of heat or cold in infants are the nose, hands and the back of the head.

How to measure temperature?

To know the normal body temperature of a child, three measurements are required - morning, evening and afternoon. The average value should be chosen.

Body temperature can be measured:

  • in the armpit - the most common method;
  • in the groin fold;
  • in the mouth;
  • in the anus.

A thermometer is required for measurement. It is necessary to place it in the armpit, fix it with your hand for 5 - 10 minutes. If the child does not allow to measure, then at least two minutes. At high temperatures, a mercury thermometer will have enough time to warm up.

We do the same in the groin fold.

When measuring the temperature in your mouth, never use a mercury glass thermometer. The child may break the tip.

When measuring in the anus, the thermometer must first be dipped in petroleum jelly. Then raise the baby's legs and gently insert the thermometer into the anus by 2 - 3 cm. Measure for three minutes.

Normal temperature in a baby

An infant's temperature can vary with environmental conditions. The figure 36.6, to which we are all accustomed, cannot be attributed to children under one year old.

The body temperature of a newborn is considered normal:

  • in the armpit - 36 - 37.5 degrees;
  • in the anus - 1 degree more, that is, 37 - 38 degrees;
  • in the mouth - 37.2 degrees.

As a result, the amplitude of normal temperature in a newborn is 2 degrees - 36 - 38 ˚С.

Types of thermometers

  1. Electronic... Safe to use. But he is not always accurate in his readings, there are errors of half a degree. After the end of the measurement, it emits a sound or light signal.
  2. Mercury... The most accurate. The mercury ball heats up and expands due to the high temperature and cools more slowly. The downside of such a thermometer is that it is easy to break. Or a child can chew on it, and mercury is toxic.
  3. Infrared (rectal, ear, frontal). They measure the temperature tactilely, in the ear or pressing it to the forehead. Its readings can be overestimated by half a degree.
  4. Dummy thermometer... A nipple thermometer will be useful for those children who suck pacifiers and are capricious during the temperature measurement procedure. It happens with various funny drawings on the ring.

Dr. Komarovsky: “In Russia, the main thermometer is a mercury thermometer. It is like a tradition passed down from generation to generation. The main thing is that the thermometer shows the exact temperature. "

Temperature rise

If the baby has a temperature in the armpit of 37.5 degrees, but at the same time he feels good - he eats, does not cry - then the worries are in vain.

If such a temperature is accompanied by mucous discharge from the nose, coughing, apathy of the child and poor appetite, then, most likely, an infectious process begins.

Reasons for the rise in temperature

  1. The child is warmly dressed... The rule for dressing babies in cold weather is "+1 layer from an adult." This means that you need to mentally add another layer to the clothes you are wearing now. In the heat, the rule is "-1 layer".
  2. It's hot in the children's room... The optimal temperature regime at home is 20 - 24 degrees.
  3. Dry air, heaters on... They can also artificially overheat indoor air.

Age-related changes in body temperature

A newborn baby does not move much, so its temperature is higher than that of an adult. As mentioned above - 36 - 37.5 ° C. In a two-month-old baby, the temperature is also close to these figures. At the age of 3 months, a child already begins to be active - the baby turns over on his stomach, stands up on his arms.

Its temperature should be up to 37.3 degrees. A child at 4 months may have the first tooth, which is capable of giving rise to a temperature rise.

At 6 months, the baby begins to sit, the heat transfer processes are already more pronounced, he can sweat during active games, so for him the upper limit is 37 degrees.

So, we found out that temperature fluctuations are typical for children of the first year. We also figured out what temperature a newborn should have.

To avoid overheating or hypothermia of the baby, take a few actions as a rule:

  • humidify the air in the nursery;
  • ventilate the room several times a day for 20 minutes;
  • when dressing on the street, adequately assess the weather and the clothes that you put on the child;
  • do not wrap the baby in several diapers if it is hot at home;
  • if the overall well-being of the baby changes, consult a doctor.

Watch the video: What to do if your Newborn baby has fever - Tips by Dr. Sanjay Wazir. S01E01 (July 2024).