Baby care

10 important rules for bathing a newborn baby and reviews of bathing products

Caring for a newborn always raises concerns and fears among young parents. Bathing is a ritual for which you need to properly prepare. Know how to hold the baby, which bath and bath products to use so that the baby sleeps soundly. Our article will cover the basics of how to bathe a newborn baby for the first time.

About temperature criteria

Bathing a baby is a procedure that should bring joy and pleasure. Upon contact with water, tactile stimulation occurs, and physical performance improves.

But a prerequisite, of course, are hygienic manipulations and temperature conditions: both water and ambient air.

During intrauterine life, the baby was surrounded by amniotic fluid for all 9 months. After birth, he leaves this environment, goes through the processes of adaptation to new conditions. Therefore, bathing in water is a reminder for him of the "past" life in his mother's tummy.

If we talk about the temperature regime, then it is about 37 degrees. When this temperature level rises, the child may overheat or get burned. Conversely, swimming in cold water can even frighten an infant and discourage swimming for a long time.

The baby's first bath lasts about 10 minutes, so don't worry that the water will have time to cool down.

Ways of measuring water temperature:

  • thermometer;
  • "Elbow way".

Pharmacies sell a variety of fish-shaped water thermometers that are immersed in a bath. You can also use your own hands. Submerge your elbow in water and estimate roughly whether the water is hot or cool.

It should be remembered that the umbilical wound in very small crumbs has not yet healed, and for bathing newborns in the first days of life, it is necessary to boil water. This should be done within the first two weeks. To do this, we first collect cold water in the bath, then add boiling water to the temperature we need - 36-37 degrees. Be sure to stir the water.

When the baby overheats, you will notice redness of the skin, lethargy. And, conversely, if the baby is frozen, he will clench his fists, cry, and his lips and limbs will turn blue.

If the child cries while bathing, then the procedure should be stopped. Review again what you are doing wrong.

The air temperature in the bathroom should be around 23 degrees.

What needs to be prepared for swimming?

For water procedures, you will need the following items:

  • bath;
  • a slide for swimming;
  • thermometer;
  • diaper;
  • soft terry towel;
  • children's bathing products.

Baby bath products

In modern stores you can find a variety of baby shampoos, gels and bath foams. The most widely used line is Johnson's Baby.

Bathing foam, especially with lavender oil, has hypoallergenic properties and a soothing effect.

Important properties of baby gels

  1. Hypoallergenic - the absence of harmful dyes and fragrances that can cause an allergic reaction.
  2. Safety. After all, any child can taste the foam "by the tooth".

Of course, if it was not a drop of gel, but a sip or two, you need to call an ambulance.

Daria, Moscow, 25 years old: “Foam for bathing" Johnsons Baby "for us, or rather, for my six-month happiness, perfectly suited. Available in a large 500 ml pink bottle. The price is very democratic, and will last for a long time - about 4 months. But, depending on how much you pour into the bath. For excitable children, there is also lavender.

Baby soap "Eared nanny", Hipp is also popular among young mothers. Convenient and the form of its use is liquid.

This soap should be fragrance-free. An essential component is glycerin to soften delicate skin. Always a big plus for soap is the presence of substances of plant origin and a special dispenser for convenient use.

You can still bathe children in herbal teas with thyme, chamomile, lemon balm. They have good anti-inflammatory and soothing properties. They will provide all possible help with diaper rash and hyperexcitability of the baby.

Natalia, 28 years old: “I bought a hair wash“ Eared Nanny ”, I thought it would be suitable as foam for a bath, but it was not. Foams mediocre. Great for babies, softens the skin well. No allergic reactions were found. There is, however, grape flavor, so I would not recommend it for newborns. "

PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. For my son I use the Eared Nanny liquid soap. Foams very well, so to speak "2 in 1" - both foam and soap. The smell is pleasant, it washes off quickly. I have never noticed allergies, it softens and soothes the skin very well with diaper rash, if any.

Also, the line of bathing products of the German company "Bubchen" is in high demand on the market. But they are expensive.

Nowadays, you can find a lot of shampoos, bath foams, gels for bathing babies. But even with such a variety, an individual approach and mandatory consideration of possible allergic reactions are required. What to bathe the baby, it is up to the parents to decide.

The first bath of the newborn

Here is the long-awaited moment of discharge from the hospital. You have come home, and after a certain amount of time, the question arises of how to bathe this small and very fragile ball of happiness.

Bathing the child after the hospital should be carried out the next day to allow the newborn to adapt to his new room and crib.

The child should be bathed in his own bath. The bath should be chosen in children's stores, since the goods are certified there, and the plastic and other substances from which the bath is made will not harm the baby's health when bathing.

For this procedure, a slide can be used for convenience. There are plastic slides, fabric hammocks, slides with a metal frame, covered with fabric. Special trays with already built-in slides are also sold.

PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. My husband and I liked to bathe our baby on a fabric slide with a metal frame. The husband even built it himself. The child is more comfortable and softer to lie on the fabric than on the plastic backing.

Baby bathing rules

  1. Preparing a place in the bathroom, where it is most convenient to place the bath. You can put it on a stool or in a large tub.
  2. Preparing water. If the umbilical wound has not healed, then the water should be boiled.
  3. We check the presence of a mug or a small ladle to rinse the baby.
  4. We collect water, about a quarter of the bath. We check the temperature with a thermometer or elbow. Add foam or herbal decoction if desired.
  5. We put the slide.
  6. We close the bathroom.
  7. Cooking the child.
  8. We undress the baby on the changing table. If the room is warm, then you can take an air bath for a few minutes. Then we swaddle with the head, but not tight.
  9. We carefully place the baby on the slide, monitor the child's well-being, the color of his skin, and a large fontanel.
  10. First, gently wash the arms, legs, body, then the child's head, trying to protect the eyes from water. At the end, rinse the baby with clean water. Bathing a newborn should begin at five minutes, gradually increasing the amount of time to 15 minutes.

For more information on how to swaddle a newborn and up to what age a child should be wrapped in a swaddling cloth, read the article of the children's doctor.

How to wash a newborn?

You can wash a child simply by hand, or with a special washcloth-mitten, which can be bought in a children's store. When choosing a mitten, evaluate the material from which it is made and the smell, so as not to cause allergies in the child.

After the child has bathed, he should be wrapped in a dry terry towel and dried with blotting movements. Dress in a vest, sliders, or swaddle.

The baby should be bathed for the first 4-5 months daily, but the hair should be washed no more than 2 times a week. In the second half of your life, you can bathe every other day.

Bathing a baby is not an easy task. While still pregnant, it will be useful to study the necessary materials on how to properly bathe a newborn baby. Try to involve your husband in this process.

Assistants will never be superfluous. The baby will feel the care of both parents.

Watch the video: NEWBORN BABY BATH TIME ROUTINE + Essential Baby Bath Products. Ysis Lorenna (September 2024).