
Is self-satisfaction dangerous during pregnancy?

The sexual appetite of a pregnant woman increases. Almost until the middle of the third trimester, the expectant mother experiences increased libido. Unfortunately, sex is not always allowed by doctors if the pregnancy is complicated. And not all men are psychologically ready for sexual relations with a pregnant wife; many, even in the 21st century, are sure that sexual intercourse can harm the heir. The woman has no choice but to think about self-satisfaction. Is masturbation dangerous during pregnancy? We will tell you in this article.

What happens to libido?

Under the influence of the hormone progesterone, which "directs" all processes in the pregnant woman's body literally from the very first hours after conception, libido begins to increase from about 5-6 weeks of pregnancy. This is due to the fact that the mucous membranes in the body of the expectant mother become looser, they are better supplied with blood. The amount of blood circulating in the body increases after the 12th week of pregnancy, when the young, formed placenta begins to function.

From that moment on, almost all women feel the need for sex, because the genitals are also "filled" due to the increased blood flow, and the sexual sensations become brighter. Many women note that sexual intercourse during pregnancy gives them more pleasure than before, and some even argue that it was in an “interesting” position that they experienced the first full-fledged orgasm in their life.

If the pregnancy proceeds without complications, doctors usually do not impose a ban on sex, and the couple may well engage in it for their own pleasure, both in the early stages of pregnancy and later. However, threats of miscarriage, improper placement of the placenta, isthmic-cervical insufficiency are always contraindications to sexual relations, and it is very difficult for a woman to cope with an increased libido.

Even in our fully enlightened age, there are still men who believe that sex can have a detrimental effect on the fetus. Such representatives of the strong half of humanity are not too willing to agree to intimate relationships in the early stages of pregnancy, and when the wife's tummy grows up and clearly outlines the tummy, they may refuse to have sexual intercourse altogether, fearing to harm the child.

Not all pregnant women have a regular sexual partner, because life circumstances are different. But in all these cases, sooner or later, the pregnant woman faces the question of whether it is possible to masturbate while expecting a baby, whether this will affect the process of carrying a baby and the upcoming birth.

Effects of orgasm on pregnancy

If the pregnancy is proceeding normally, and the doctor does not prohibit the woman from having an intimate relationship, then an orgasm during pregnancy is useful and pleasant. Its benefit is due to the fact that the contraction of the muscles of the uterus, which occurs at the time of sexual discharge, improves blood circulation to the genital organ. This has a positive effect on the mood and well-being of the expectant mother herself, as well as her baby, who, after mother's orgasm, begins to receive more oxygen and nutrients from the blood.

In the later stages (after 30 weeks of pregnancy), regular orgasms are also an additional training of the muscles of the uterus before the upcoming birth. If a full-fledged sexual intercourse is performed with a man, then the sperm, which contains a large amount of prostaglandins, also contributes to the maturation of the cervix. A mature cervix is ​​a guarantee of its full disclosure during labor.

This method, which is popularly called "muzherapy", is widely used in the absence of contraindications for post-term pregnancy. It is believed that a good and solid orgasm may well act as a stimulation of the labor process.

Masturbation, of course, is less effective in the case of the baby's overmaturity, because orgasm itself does not practically affect the maturation of the cervix without the presence of sperm in a woman's genital tract.

During orgasm, a pregnant woman's body produces a large amount of the "happiness hormone" - endorphin. This has a positive effect on the well-being of the expectant mother herself and her fetus, which will definitely receive endorphins with the mother's blood through the uteroplacental blood flow.

How to masturbate correctly?

If for some reason it is not possible to have intercourse, a woman with an uncomplicated pregnancy may well resort to self-satisfaction, while remembering about safety and caution. Masturbation may well give a woman pleasure and benefit only when there are no medical contraindications, nothing threatens the child and mother. Do not be shy and believe that someone will understand something wrong if you just ask your doctor about the possibility of having an orgasm. If the pregnancy is proceeding normally, he will definitely give the go-ahead.

A woman needs to ensure that her hands are clean during the process, because the genital tract is very vulnerable while waiting for a child, and infection and intestinal bacteria should be avoided. Also, one should not make too intense and abrupt movements, because the mucous membranes under the influence of progesterone become loose and slight post-traumatic bleeding is possible. From the same point of view, the use of sex toys is inappropriate.

You should also refrain from intimate lubricants and gels, so as not to disturb the microflora of the vagina. For lubrication, you can use vegetable oil slightly warmed up to body temperature.

The clitoral orgasm is more intense and bright, the contractions of the muscles of the uterus during the clitoral orgasm are more intense and strong than during the vaginal. If a woman has no medical contraindications to sex and orgasm, she may well practice this kind of pleasure with caution. But even with minor problems, a clitoral orgasm is undesirable, as it can cause premature birth or miscarriage.

The question of where and how to masturbate is difficult to answer. At a later date, it is undesirable for self-satisfaction to be in the supine position, since a large and heavy fetus can squeeze the vena cava with its weight, which can lead to fainting, loss of consciousness. This is best done while lying on your side. At a later date (at 38, 39 and 40 weeks), you should not resort to using a shower, because the outpouring of water in the event of the onset of labor after orgasm may not be noticed.

Stimulation of the clitoris and vagina should not be too deep so that the woman does not damage the cervix and does not provoke bleeding. It is also not necessary to carry out an act of self-gratification in a sitting position with vaginal stimulation - so it will be quite difficult to control the depth of penetration.

When is masturbation dangerous?

Sex, masturbation, and other forms of sexual release can be dangerous only if the woman has a threat of termination of pregnancy or premature birth. Any contraction of the uterine muscles in this case can lead to the onset of labor ahead of schedule.... Situations when the expectant mother is diagnosed with placenta previa or low placentation are also dangerous. After orgasm, profuse bleeding may occur, placental abruption, which can lead to the death of the baby and mother.

Sexual rest is recommended for women with an incompetent cervix, including after the imposition of an obstetric pessary or surgical sutures on the cervix. Also, sex and orgasm may be prohibited during long periods of pregnancy for women who have scars on the uterus after a previous cesarean section or other operations that were performed on the uterus.

After 18 weeks of pregnancy, orgasm is not recommended for women who are carrying twins or triplets. Throughout pregnancy, both masturbation and orgasm obtained through ordinary intercourse are prohibited for women whose pregnancy has become possible as a result of in vitro fertilization (IVF).

Bromine preparations, as well as mild herbal sedatives, are usually recommended to ensure sexual rest for such pregnant women.

Women should avoid stimulation of the genitals and nipples of the mammary glands, not only within intimacy, but also during massage, showering, and also when wearing tight clothes or a bra.

In the late stages of pregnancy, when the mucous plug (clots that close the entrance to the cervical canal during the entire pregnancy) begins to discharge, sex in the traditional sense and masturbation in particular are not recommended even for perfectly healthy women. Any infection that can penetrate the vagina threatens to penetrate further into the uterine cavity, because the barrier (plug) is no longer there or it does not provide complete protection. With leakage of amniotic fluid, sex and orgasm are also contraindicated.

Even a healthy woman with an unburdened pregnancy should remember that there are periods in which the first signs of threat or unwanted consequences of orgasm may appear. These periods, according to experts, include 9-11 weeks, 16-18 weeks and 37-38 weeks. It is during these periods that miscarriages or premature births most often occur. With sex or masturbation these weeks it is better not to be zealous and abstain.

See below for more details.

Watch the video: Is It Safe To Have An Orgasm During Pregnancy? (September 2024).