
Combi strollers

For their child, parents are ready to do everything - including buying the best stroller. Promoted brands, using high demand for their goods, often inflate prices that are already not the lowest, which makes them inaccessible for most consumers. At the same time, practice shows that many worthy competitors of eminent companies have products of comparable quality in their assortment, but at more modest prices - without the markup "for the brand".

It is for this reason that experts recommend not limiting the choice to only the most famous brands, because in this case one could skip the strollers of such a good manufacturer as Combi.

Who releases?

For many decades, the best in their category are those products that are produced in Western Europe or North America. For a long time, European and American goods competed exclusively with each other, until relatively recently, goods from the leading Asian countries, which gradually entered the world market, began to increasingly compete with them.

While many domestic consumers still mistrust Chinese products, Japanese technologies have always been in good standing. It's even strange why cars and electronics from the Land of the Rising Sun have long and firmly entered our lives, and strollers from the same country are still more popular only in the Far East, and even then - relatively.

Combi is exactly the brand that can turn the situation upside down. The company entered our market relatively recently, therefore it has not yet managed to become truly massive, however, this does not mean that it has no experience. It has been successfully selling strollers and combo 2 in 1 strollers since 1961.

A domestic consumer might never have heard of such a brand. But, most likely, he has heard about the innovations that the engineers of this particular company came up with, for example, the ability to block the swivel wheels when the handle is thrown over while unlocking those that were previously considered rear, as well as the ability to silently expand the stroller to a lying position without fixed positions.

The company as a whole focuses on the use of modern materials and technologies. She owns a considerable number of patents for various devices, including the Dacco insert. It allows the baby to be relaxed, despite the fact that at this time he is still in an orthopedically correct position. The EggShock technology has also been used for about two decades, the essence of which is the use of special shock-absorbing materials that completely absorb shock and vibration.

Given the quality of our roads, such a solution might be ideal.

Other advantages of the products of this brand stand out. For example, his strollers are considered to be among the lightest in their category. For this reason, they are great for both travel and the harsh everyday life of people living on the upper floors of high-rise buildings.

The possibility of folding literally by pressing one button deserves special attention. Thanks to this, not only the storage of children's transport, but also the passage through the elevator door is greatly simplified.

Disadvantages of Japanese creations are not easy to find. It should be noted that for all its supposedly cheapness, Combi remains an imported and fairly high-quality stroller, which costs much more than low-quality Chinese counterparts. Although its quality is undeniable, many domestic consumers, due to lack of money, are ready to give preference to simply a cheaper option. In addition, the relatively weak promotion of the brand does not yet help to properly select accessories. The company cannot provide service for Japanese products to residents of Russia.

Current models

Like any self-respecting manufacturer, Combi regularly updates its range to constantly meet the needs of potential customers. He pushes for renewal and striving to use the latest technologies, on which a team of qualified engineers is constantly working.

As of the summer of 2018, the Japanese company's lineup consists of almost nothing but strollers. But they are presented in a good assortment, allowing you to choose an excellent option for every consumer.

Well carry

Despite the fact that this model is considered a walking model, it would be more correct to call it a transformer, since its use is possible for children from 4 weeks to 3 years old. What is typical for the entire model range - the exact position of the back is chosen by the parents themselves, since there are no fixed positions here.

All materials breathe, providing the baby with one hundred percent comfort even in the summer heat. Safety is guaranteed not only by the five-point belts, but also by the protective bumper. Parents should like this stroller for its lightness and compactness - with a weight of less than 6 kilograms, its width is even slightly less than half a meter. The price of such a stroller is only 14-17 thousand rubles.

F2 and F2 Plus

There are no radical differences between the two models, it is just that the second of them has larger dimensions and is oriented towards more obese children, so it is advisable to consider them as a single option. These strollers weigh even less than the previous model - just 3.8–3.9 kg. The well-thought-out design is represented by widely spaced wheels so that parents do not touch their feet while walking the baby.

For maximum convenience in controlling children's transport, a concept has been implemented in which the handle is actually one piece with the front axle. Thanks to this, the stroller obeys any movement of the hand. At the same time, the F2 Plus model has an interesting addition, in which the stroller “remembers” the last position before folding (recall that there are no preset positions here) and after unfolding it returns the back to exactly this position. Apparently, this is where the noticeable difference in price lies, because a simple model will cost 12-14 thousand rubles, while the F2 Plus costs about 4 thousand more.

Mega Ride Deluxe

This is one of the unusually expensive models of the Japanese company in question, because such a stroller can cost from 32 to 36 thousand rubles. The company itself draws attention to the fact that this model is ideal for moms who love shopping. Naturally, a spacious shopping bag is included in the package, but the convenience is not limited to this. For example, the hood can be lowered very low, all the way down to the bumper, which helps protect the child from too bright light, including electric.

The baby restraint system, consisting not only of five-point belts, but also of a soft restrictive bumper, does not allow the child to indulge, which is very important in close rows of shops. The stroller is very maneuverable thanks to the swivel front wheels, which, by the way, are equipped with non-inflatable rubber tires - thanks to this, they provide shock absorption without abrasion or puncture. Quite logically, there is a simple braking system, you can easily reach any of the brakes with your foot.

To make it easier for mom to start with the stroller and brake it, the handle is specially padded with soft foam rubber.

Urban walker classic

This model is just one of a whole line, whose name directly indicates the orientation - city walks. Reviews indicate that this stroller is really suitable for such purposes, since it is equipped with additional soft cushions designed to improve shock absorption. City dwellers are used to being on the run all the time, but to control everything, so the hood that goes down to the bumper is equipped with two viewing windows on both sides at once, so that mom is always aware of the situation.

In a city, you have to combine walks with shopping, so a spacious basket does not seem superfluous. The creators decided to protect the products from the penetration of any moisture, therefore, from the side of the child, its walls are protected by a rubberized fabric. With all the advantages, the seat is made quite wide so that the child feels comfortable even during extended outings. The price of such a stroller is kept at the level of 23-26 thousand rubles.

You will learn more about the features of the Combi Urban Walker by watching the following video.

Watch the video: Combi Roanju Parenting Station (July 2024).