
Novirin for children: instructions for use

Antibacterial agents are effective to fight pathogenic bacteria, but if the infection is viral, they not only will not help, but can also harm. And therefore, in the case when the disease is provoked by viruses, special drugs with antiviral effects should be used. One of them is Novirin.

Release form and composition

The drug is produced by a Ukrainian manufacturer in only one form. These are round tablets, convex on both sides, which are usually white in color (the presence of a yellow tint is also considered the norm). They are sold in packs of 20 or 40. Each tablet is a source of 500 mg of an active ingredient called inosine pranobex. Additionally, the medicine contains povidone, potato starch and magnesium stearate.

Operating principle

The active component of Novirin directly affects the viral particles, binding with their ribosomes, which leads to a slowdown in viral replication. In addition, inosine pranobex has a strong stimulating effect on the production of interferon, the activity of macrophages, the differentiation of T-lymphocytes and some other processes due to which the immune system fights the infection more actively.


Novirin is prescribed for various viral diseases, it is equally in demand both in patients with a normal state of immunity and with a decrease in the activity of the immune system. The medicine is prescribed for infection with rhinoviruses, herpes viruses, adenoviruses, cytomegaloviruses and other pathogens. It is used for chickenpox, hepatitis B, mononucleosis, measles and other viral diseases.

At what age is it allowed?

Novirin can be taken by children over 1 year old.

For the smallest patients who are unable to swallow a pill, it is permissible to crush it and mix it with water.


Novirin is not used if the patient has an intolerance to any component of the tablets, as well as in case of urolithiasis and severe liver dysfunction.

Side effects

During treatment with Novirin, negative symptoms may occur, including: allergic rash, headache, diarrhea, abdominal pain and other adverse reactions.

If they appear in a child, you must immediately inform the attending physician about it.


The instructions for use recommend giving the medicine to children after meals at regular intervals. The tablet can be swallowed whole or crushed and dissolved in water just before use. The duration of admission should be determined by the doctor, because this is influenced by the severity of the infection and other factors. On average, Novirin is used from 5 to 14 days, and if necessary, courses are repeated.

If a child is taking the drug, then the daily dose is calculated by body weight, multiplying, depending on the disease, 50-100 mg by the baby's weight in kilograms. The amount of the active substance obtained is most often divided into 3-4 doses, but different schemes are used for different diseases.


If the dose of Novirin is exceeded, the level of uric acid in the patient's body may increase, therefore, if an overdose is detected, it is recommended to wash the stomach and consult a doctor.

Drug interactions

Novirin is compatible with many antiviral and antibacterial drugs.

However, the drug should not be used in conjunction with immunosuppressants, diuretics and some other medicines, therefore, before starting to take the pills in case of treatment with other drugs, a doctor's consultation is required.

Terms of sale and storage

Novirin is sold by prescription, so a doctor's examination is required before purchasing such an antiviral medicine. The shelf life of the tablets is 2 years, and a place with a temperature of no higher than +25 degrees is best suited for storing them, in which the medication will not be available for babies.

Reviews and analogues

You can read a lot of good reviews about using Novirin. In them, the remedy is called effective, but the greatest effectiveness of the tablets is noted in cases when they began to be given on the first day of the disease. The tolerance of the drug, judging by the reviews, is mostly good, but many mothers call the price of the medicine too high, and the taste of the tablets is unpleasant.

Medicines containing inosine pranobex and capable of replacing Novirin are Isoprinosin and Groprinosin. The first drug is a product of the Israeli company Teva, and the second is manufactured by Gedeon Richter from Hungary. Both drugs are presented in tablets with a dosage of 500 mg and are used with the same indications as Novirin.

Instead, the doctor can also prescribe another antiviral agent, for example, Orvirem syrup, used in children over 1 year old, Acyclovir drug, allowed in childhood from birth, or Kagocel tablets used from 3 years old as a treatment viral infections, and for their prevention. For an analogue to be effective in a particular patient, it should be chosen only together with a doctor.

You can learn about what antiviral drugs are and how to use them in the following video.

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