Baby care

Seven baby swaddling options and the most important rules from a pediatrician

The baby is very comfortable to be under the mother's heart for all 9 months. It is surrounded by the tissues of the uterus, which, like a cocoon, envelop the small belly. When a child is born, he finds himself in a completely different environment. But he also wants to feel warm and protected. For this, swaddling has been invented since ancient times. Many mothers are wondering how to swaddle a newborn.

In America, Indian tribes took rabbit skins and dried grass as diaper ingredients. Then the used grass was thrown away and the skin was dried. So the baby was comfortable and dry. In the second century BC, Europe began to swaddle babies in cloth as reusable diapers.

Our article will highlight all the nuances of swaddling and answer the question of up to what age you need to do this simple procedure.

What does the term swaddling mean?

Swaddling is a set of measures aimed at creating a comfortable stay for the baby, retaining the products of his vital activity and preventing diaper rash.

With the help of diapers, favorable conditions are also created for a restful sleep of the child.

The benefits of swaddling

  1. Facilitates the adaptation of the baby to the outside world and brings you closer to the conditions of intrauterine life.
  2. Reduces excessive excitability, as the child can involuntarily swing the arms and legs. This can scare him and interfere with restful sleep.
  3. Keeps warm... In children of the first months, thermoregulation processes are not fully developed, and swaddling helps them maintain a normal temperature for them.
  4. Prevents diaper rash... The fabric is able to let air through, unlike the half-diaper. And mom will replace wet diapers immediately, rather than a diaper, which will prevent prolonged contact of delicate skin with a wet surface.
  5. Development of touch... The soft touch of the diaper will allow the baby to develop this feeling;
  6. During the first bathing, you can swaddle your baby in a thin diaper... For him, this will be a kind of protection from the outside world, and so the newborn will not be afraid of the bath and water.

Pediatrician Komarovsky E.O .: “Swaddling a baby is not harmful. It is much cheaper to buy diapers than undershirts and rompers. But it is easier for dads to put on undershirts and sliders. There is no dad who is fluent in the art of swaddling. "

Varieties of diapers

It is important to study the fabric requirements:

  1. Good quality... The diaper should not tear when stretched.
  2. Absorbent effect... The most important property. The diaper must absorb moisture well and at the same time maintain a "breathable effect".
  3. Correct edge processing... In general, children's things are hemmed with an overlock. This is necessary to avoid tight seams that can chafe the delicate skin of the crumbs.
  4. Be soft to the touch, without foreign odors... Should not shed when washing.
  5. Only natural materials - chintz, flannel, kulirka, linen, footer, knitwear. Avoid synthetics.
  6. Diaper sizes... Very comfortable in the form of a square with a side of 1.2 m. This is enough for you to easily swaddle your baby.
  7. Do not take fabric with bright colorsso as not to annoy the child. The composition of the dyes can be harmful to the skin.
  8. Diapers must be washed regularly baby powder and iron on both sides.

Types of diapers and their purpose

Chintz... Must be cotton material. They are, as a rule, always closest to the body of the newborn. Also used as a bed sheet.

Flannel... They are swaddled over chintz. They are superior in thickness to chintz and retain heat well. They can be used as a coverlet. In summer you can not use it.

Knitted... Appeared recently. Stretch well enough, soft, gentle to the touch. They are also swaddled with flannel.

Diapers-cocoon with Velcro... Modern diapers, which can also be made of knitted fabric. Does not create unnecessary folds. It will not be difficult for mom to wrap the baby in such a diaper.

Disposable diapers... Not intended for swaddling. Needed to lay on a diaper or on a bed so that the baby does not stain the surface. Convenient when going to the clinic. Should not contain synthetic materials.

How many diapers to take?

Mom Elena, 28 years old: “For my daughter I bought 10 flannel and 10 cotton and knitted diapers. Enough, even too much. You could swaddle a couple more babies. A very comfortable diaper - a cocoon, I had it in one copy. My daughter loved to fall asleep in it. "

The required minimum of a baby's dowry for swaddling

  • flannel - 5 pieces;
  • calico - 5 pieces;
  • velcro diapers - 1 - 2 pieces;
  • disposable diapers.

How to swaddle a newborn correctly?

Classic swaddling with handles. Option number 1

We spread a chintz diaper on the changing table so that there are no folds. We put the baby in the center of the diaper, so that the head lies above the edge of the fabric.

We put the left hand on the baby's breast, wrap one end of the diaper under the back of the baby. We do the same with the right handle, and we also wrap the second edge of the diaper under the back.

We straighten the lower corners, cover the baby's chest with an edge and put the right corner under the back of the newborn, and the left one - over the right shoulder of the child. We stick a small corner behind the fold on the baby's chest.

The diaper should not clump and create unnecessary folds. This will interfere with your baby's sleep.

Swaddling with handles. Option number 2

We spread the diaper. Bend the edge slightly on top. We hide the right handle of the baby in the resulting pocket. Now we put this hand together with the diaper on the stomach and close the baby's right side.

Then we do the same with the left edge of the diaper. Straighten the bottom edge and bend it under the knees.

Swaddling with handles. Option number 3

We spread the diaper with a diamond. We bend the upper corner. We put the child to bed so that the head is higher than the diaper. We hold the right handle of the baby and put the corner of the diaper behind the left side of the baby through the armpit.

And the other bottom corner is over the child's left shoulder. We wrap the left corner of the diaper around the baby's body. The free bottom can simply be folded under the legs.

At high temperatures, you cannot swaddle your baby.

Wide swaddling

It is used in the treatment of hip dysplasia and for the prevention of congenital dislocations. This swaddling creates a "frog pose" to relieve the joints.

Everything is as usual. We spread the diaper on the changing table. We fold it diagonally to form a triangle.

We put the larger edge of this triangle under the baby's lower back. It is better to put on a gauze diaper even before the diaper.

We put the bottom corner of the diaper on the tummy, and fill the side corners from above on the baby's belt. You can wear a vest on top.

Swaddling with your head

Favorite type of swaddling immediately after birth in the hospital. We spread the diaper, put the newborn so that the head is below the edge of the diaper. We wrap the crumb. First, we bring one edge behind the back, while fixing the handle, then the second. The bottom edge can be placed on the breast and locked.

In this position, the baby is very comfortable to sleep, it is difficult for him to even move his head, from which unnecessary movements will not wake him up.

Tight swaddling

Back in Soviet times, it was believed that this type of swaddling helps to straighten the legs. But, as it turned out, this was the wrong version.

Tight swaddling prevents the baby from breathing normally and developing, therefore, recently they refuse him.

Go for a walk

In cool weather, either a blanket or a warm envelope is still needed over the diapers. First, you swaddle your baby in any convenient way. Then spread the blanket with a diamond and wrap the baby. The upper corner of the blanket can cover your face from strong wind or frost.

Up to what age do we wrap up kids?

In general, a baby should be swaddled up to three months of age. This is the period when the baby is already beginning to roll over on his tummy, and the extra diapers will interfere with his knowledge of the world.

You can swaddle with the head only during the first week of a baby's life.

Pay attention to how your baby sleeps. If he does not wake up from the jerking of his arms or legs, you can swaddle him freely.

Some parents generally wear undershirts and rompers almost from birth.

A modern take on how to swaddle a newborn baby

  1. If the child is calm, then swaddle up to a month.
  2. Observe your baby's behavior.
  3. The deadline for swaddling is 4 months.
  4. Swaddling for a long time is not recommended, delay motor development.

The swaddling process is very important in the life of children. So it allows the baby to feel the mother's hands, warmth, care. And if both parents are engaged in this, then this will free up a few minutes for the mother to rest. Everyone chooses what is convenient for him. And, as it turned out, swaddling is not harmful, but even useful.

Be healthy!

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Watch the video: Safe sleep tips for your baby. Risks of swaddling (July 2024).