
Child's day regimen at 6 months

The daily routine of a 6 month old baby is very important. He helps parents organize competent care for the baby, he himself - to get used to certain manipulations. The kid who lives according to the daily routine is calmer. At 6 months of age, many changes occur in the baby's life, after which it is difficult for him to restore the routine. However, from time to time, the schedule will be formed independently.

Girl on a developing mat

What is the mode for?

The 6 month old mode helps not only to make it easier for parents to care for the baby, but also to develop peculiar habits in him. Sleeping and eating at the same time improve the physical and mental health of the infant.

Change in 6 month old baby regimen

At this age, children switch to a new three-time sleep regimen. The number of waking hours increases. At 6 months, the child sleeps 14 hours a day. Of these, 4.5 hours are allocated for daytime sleep, the rest of the time for night rest. During the day, the baby sleeps 3 times a day for 1.5 hours. Problems with the transition to a new sleep are exciting for the baby and the parents. This is manifested as follows:

  • capriciousness;
  • resistance when going to sleep;
  • lack of sleep of the baby, as he is used to sleeping four times a day.

Do not rush the little one. He cannot completely reorganize to a new routine in one day. He needs to be brought to this smoothly.

Important! If the child continues to sleep 4 times a day, it is recommended to gradually reduce the first nap by 10 minutes. From time to time, the baby will get used to it and begin to fill up the right time in other periods of rest.

Boy with carrot

At this age, the diet of the baby also changes. Breastfed babies start to receive complementary foods, while bottle-fed babies receive complementary foods from 4 months. It is also exciting for any child. At 6 months old, babies are curious and impressionable. Any new actions affect the mood of the baby.

The introduction of complementary foods for babies begins with small portions. It is preferable to choose vegetable purees for this. By the end of the first week, one breast milk feed is completely replaced with vegetable puree. Further, every week the baby is allowed to try new products. The diet is diversified, and by the end of 7 months the baby is already receiving 2 full portions of complementary foods a day.

How to set a routine for a 6 month old baby

To establish a daily schedule for a six-month-old child, regardless of gender, you must follow certain principles:

  • maintain intervals between feedings for 4 hours;
  • the intervals between the baby's daytime rest should be the same;
  • hygiene procedures are carried out after each sleep;
  • walks and active games with the baby are done at the same time.

The daily regimen and nutrition of a 6-month-old baby on breast milk and artificial formula does not differ significantly. This is due to the fact that by the 6th month of life, artificial people receive a full-fledged complementary food, babies are just starting to try adult food.

Girl on belly

Breastfeeding baby's day regimen

Each baby over time develops its own schedule of the day. It may not coincide with generally established norms. This is not a deviation. The main thing is that the period of wakefulness and sleep of the baby is convenient for all family members.

The approximate daily routine of a baby six months old on a guards

PeriodKid's occupation
6.00 – 8.30Waking up, morning exercises, hygiene procedures, breastfeeding
8.30 – 10.00Daytime sleep
10.00 – 13.00Feeding a portion of complementary foods, supplementing breast milk, walking down the street
13.00 – 13.30Lactation
13.30 – 15.00Second dream
15.00 – 17.00Active games with a child
17.00 – 17.30Breastfeeding or mashed vegetables
17.30 – 19.00Walking down the street, combined with a nap
19.00 – 21.00Spending time with family, bathing in the evening
21.00 – 21.30Breastfeeding
21.30 – 6.00Sleep until morning or with one night feed

This is an approximate daily routine for a baby. When making your own regimen, it is important to maintain the intervals between feedings and sleep.

Artificial toddler mode

For a baby who eats artificial milk formulas, the daily routine is practically no different from that of a baby. The only difference is in feeding.

The daily routine for an artificial baby

PeriodChild's occupation
6.00 – 8.30The kid wakes up, hygiene procedures are carried out, exercises. First feeding mixture 200 ml
8.30 – 10.00Daytime sleep
10.00 – 13.00Second feeding - 150 g milk porridge and 50 g fruit puree, walk down the street
13.00 – 13.30150 g vegetable puree, 50 ml fruit juice
13.30 – 15.00Second dream
15.00 – 17.00Active games with toddler
17.00 – 17.3040 g baby cottage cheese, 30 ml fruit juice, supplement with a mixture
17.30 – 19.00Walking down the street, combined with a nap
19.00 – 21.00Evening fun with the family, bathing crumbs
21.00 – 21.30200 ml of formula, feeding
21.30 – 6.00Sleep until morning

For children on a mixed type of food, complementary foods are introduced at 4-5 months. The schedule of such a baby coincides with the artificial baby.

Important! The child's day should be organized so that all family members feel comfortable.

Boy in a high chair

Organization of sleep at 6 months

Starting from six months, the number of hours of daytime sleep of the child is reduced to 4.5-5 per day. Depending on the temperament of the baby, he can divide this time into 2 periods or 3. Most often, the separation occurs in 3 stages. By the age of one, the child sleeps 1 time a day for 3-4 hours.

Sleep occurs three times a day with the same time interval and equal amount of rest. Typically one cycle lasts 1.5 hours. In active babies, the sleep cycle can be divided into 2 rests of 2.5 or 3 hours each.

You should not force your child to go to bed if he is cheerful and cheerful. This will provoke his resistance. They put the baby to bed at his will. It is recommended to remove the factors that contribute to falling asleep in the form of motion sickness and nipple. A baby who can fall asleep on its own experiences less anxiety.

The baby should have his own sleeping place: his own crib, a room with a high level of humidity. You should not put your child to sleep next to the mother or father. With age, it will be difficult to accustom him to his own bed. Such situations reflect badly on the psychology of family relations.

Important! A fed baby sleeps longer than a hungry one.

Girl sleeping

Feeding features

By the sixth month, baby's nutrition changes. For babies with breastfeeding, complementary foods are introduced. For artificial people, the food menu is completely changed.

The nuances of breastfeeding

On the recommendation of Dr. Komarovsky, new products are introduced at this age. They start mainly with dairy-free porridge or vegetable puree. A second feed per day is selected to initiate administration. The kid is allowed to try 1 tsp. new product. Then his reaction is monitored throughout the day. If there were no problems with stool and skin rashes, then the portion is doubled every day until it reaches a volume of 150 g.

This procedure is carried out with each new product. It is preferable to give vegetable puree to try from:

  • cauliflower;
  • broccoli;
  • zucchini;
  • pumpkins;
  • carrots.

Breastfeeding diet

Feeding hoursFood product
6.00Breast milk 200 ml
9.30Breast milk 200 ml
13.00Vegetable puree 100 g, supplemented with breast milk
16.30Breast milk
20.00Breast milk

The feeding times in the table are approximate. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the child and his personal daily routine.

With artificial feeding

With artificial feeding, a baby at six months has been eating complementary foods for 2 months. His diet is much more varied than that of infants. However, the introduction of new products continues. At this age, children begin to introduce meat puree, cooking from lean meats.

Artificial Nutrition Schedule

Feeding timeFood product
6.00Adapted milk formula 200 ml
9.30Dairy-free porridge 150 g, supplementary mixture
13.00Vegetable puree 150 g, meat puree 5-30 g, supplement with a mixture
16.30Fruit puree 60 g, supplement with a mixture
20.00Adapted milk formula 200 ml

Meal times are regulated in relation to the child's daily routine. There must be the same time interval between them.

Boy reaches for a spoon

Wakefulness mode of a 6 month old baby

While awake, parents should provide the baby with an interesting cognitive day that will positively affect health, daytime sleep and the development of the baby.


Babies are taken outside twice a day. The first walk falls in the morning hours, it is good if one sleep cycle takes place in the fresh air. The second walk takes place in the evening, so that part of the time the baby gets acquainted with the world around him, then falls asleep.

If the weather outside is not suitable for walking, then the baby is put to bed with the window open. Knowledge of the surrounding world is important for the development of the child and his perception of the environment in which he grows up.

Classes and educational games

At this age, it is necessary to deal with the baby. Develop his horizons, lay the foundation for the formation of speech, the development of fine motor skills of hands. Basic activities for babies:

  • Games with bright rattles, squeaks, musical toys.
  • At six months, the baby's teeth begin to actively erupt, teether toys with a ribbed surface will help to cope with the itching.
  • Play items for a child should be bright.
  • Development centers will bring a lot of joy to the baby.
  • Children are being taught to play "Ladushki", "Magpie-Crow", "Ku-Ku".

Boy playing on the rug

Gymnastics and massage

From the age of six months, children actively learn to crawl, sit down on their own, and are able to roll over on different sides. It is important for them to stretch their muscles and strengthen their tone. To do this, parents conduct gymnastic exercises:

  • Exercising in the morning, after hygienic manipulations before feeding.
  • Babies are helped to sit down by supporting them by the arms.
  • Another exercise is putting the baby on all fours.
  • After the exercise, you need to massage. Rub in the abdomen in a clockwise direction, then rub the arms and legs. They put the baby on his stomach, stroke the back.
  • Duration of charging - 15 minutes, massage - 10 minutes.

Important! After bathing, recharge and massage. After this procedure, the child sleeps better.


At 6 months, the baby already knows how to sit or just learn to sit. This makes bathing more fun. The water temperature remains 37 ° C. You can add baby bath foam to the water, use bathing shampoos designed for children. It is advisable to glue the baby bath with colored stickers, take rubber toys with you for the procedure. This will make the process more fun and interesting.

Violation of the daily regimen in infants at 6 months

In some cases, there are violations of the daily routine of the child. Then the baby cannot fall asleep for a long time, behaves capriciously, eats poorly, refuses to play with adults. The factors of violation of the regime are:

  • period of teething;
  • colds;
  • stool problems;
  • confusion of day and night;
  • a trip to an unfamiliar place;
  • emotional impression of any event.

In case of violation of the daily routine, you need to make every effort to restore it. Restoring the usual routine will calm the baby, improve his emotional state.

Boy reaches for a toy

If the child is knocked out of the regime

When the daily routine of the baby has gone astray, it is necessary to exert all possible efforts to restore the usual routine. This will not only calm down the child, but also help parents to properly allocate their free time. To eliminate the violation, carry out the following:

  • If the child is sick, treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a pediatrician.
  • For problems with stool, drugs are prescribed to regulate the intestinal microflora.
  • For teething, baby gum cooling gels are used.
  • If the baby has confused day and night, then you need to not let him sleep in the daytime and try to put him in the regime.
  • Soothing teas are also brewed for children: chamomile, lemon balm, mint.
  • Before going to bed, a decoction of pine needles is added to the bath.

The daily routine of a baby in the first year of life depends on several factors. The type of feeding plays an insignificant role. Artists at this age have a more varied diet and are easier to relate to the changes inherent in their age. Any changes for a child is stress, you should not panic if his reaction turned out to be unpredictable, everything has its time. The kid will definitely adapt and enter a new regime.

Watch the video: My Daily Routine With Our 6 Month Old Baby (July 2024).