
Baby weight at 9 months

With each new month of life, the child grows, develops mentally and physically, his body increases in size. A nine-month-old baby actively reacts to the world around him and learns to sit. It is important that the body grows properly and its weight is normal.

Baby 9 months

Baby at 9 months

In the ninth month, the child's body prepares for the first steps, the skeleton, muscles of the shoulders and hips are strengthened, and coordination of movements improves. At this age, children begin to actively move, crawl, make more movements. Mom's hands are less and less interested, it is more and more difficult to sit in one place.

In the first months of life, children gain up to 900 g per month, at 4-6 months, the weight increases by 600-750 g. By the 9 months, physical activity increases, the child's body spends more energy, so weight gain slows down. During the 9th month of life, body weight becomes 300-600 grams more, growth increases to 2 cm.The head and chest become larger in girth up to 1 cm.

You can measure the exact weight at home using an electronic scale. At 9 months, the baby is weighed, sitting, without clothes, he should sit in the center on the scales. To determine the height, you will need a measuring tape that is placed vertically along the wall. The child stands on the floor with bare feet near the wall, one of the parents is holding his hands.

Weighing on scales

Height and weight of children aged 9 months according to WHO

How to understand that a child's weight at 9 months is within the normal range? All children develop according to their own personal schedule, in medicine there are generally accepted values ​​that need to be guided by. The child's height and weight are measured monthly to track the cycle of physical development. WHO doctors have developed a table with averages at a certain age.

WHO tables show the current data that were collected as a result of observations of 8-9 thousand children around the world. The study involved babies who grow up in a favorable environment, feed on breast milk in the first months of life, and have not been exposed to infectious diseases. It is important to note that women ate healthy food during pregnancy, excluded alcohol and other bad habits. WHO data show normal values, permissible and critical deviations.

For example, 72 cm is normal height at 9 months if the boy weighs at least 8.9 kg. The weight of a healthy girl at 9 months should not exceed 8.2 kg with a height of 70.1 cm.If 1 of the indicators significantly exceeds or does not gain the norm, a survey should be carried out.

Boy and girl

Weight table for 9 months, in kg

Below normalLow rateLower normNormUpper normHigh rateAbove normal

Growth table for 9-month-olds, in cm

Below normalLow rateLower normNormUpper normHigh rateAbove normal

Data of domestic pediatricians

Standard indicators may vary depending on genetics, region, climate and other factors. The table shows how much a healthy child should weigh at 9 months, according to Russian pediatricians. Unlike the WHO data, the table of domestic doctors indicates the upper and lower boundaries of height and weight. The guideline value is within the specified limits. Height is shown in cm and weight in kg.

Height and weight of babies at 9 months. according to domestic standards

9 monthsMinimum rateMaximum rate
Girl, weight7,59,7
Boy, weight7,910,5
Girl, growth67,574,1
Boy, growth68,275,1

Underweight child

Hypotrophy - underweight, occurs in babies when there is a lack of nutrients from breast milk. The reasons can be of a different nature:

  • The child eats slowly. In case the child is fed up to 5 times a day, the number of meals should be increased to 7-9. It is necessary to monitor the process, as the baby may suck slowly, attach incorrectly or fall asleep without receiving the right amount of milk. You must not let him fall asleep, you need to wake him up and offer milk again. In general, the drinking process takes at least 20 minutes;
  • Lack of breast milk. If a woman's body does not produce enough of it, it is necessary to increase lactation. You should drink more fluids (water, herbal teas), eat a balanced diet, and include more protein and dairy products in the diet. Alcohol interferes with milk production and reduces its quality, it must be abandoned;
  • The kid is not comfortable. It should not be overly insulated, an excess of heat reduces appetite, which is why the child does not eat the norm.

Note! In case of violation of lactation, breastfeeding is replaced with a formula. It is impossible to independently introduce complementary foods, what kind of mixture to feed the baby, the attending physician decides.

The growth of the baby's body weight depends on his activity. By the age of 9 months, children move, jump, play more often, spend more energy. Often, overly active babies fall asleep from fatigue, without waiting for feeding. If the calorie consumption is higher than the consumption, you should offer the baby milk more often. In the opposite case, when the child moves little, plays calmly, moves in a stroller or on his arms, he does not have time to get tired. If the energy is not spent, there is no feeling of hunger, the baby does not finish eating. By increasing the activity of the baby, his appetite will increase.

Baby playing

At the 6th month, complementary foods are introduced into the baby's diet, after which the acquaintance with the food of adults in small quantities begins. Early or late complementary foods will affect the baby's weight. By the age of 9 months, an active baby lacks breast milk and formula. You can give baby purees, bread, 1/3 yolk, 1-2 tbsp. cottage cheese or yogurt without additives, freshly squeezed juices up to 60 g. For nutritional value, a couple of drops of vegetable or butter are added to the food. New food should be soft so as not to complicate the digestive tract.

Important! By the 9th month, breast milk remains in the diet of underweight babies, along with complementary foods. Feeding at night also continues.

Health problems and weight

If there are no problems with lactation and complementary feeding, and the baby does not finish eating, the reason may be in his state of health. During illness, appetite decreases, the child will not eat his norm. The first thing you need to pay attention to is metabolism. If the child has problems with stool, food is poorly absorbed. The baby's weight and growth slow down with a lack of thyroid hormones (hypothyroidism), vitamins of the "D" group. Lack of vitamin D in a woman during pregnancy affects the baby.

Excluding problems with complementary feeding, activity and health, the following reasons should be considered:

  • Often mothers are worried about a small underweight. In the first years of life, the child is emotionally attached to the mother, her mood is transmitted to him, including anxiety;
  • You cannot force-feed, force the child to finish eating to the end. Constant attempts to feed prevent the child from realizing that he is hungry, the result is a lack of appetite;
  • The physique features of the parents should be taken into account. Children can weigh less, and this will be the norm if the build of the parents is small.

Overweight child

Parents are always happy if their baby is eating well and gaining weight, but its increase is not always an indicator of the norm. Excessive weight at nine months complicates the work of the circulatory and nervous system, the gastrointestinal tract. In the future, the development of diseases is possible: these are scoliosis, diabetes, hypertension, flat feet.

Baby and measuring tape

A healthy baby will not eat more than he needs. It is difficult to overfeed a child; he will refuse excess food. A little weight gain is not dangerous. Pediatricians claim that in the child's body, nutrition is regulated, a reserve is created in the form of excess body weight. In the following months, the baby will gain less and the weight will return to normal.

Note! If the child's weight does not return to normal within 2-3 months, it is necessary to measure the blood sugar level, examine the endocrine system, and check hormones. If one of the parents is obese or diabetic, checkups are done regularly.

It is important for parents to recognize problems with excess weight in time. The following symptoms indicate the presence of a problem:

  • weight exceeds standard indicators;
  • increased body fat, more folds on the body;
  • the skin loses its elasticity;
  • constant diaper rash, especially in the folds;
  • the skin became paler;
  • characteristic appearance: the body is plump, the chest is expanded, the neck is wide and seems to be short;
  • rickets.

Causes of overweight

A nine-month-old baby mainly feeds on breast milk. Through breastfeeding, children receive useful and harmful substances from the food that their mother ate. A nursing woman should change her diet, reduce the amount of fatty foods, sweets, baked goods.

Note! A large amount of sugar, flour and citrus fruits in the mother's diet can provoke allergies in the child in the future.

Babies gain weight during bottle-feeding if formula is not chosen correctly. Some high-calorie formulas are designed for underweight children and are not suitable for all. Meals should be selected individually.

The main reasons for the increase in weight on artificial feeding:

  • meals are frequent, less than 1-2 hours pass between meals;
  • excess calories in the diet;
  • the first complementary food is chosen incorrectly;
  • mixtures can retain fluid in the body;
  • sedentary lifestyle, the received energy is not produced;
  • metabolic disorder.

Despite the deviation from the norm, children's doctors consider jumps in weight to be normal if:

  • The baby was born premature;
  • Parents have a large physique, which is inherited. This refers to the skeletal framework, not the body fat;
  • After birth, the child weighed up to 2800 g.

How to bring your baby's weight back to normal

Under the age of one year, it is easier to return body weight to normal if measures are taken in time. Babies have not yet developed habits, their diet is completely dependent on their parents.

Baby eating

The first thing to do is organize your baby food correctly. The pediatrician specifies what and how much to feed, adjusts the mother's nutrition if the baby is breastfed. As a complementary food for a nine-month-old, you should choose vegetable and fruit purees without sugar. Plant foods are less caloric, rich in dietary fiber, which improves the digestive tract.

Physical activity will help you burn calories more intensively. You need to play more with the baby, let him collect toys, clap his hands, crawl, try to walk, get up and squat, dance. The main thing is to involve the child in the process, so that he himself wants to move. Children need to spend a lot of time outside and breathe fresh air.

Important! If your baby's overweight is associated with a hormone disorder or high sugar, diet and active play will not help. Treatment and diet are prescribed by a pediatrician.

From the very birth, the baby is under the supervision of doctors. The weight and height of a child are the main indicators of the development of his body. Lack or overload of mass speaks of disorders, malnutrition or illness. If the weight and height differ significantly from the norm, you cannot ignore this and let it go, it is important to consult a doctor in time.


Watch the video: Baby Boy Height u0026 Weight Growth Chart: 0 to 12 Months (June 2024).