
Baby's day regimen at 9 months

A child develops very quickly in the first year of life. A nine-month-old baby is already making many new sounds, he is interested in the world around him, he is actively crawling and trying to stand on his feet. For the whole day, the baby needs to explore, study and remember a lot, still eat, sleep and take a walk in the fresh air.

A 9 month old baby lies on a rug on his tummy and is played with toys

The importance of a nine month old baby regimen

So that the life of the baby and the family does not turn into a series of chaotic events, parents need to accustom the baby to the correct daily routine. Mom needs to teach the child to perform certain actions at the same time: eat, go for a walk, engage in active and developing games, and also fit into daytime and nighttime sleep. When building a child's day regimen at 9 months, parents need to take into account the physiological characteristics of the baby, this is the only way to draw up the correct regimen that does not harm the baby.

How to set a mode for a child

Compared with the eighth month, then at nine months the child continues to get up early (about 6-7 am) and fit into a night's sleep no later than 10 pm. Eats five times during the day. Babies may wake up once or twice at night to ask for breasts. Daytime sleep at nine months, as a rule, two times, for 1.5-2 hours.

Features of the mode:

  • At the age of 9 months, the most suitable time for waking up the baby is 7 o'clock in the morning, the child should be put to sleep at night no later than 22:00
  • The baby's diet must be organized so that there is a time interval of at least three hours between meals;
  • The crumbs' menu at nine months is made more diverse, offering the child only healthy and natural products. Be sure to take into account the preferences of the baby and the season. In winter, only seasonal fruits and vegetables are offered;
  • Parents need to ensure that the child's nighttime sleep is at least 10 hours, during the day the total amount of sleep should be at least 14 hours;
  • It is necessary to walk with a child in the fresh air twice a day: in the morning and in the evening, for 1.5-2 hours, if it is winter outside, then you can only walk once;
  • The child is accustomed to daily hygiene procedures and exercises and massage are performed with him;
  • During the day, during the period when the child will be awake, it is necessary to engage in a little active and developmental games.

Baby 9 months old sits next to mom and smiles

Approximate daily routine

Ideally, the day regimen of a 9 month old baby should consist of five phases:

  • Sleep;
  • Food intake;
  • Wakefulness, active and developing games;
  • Walks in the open air;
  • Hygiene treatments and massage.

Approximate daily routine for a nine-month-old breastfed baby

7:00Awakening, hygiene proceduresThe child wakes up by himself, or his mother wakes him up. Mom conducts hygiene of the baby.
7:30 – 8:00First feedingMom feeds the baby with breast milk.
8:00 –10:00First daytime sleepBetter if it is outdoors.
10:00 –10:30BreakfastYou can offer the crumbs milk porridge and fruit puree.
10:30 – 11:30Active wakefulnessActive and educational games.
11:30 –12:00Gymnastics and massageComplex exercises performed by mom.
12:00 –12:30DinnerFor lunch, it is better to give vegetable soup or puree soup with small pieces of meat, fish or half boiled yolk.
12:30 –15:00Walk and second daytime nap
15:00 – 15:30Afternoon snackTypically, an afternoon snack consists of cottage cheese and fruit juice.
15:00 – 17:00Active wakefulnessActive and educational games.
17:00 – 18:00Third daytime dream
18:00 – 18:30DinnerVegetables or curd, fruit juice. You can supplement with breast milk.
18:30 – 20:00stroll
20:30 – 21:00Water proceduresWater treatments soothe your baby and prepare him for a restful night's sleep.
21:00 – 21:30FeedingBreast milk.
21:30 – 7:00Night sleepProlonged sleep, during which the baby may wake up once to ask for a breast.

With artificial feeding, the baby's regimen at 9 months is the same as with breastfeeding, but with one caveat - instead of breast milk, he is offered a mixture. At 9 months old, artificial babies, as a rule, do not wake up in the middle of the night in order to eat. If the child is not bothered by anything, he sleeps soundly until the morning.

Important! There is no ideal regime, the daily routine is different for all children. Every mother should apply all sorts of rituals to help the baby get used to performing certain actions.

A child in a white t-shirt and blue striped overalls sits on the floor

Sleep organization

At 9 months, a child should sleep at least 11-14 hours a day. Night sleep is considered the main and the longest one. Throughout the day, the baby can sleep, both 2 and 3 times. Everything will depend on the individual characteristics of the child.

Three-phase daytime sleep consists of 2 short periods of 40-60 minutes (morning and evening), as well as the longest lunchtime sleep, which lasts about 2-2.5 hours. If the baby continues to sleep three times a day, it is not worth rebuilding it to two daily naps, as this will lead to the fact that the small organism will not have time to restore the energy that was spent during wakefulness.

Note! Regardless of how many times the child sleeps during the day, it is important to remember that the three-phase and two-phase options are the acceptable sleep rate.

Baby 9 months sleeping in a crib

Feeding features

The baby's appetite depends on his activity during the day, compliance with the regimen and state of health. You should not force feed your baby. It is better to increase the amount of food for the next feeding. The average daily amount of food for a child at 9 months is 1-1.1 liters (this volume does not include water and other drinks). The baby's diet should include a sufficient amount of vegetables, fruits and protein foods.

As for complementary foods, only one new product is introduced at a time per day. Start with a tiny portion, preferably in the morning.

The daily norm of products in the menu of a nine-month-old child looks like this:

  • 200 g of cereals and vegetables;
  • 100 g of seasonal fruits;
  • 60 g of lean meat;
  • 30 g of fish;
  • 50 g of cottage cheese;
  • 20 g of bread;
  • no more than 5 grams of vegetable or butter.

The fish is offered to the child twice a week. Once every two days, you can offer the crumb a half of a chicken egg.

When a child reaches the ninth month, he already has several teeth, so he must be gradually taught to chew. First, you can stop grinding soft food, and if the baby does not choke, then give the meat not in the form of minced meat, but in the form of small pieces.

If the baby is worried about stool problems, then the diet includes puree from plums or peaches, as well as a decoction of prunes.

The child sits in a highchair and eats

Wakefulness of a nine month old baby

It is important to organize the correct regimen for a 9 month old baby so that he actively develops not only physically, but also mentally.


You need to walk outside for at least 2 hours a day, in warm weather you can take more. A walk in the sun will provide your baby with vitamin D, which is so necessary for the growth and development of bone tissue. A walk in the evening is also important - the baby will fall asleep fast and sound after it. While walking, it is necessary to show and tell the child about everything that occurs on the street, for example, about animals or birds, flowers, trees and cars. Constant communication will develop speech and enrich the vocabulary of the crumbs.

Baby in the arms of mom in a gray suit and a hat on a walk

Classes and educational games

With a 9-month-old baby, colorful pictures in children's books should be viewed daily. To develop a child's ear for music, you can purchase children's musical instruments (this is a piano, guitar, drum). For the development of fine and gross motor skills, you can purchase bright pyramids, large cubes and insert frames for your child. You can also play hide and seek with a baby.

Baby girl in 9 months sits and plays with toys on the floor

Gymnastics and massage

At 9 months, babies are already crawling well, some begin to walk, so it is necessary to pay special attention to exercises that will contribute to the development of the musculoskeletal system and stimulate coordination of movements.

The massage is recommended for no more than half an hour. All movements must be performed carefully and accurately. If the baby resists, it is better to postpone the procedure to a later time.

Important! You should not start gymnastics and massage immediately after feeding; it is better to wait 40-45 minutes.

Gymnastics can be done in this way:

  1. Put the child on the back, take him by the handles (it's good if he clasps the mother's thumbs), spread the crumbs' hands in different directions, then cross them on the chest.
  2. The baby must be put on the back, take him by the shins and begin to alternately bend the legs at the knees.
  3. The child is taken by the legs and lifted up. It is important to ensure that your feet are straight.
  4. The baby is taken by the handles and spread apart, then lifted up, moved forward and lowered. Such circular movements will perfectly train the muscles of the crumbs' arms.

Massage can be performed according to this example:

  1. For the back and buttocks. The crumbs are stroked and lightly rubbed. Then you can lightly "saw" the back with the edge of your palm. Again, the baby is stroked and a gable-like warm-up is started. Finish the massage with stroking.
  2. Tummy massage. As a rule, they start with stroking, move on to rubbing the tummy with the fingertips. They stroke again and move on to pinching the skin in the navel area. Finish the massage with stroking.
  3. Chest massage. Do several circular stroking movements from the chest to the baby's shoulders, stroking along the intercostal arches. Vibration massage is performed and stroked again.

All these exercises will help the baby get stronger and continue to explore the world around him with renewed vigor.

Mom gives massage to naked baby at 9 months


It is better to bathe the child in the evening. The water temperature should be at least 36-37 degrees Celsius. A well-known pediatrician, Evgeny Komarovsky, recommends pouring cool water over the baby at about 34-35 degrees. You can put various toys for bathing in the bath, the baby will play with them, touch them with his fingers and develop motor skills. The child should be bathed for at least 20-30 minutes so that he can relax after water procedures and fall asleep faster.

9 months old baby swims in a circle in the bathroom

If the regime is violated

Regardless of how correctly the daily routine was drawn up, it is common for a crumb to adjust it for themselves. Even if he seems to be completely accustomed to the routine, violations still occur.


  • The child is sick or actively growing;
  • The baby is actively learning new skills;
  • The baby completely refuses to breast;
  • The child is restless, and his teeth are teething;
  • The child does not want to sleep for a long time or moves very little during the waking period.

What to do

Depending on the rhythm of life of the family and the individual characteristics of the baby, the daily routine may vary slightly, but parents need to adhere to the sequence of feeding, waking, sleeping and the intervals between them.

You should carefully consider the following points:

  • the interval between feedings should be at least three hours;
  • during the day there should be at least two walks in the fresh air;
  • during the wakefulness of the baby, active measures are needed that will be aimed not only at physical development, but also at the development of thinking and speech.

A small child stands in a crib and gnaws at it

The main task of parents is to provide the child with comfortable living conditions, as well as boundless love and security. Adherence to the correct daily routine will help parents cope with difficult responsibilities.

Watch the video: 9 Month Old Sleep Schedule. Naps and Bedtime. Kendra Atkins (July 2024).