
Toys for 8 month old baby

In the ninth month of life, children have already learned a lot, they are interested in everything, they strive to learn the world around them. To push the baby to new achievements, parents should pay a lot of attention to him, play. There are many activities to help your baby and mom spend their time in a fun and useful way.

Baby playing with mom

Toys for 8 month old babies

The child, for whom the eighth month is behind, understands the parents and can fulfill simple requests. Begins to speak, pronouncing syllables and whole words in a language incomprehensible to adults. Can take several steps by holding onto objects or leaning on mom's arm. It is important to support the baby, communicate with him, interact so that he continues to develop and learn new skills.

Important! Educational games for a child of 8 months are not only fun, but also the main way of learning. It is in this form that the baby will quickly master new skills that will affect the development of speech, thinking, movements. Children's age makes it easy to perceive new information, if the kid is interesting and fun, he quickly remembers and masters useful skills.

Toys for an 8 month old baby must be of high quality and made from safe materials. When buying, you should always pay attention to this. At eight months old, babies still love rattles and use teethers. The main thing is that the toys are bright. These are the colors that most attract children. You can purchase toys that make sounds of animals or musical instruments. The child must learn to push buttons and understand how to do it.

At this age, many children cope with sorter with large parts. The main thing is that their forms are simple:

  • a circle;
  • square;
  • triangle.

When the child begins to understand the meaning of the game, he will become interested in difficult constructions. If you start with complicated sorters right away, your child may lose interest and will not want to use such toys anytime soon.

Wooden sorter

Boxes with various contents are interesting for children. You can fill them with stones, balls of different sizes and textures, plastic bottle caps. Children are interested in sorting through the content, transferring from one place to another. You can simply give your child a wide-necked bottle and small balls so they fit effortlessly. It is better not to buy expensive noisy moving toys with music and light. They can scare toddlers and are practically useless, usually get bored quickly and are of no use.

Toys for girls

8 months old girl's toys already contain several dolls. They can be useful for examining body parts. First, children are always told where they are:

  • eyes;
  • ears;
  • nose.

Dolls and baby dolls will help you master dressing skills, introduce you to wardrobe items. It is also useful for girls to play cars. You can talk about the parts of which they are composed, transport different items from place to place. Toys for 8 months for girls usually differ only in color, it is customary for them to buy and give everything pink.

Toys for boys

Toys for a boy at 8 months old can be offered different: from dolls to toy cars. All children love to play in them. Of course, their cars occupy the main place among games. They are one of the first to reproduce precisely the sounds that indicate the movement or signal of cars. Baby dolls and dolls are also useful for boys - they will visually get to know the parts of the body, they can be dressed, undressed, bathed. Washing skills can be taught using dolls. Therefore, do not separate toys by gender. Broadening one's horizons is essential for developing skills. Limitations in games only hinder this. Therefore, toys for 8 months for boys are no different from toys for girls.

Girl and boy playing with dolls

The main criteria for choosing a toy

The quality of a toy for an 8 month old baby comes first when choosing it. It is better not to buy cheap ones made of questionable materials - they can provoke the development of allergic reactions in the baby.

If the toy is plastic, then you need to check the material for strength. The main thing is that after pressing, there are no traces left. It is better to buy soft toys with padding polyester - it is easy to clean and does not lose its properties over time. You need to check the seams of the toy, especially if there are granules or pebbles inside it. It is necessary to check that the child cannot reach them.

If a children's toy has a strong unpleasant smell, then it is better to refuse it. Some unsafe materials used to make cheap products cause allergies. In addition, they can affect the functioning of the kidneys and liver during prolonged use of the toy. When buying, you need to pay attention to the marking indicating the age from which it is recommended to use the product. Many toys are advised to be used after the age of three. This is not just a recommendation, perhaps they have small details. If, in spite of everything, such a toy is purchased, it should be used only in the presence of adults.

Important! Kids at this age taste everything, so it is important that toys do not contain small parts. If they go down the throat, the child may suffocate. It is important for parents to know how to behave in critical situations. If there is a risk of strangulation of the child, it is necessary to act calmly and quickly. Do not panic and keep everything under control - the most important thing. The child reads the emotions of the parents, which can aggravate the situation. Children at this age can choke not only on parts of a toy, but also on food, so you need to be able to provide the first aid necessary in such cases.

Games with an 8 month old baby

The main goal of the games is to teach the child something new, to broaden his horizons. It is necessary to deal with the baby for its proper development. At this age, children are actively crawling, so you can stimulate them to take the first steps: put your favorite toy higher so that the child tries to stand up at the pore on his own and take it.

Tactile play is very important at this age. All babies love to play candy and finger games. There are many verses, to the rhyme of which each finger of the baby's palm opens and closes. This is a fun activity not only for the child, but also for the parents. You can put toys around it and let yourself choose what is interesting. This is an important moment for a child.

Additional Information. Many modern methods of child development are based on an independent choice of activity, when the child is in a room with many toys of different directions. Adults are also present nearby, but do not put pressure on the baby, they are engaged in interesting toys for them. The child, looking around and observing the elders, chooses what he wants to do.

Types of toys for 8 month old babies

To help your child grow and develop, you need to offer him different toys. They should focus on developing skills and abilities. With some of them, the baby will cope worse. Others will do better. The main thing is that in the form of a game it will be fun and exciting.

Joyful child playing

Development of auditory attention

Musical toys will help develop your baby's hearing. There are a lot of them. They have keys or buttons that, when pressed, the child hears a sound. There may be different keys, instruments, animal voices. There are toys that play classic tunes or popular children's songs. The child must understand that he is surrounded by many sounds, and that he can reproduce them.

The most relevant are toys with the voices of animals. Posters depicting animals such as domestic animals or those living in the savannah are especially striking. The kid sees the picture, hears the sound of the beast and tries to recreate it. The list of toys is endless, the main thing is to find interesting options for the child.

Development of speech attention

Speech attention will help develop games with parents. The child must understand when he is addressed by name, perceive the information received. You can name objects or toys familiar to the child and ask them to bring them. Or prepare pictures with simple things, for example, images of a ball, doll, cat, dog and name them in a certain order. The condition of the game is simple - the child must point to the heard object. You can ask your baby to do any action, raise your hand or close your eyes. The main task of the games is to teach the kid to listen and perceive the main meaning of the phrases, to highlight the information necessary at the moment from them.

Development of active speech

Talking toys will help develop speech. They can contain fairy tales, sayings, proverbs, or songs. There is a large selection of books in which the text is duplicated aloud at the click of a button. It will help stimulate the child's speech and replenish the passive vocabulary of constant communication with him. It is necessary to pronounce everything that is happening around, naming the objects used, describing them. Constantly talk with your baby using existing words, pronouncing them clearly. The child will observe the facial expressions of the speaking person, study how the lips move when speaking. Toys cannot replace this experience.

Motor development

There are many toys for motor development. Pyramids are popular. It is believed that for the harmonious development of a child, he needs at least five types of such toys. At 8 months, a child can try to assemble the simplest pyramids with large rings. Any baby will definitely be able to shoot.

Cubes can be purchased. The safest ones are soft. They are usually large in size, kids like to play with them. Wooden ones have due quality, plastic ones can be purchased. Build a tower out of them and ask the child to destroy it.

Children with cubes

At this age, many begin to acquaint kids with sorters. They can be a house with windows or a regular box with different shapes of holes. To understand if the child is ready, you can make such a toy yourself. Make holes in the box and ask the baby to hide small objects in them. Fumbling with beads and other small things develops fine motor skills well. The main thing is to be close to the baby and control whether he is trying to taste the objects.

There are many options for lacing:

  • in the form of boots;
  • boards with tied wooden parts;
  • cheese with a mouse on a rope.

These toys are preferred by older babies, but you can also offer them to an 8 month old baby. He is unlikely to be able to tie, but he will be able to get the lace from the hole. There are many tactile toys and books. They contain elements with different surfaces: rough, smooth, slippery. A variety of tactile sensations are important for the development of fine motor skills.

Required number of toys

A baby at 8 months doesn't need a lot of toys. It is enough to choose one version of each type, contributing to the development of a certain skill. If the child likes it, and he quickly begins to cope, you can continue to act in this direction. Some toys do not interest kids and remain unclaimed. Therefore, it makes no sense to buy expensive things in large quantities at once.

You can use a little trick and divide all toys into multiple batches. Give them to the child in turn. The kid will forget about the old ones, tucked away, and then he will be delighted with them as new. In addition, children grow up quickly and do not have time to become interested in all the toys. Therefore, you do not need to buy everything that modern manufacturers offer, but carefully monitor the child, what is interesting to him. The necessary set of toys is created individually, depending on the tastes and preferences of the baby.

Child with a book

Classes with an 8 month old baby

An 8 month old baby usually has a daily routine. The kid gets up, eats, plays and goes to bed at approximately the same time. This is important for the harmonious development of the child and a stable nervous system in the future. Therefore, the time for games is usually determined by the time frame. The main thing is that active exercises do not fall on the hours before bedding at night. Better to keep your baby busy with quiet games or reading.

At this age, children begin to take an interest in books. They look at the pictures, turn over the pages, some listen to short poems with pleasure. Active games are best done in the morning when the child is cheerful and cheerful. This time is favorable for consolidating skills and mastering new knowledge.

Note! A methodological approach to learning and development is important, but you can deviate from plans and rules, focusing on the child's mood. The duration of the game with an 8 month old baby for development is determined individually, you need to carefully monitor the mood and condition of the baby. One day he will be carried away for just a few minutes, another day - half an hour. If the child begins to be capricious, turns away, then it is better to postpone the game or activity. When the baby is cheerful and delves into what is happening with interest, you can continue. There is no need to try to teach the child everything at once. A kid developed in one area may lag behind in another.

Child with sorter

Shop counters are filled with a variety of goods. Toys for an 8 month old baby should be chosen carefully. You need to monitor their safety and strive to ensure that they help the baby to develop. Fun game and parental attention will make the learning process easy and interesting. Komarovsky believes that the abundance of toys will not make a child developed and happy. The main thing is the attention of both parents. There is no need to be afraid to take the child in your arms when he asks and pamper him. It is much worse to ignore the baby and rely on many colorful toys. Everything should be in moderation.

Watch the video: best toys for an 8 month old. ohgeeitsbri (July 2024).