
Child's height and weight chart

A baby appeared in the family, with him - new troubles and concerns about his health, normal development, correct height and weight at every age segment, from the first day of birth to one year old. After the baby is discharged from the hospital, doctors start a medical record for observation, and tags with indicators of weight and height at birth are tied to the handles. These data are measured at the fifth minute after birth. According to them, doctors judge whether the baby is developing normally, and what his state of health is.

Newborn weight and height norms

Weight and height norms for a child

The standards of indicators with which a child is born are conditional and individual. With normal pregnancy and term delivery (38-42 weeks), the newborn should have a height of 46 to 57 cm, weight - from 2600 to 4000 g. For twins or triplets, a weight of up to 2 kg is considered normal.

Important! The underestimated figures, fixing the weight and height of the baby, indicate that he is not full-term or was born with some kind of disease or pathology.

Immediately after birth, the baby begins to lose weight, therefore, when discharged home, he weighs 8% less than when he was born. But by the day of discharge, everything returns to normal, the child's weight begins to grow gradually over the months. The newborn is under the supervision of a pediatrician, who checks his height and weight monthly and monitors his well-being and general development. If a child under one year old gains weight poorly with good feeding, this is the first signal of some deviation or change in his body. The reasons can be different diseases: from rickets to the first symptoms of cerebral palsy.

Indicators of weight and height of a child up to a year

From the first days during each month, the baby on average increases its body weight by 500-800 g, the growth increases by 3-5 cm. Such a progression is observed up to 6-7 months. In the following months, such growth rates slow down. This is due to the increased motor activity of the child, who begins to sit, then crawl and rise on legs, leaning on objects.

By the year, on average, a newborn grows one and a half times, its weight increases almost three times. These general indicators are not a model, because each individual child's organism develops according to its own individual program. In addition, small errors cannot be indicative of anomalies or pathology.

In order not to “overlook” the fact that the baby has started some unwanted or suspicious changes in development, you need to visit the pediatrician who has the baby every month. There he will be professionally measured weight and height. After the examination, the doctor must compare the indicators with the standard weight and height charts and identify their correspondence or difference. Based on all observations, he will make a conclusion about the physical development and health of the baby. If there are any irregularities in the anthropometric data of the baby, he will inform the parents about it.

On a note. If the baby eats well, is not capricious, but lags behind in height or weight, or, conversely, is rapidly gaining weight or height, this does not always indicate an anomaly.

Normal physical development of the child

Factors on which the physical development of the baby depends:

  1. gender of the child;
  2. birth weight and height;
  3. past diseases of the mother or baby;
  4. the presence or absence of congenital diseases or pathologies;
  5. breastfeeding or artificial feeding;
  6. genetic characteristics of the physical characteristics of the mother and father (height, weight, etc.);
  7. temporary difficulties (teething, loss of appetite, diarrhea, dehydration).

About measuring the weight and height of the baby

During the physical examination of the baby, errors occur when weighing or measuring growth. The reasons are different. Lack of weight happens if you suddenly forgot to take into account the weight of the diaper in the previous weighing. On the height meter, the baby may slide slightly or bend the knee. There are certain rules for taking measurements, but the unexpected can happen. You should not panic over minor mistakes.

Baby's height can be measured at home. For this you will need:

  • pencil or pen;
  • ruler or measuring tape;
  • changing table with a side to support the baby's head.

To avoid flaws, you need to measure the baby absolutely naked. Put it on a hard surface, align the back, resting the head against the side and not allowing the legs to bend at the knees. Draw a line under the heels. Measure the distance from the stop to the mark and enter the reading in the lined table, which indicates how much weight the child should have.

Measuring baby's height

Weighing a baby at home is also easy. This will require an accurate electronic scale. Put a thin diaper in the bowl (its weight must first be checked). Lay the baby down, stroking the tummy and soothing him so that he lies calmly. When the numbers stop, having dropped the weight of the diaper, enter the parameters into the table. Changes in the baby's anthropometric indicators can be recorded in the calendar, recording them at the end or beginning of the month.

Important! Do not use a balance scale for this purpose. To measure the weight of the baby in this way, you will need to place it either in a diaper tied with a bag, or in some kind of bag or bag. This is very risky and will not give the exact result you want.

Average height and weight were obtained when only healthy children living in different countries and climates were observed. Every mother needs to have this table about how much the child should weigh.

Individual measurements will not always coincide with those indicated in the table. This is not so scary, the main thing is that the ratios in the numbers do not deviate much from the average statistical norms. Perhaps the baby is very similar to one of the parents, who also differs either in short stature or in a tendency to be overweight. Everything is relative.

How the weight of a child is measured

The history of the creation of WHO height and weight standards

The National Centers for Health Statistics (now WHO - World Health Organization) in the 70s of the last century used reference books, which entered the parameters of the height and weight of children of all ages.

According to the research results, in 1993, the norms were inflated by 15-20%. According to these tables, pediatricians recommended that mothers feed their babies more formula to meet standards. This led to overfeeding and even obesity. WHO recommended revising and conducting global research in this area. As a result of long-term observations of groups of babies from birth to 2 years old and cross-examination of children from 18 to 71 months, scientists have determined the standard standards. In 2006, WHO developed international standards for child weight and height, presented in graphs and tables.

Need to know! These figures are average, approximate. Now every pediatrician has a height and weight chart for a child.

Table according to WHO growth indicators for boys from 0 to 1 years

Boys usually outperform newborn girls in both weight and height. A full-term baby is born weighing 3.300 g and a height of about 50 cm. These figures are considered normal for a boy. Fluctuations in the parameters can occur, but not exceed 3.900 g and not be lower than 2.900 g. The lower growth limit is 48 cm, the upper one should not exceed 51.75 cm. Gaining an average of 600-800 g every month, by 6 months the baby should weigh about 8 kg. In the second half of the year, the picture will change slightly, because the active development of the baby will be directly proportional to its weight. In six months it will add only 1800 BC.

The growth of a newborn from 67.6 cm will increase by more than 18 cm. As a result, a one-year-old boy should weigh 9.700 g and have a height of 75.8 cm. These standard norms do not always coincide with real indicators. Still, parents should not be so upset that their baby is underweight or not added in height. Perhaps the reason for this is a genetic predisposition inherited from one of the parents.

Boy's height chart in centimeters

AgeBelow normalLowLower limit of the normNormThe upper limit of the normTallAbove normal
0 months44,2-46,146,1-48,04849,951,851,-53,753,7-55-6
1 month48,9-50,850,8-52,852,854,756,756,7-58,658,6-60,6
2 months52,4-54,454,4-56,456,458,460,460,4-62,462,4-64,4
3 months55,3-57,357,3-59,459,461,463,563,5-65,565,5-67,6
4 months57,6-59,759,7-61,861,863,96666,0-68,168,1-70,1
5 months59,6-61,761,7-63,863,865,96868,0-70,170,1-72,2
6 months61,2-63,363,3-65,565,567,669,869,8-71,971,9-74,1
7 months62,7-64,864,8-67,06769,271,371,3-73,573,5-75,7
8 months64,0-66,266,2-68,468,470,672,872,8-75,075,0-77,2
9 months65,2-67,567,5-69,769,77274,274,2-76,576,5-78,7
10 months66,4-68,768,7-71,07173,375,675,6-77,977,9-80,1
11 months67,6-69,969,9-72,272,274,576,976,9-79,279,2-81,5
1 year68,6-71,071,0-73,473,475,878,178,1-80,580,5-82,9

Table according to WHO growth indicators for girls from 0 to 1 year

For a girl born on time (according to the standard WHO standards), the ideal weight is 3.200 g, height is 49.2 cm.In the event that these norms are violated, then a newborn with such indicators falls into a risk group and will be under the supervision of a pediatrician ...

With normal nutrition, respectively, the development of the baby by six months should grow up to 65.7 cm, increase the weight to 7300 g. These are ideal indicators. If, for some reason, the girl lags slightly behind in terms of indicators, then a slight deviation of +/- will not be critical.

At six months, the newborn begins to actively develop both physically and emotionally. Her behavior is different from the actions of the baby. She is just as active, curious. But the factor that she is lighter allows her to make her first attempts to sit and crawl faster than a boy. Girls take their first steps earlier, most often before the age of one year. Naturally, they do not gain weight so quickly.

Girl's height chart in centimeters

AgeBelow normalLowLower limit of the normNormThe upper limit of the normTallAbove normal
0 months43,6-45,445,4-47,347,349,25151-52,952,9-54,7
1 month47-49,849,8-51,751,753,755,655,-57,657,6-59,6
2 months51,0-53,053,0-55,05557,159,159,1-61,261,2-63,2
3 months53,5-55,655,6-57,757,759,861,961,9-64,064,0-66,1
4 months55,6-57,857,8-59,959,962,164,364,3-66,466,4-68,6
5 months57,4-59,659,6-61,861,86466,366,3-68,568,5-70,7
6 months58,9-61,261,2-63,563,565,76868,0-70,370,3-72,5
7 months60,3-62,762,7-65,06567,369,669,6-71,971,9-74,2
8 months61,7-64,064,0-66,466,468,871,171,1-73,573,5-75,9
9 months62,9-65,365,3-67,767,770,172,672,6-75,075,0-77,4
10 months64,1-66,566,5-69,06971,57474,0-76,476,4-78,9
11 months65,2-67,767,7-70,370,372,875,375,3-77,877,8-80,3
1 year66,3-68,968,9-71,471,47476,676,6-79,279,2-81,7

All parents are interested in their babies not getting sick and developing harmoniously. If children do not fit into the ideal norms of weight and height, this does not always indicate a violation of their health. This means that moms and dads should not worry. For your own reassurance and confidence, you need to consult a visiting doctor for a consultation. His word will be decisive.

Child development from birth to one year

How often can you find mothers in the children's consultation who scrupulously study the norms of the child's weight and height. Often they are upset only from the fact that a friend's child has added 200 grams more than her baby. The pursuit of standards, the desire to be and live like everyone else, sometimes makes such parents make unforgivable mistakes, which sometimes lead to not very good results, especially when it comes to their precious crumbs. Moreover, some moms and dads take as a basis posts with recommendations on various sites on the Internet.

It is well known that the baby adds an average of 500-800 grams per month. These numbers do not say that the child should gain exactly 500, but better 800 grams. A chubby baby is often inactive, inert. Physical inactivity has always negatively affected the health of adults and especially babies. The indicators will be normal in the child who has been breastfed since birth. Now it has become fashionable to transfer babies to artificial feeding. This is most often the reason for the deviation from the WHO standards for the weight and height of infants.

Watch the video: Height u0026Weight chart for boys u0026 girls (July 2024).