
How to teach a child to speak

Many parents would like their child to learn to speak faster. If this does not happen, they start to worry. You do not need to worry about the slightest pretext, but you should not let the situation take its course. How a child learns to speak depends a lot on the parents (but genetics also make a tangible contribution). To speed up the process of developing speech skills, you need to regularly engage with the baby, and from a very early age. First of all, to communicate, to talk about the objects around him, about himself, what is his name. What else can you do to teach your child to speak?

Mom teaches the baby to talk

The main stages of speech development

The process of developing speech skills is not quick. The child pronounces the first words at the age of only about a year. This time is a huge delight for the family. During the first year of life, parts of the brain of a little man are formed, which are responsible for teaching speech skills.

Baby talking to mom

A one-year-old child can confidently speak individual syllables and has a vocabulary of about 10 words. In general, a child's speech development goes through the following stages:

  1. Scream. Once a baby is born, it only knows how to scream. In the future, the baby can learn to do this with different intonations, tone and volume.
  2. Humming. These are lingering vowel sounds like "aaa", "uuu". For the first time, children go for a walk at the age of 3-6 months.
  3. Babbling. Here different syllables are already combined, which the child can repeat in a chaotic manner. Comes in a period of 6-9 months. At this time, the baby can already understand speech.
  4. Simple semantic sentences. They are not always correct, some words can be spoken only approximately. Sometimes the parents cannot understand what the child wants. For example, the phrase "mom di" means "mom, come here," and "ky tel" means turn on the TV.
  5. Using grammatically correct words in correct cases and with appropriate endings. This stage is typical after one and a half years. It is then that classes on the development of speech are needed. The first lessons should be done when the child already has a sufficient vocabulary for this. Exercises are performed in a playful way.

Further, the skills of speech will be improved even more, in 3 years their foundation will be formed. Learning is step by step, it is important to adapt to the pace of the baby.

When baby sayt first words

Everything is individual. Some babies begin to speak the first words consciously at 8 months. Others - only a year. Girls tend to speak faster. The parts of the brain responsible for speech do not finish forming until 3 years old.

Speech training from half a year to 1 year

You need to talk a lot with the child. A common mistake of many parents is to believe that at the babbling stage, the baby does not understand the adult, and it is useless to communicate with him. They think the sounds are unintelligible and mean nothing. But, if they appeared in the house, this means the baby's readiness to communicate. In the future, it is these incomprehensible sounds that will turn into words. It is important to create good conditions for the child so that this happens faster.

Baby learns to speak from mom

Important to remember! It is necessary to ask the question of how to teach a baby to speak from the very first days of his life. The famous doctor Komarovsky says that it is necessary to communicate with the baby already in the fourth month of pregnancy.

If the kid walks, you need to answer at least something. The same goes for babbling words. It is necessary in every possible way to encourage the baby's attempts to say something. Communication with a baby in his language can help develop skills. Over time, its sounds will become more and more long.

At this age, the baby is more interested in intonation, the sound of words, rhythm and articulation.

The babble itself does not appear immediately. At first, the child accidentally happens to say a syllable. Then he does it purposefully, chains of identical syllables “ma-ma-ma” appear. It is necessary in every possible way to encourage the baby to these actions. Then the babbling words "mama", "baba" and others appear. At first, the baby does not invest any meaning in them, but then begins to associate them with a specific person.

Sometimes parents, wanting to understand how to teach a child to speak, use a bunch of techniques, create an ideal learning environment, but do not do the main thing. They do not communicate emotionally with the child. This leads to the fact that the sensory sphere does not develop, robots with low emotional intelligence grow up. Therefore, focusing on words, do not forget about what distinguishes us from soulless machines. Moreover, the emotional sphere manifests itself much earlier than the first babbling words.

Happy baby learned to talk

How to teach a child to speak elementary phrases? The answer here is simple - you need to try to speak in simple sentences yourself. The development of speech is a natural process, the main thing is to stimulate it and not interfere.

Dad talking to baby

You can not give the baby a toy right away if he stretches out his hand to it, but wait until he says the word “give” (provided that he knows it himself). When the baby learns other words, you need to encourage him to verbal communication.

The child will be one and a half years old to speak in simple sentences. If attempts to teach the child are unsuccessful, this is not a reason to worry.

Methods for the development of the speech apparatus

There are many techniques for developing the vocal apparatus that you can master yourself.

Articulation gymnastics

This is a set of exercises that develop the vocal apparatus. Designed for preschool children, it helps to remove defects in the pronunciation of certain sounds. The purpose of articulatory gymnastics is to automate the pronunciation of individual groups of vowels and consonants. A classic example of articulatory gymnastics is tongue twisters.

It is very important to do the exercises slowly in the early stages. As you train the skills, the speed will increase by itself. When the baby learns to pronounce the necessary sounds, it will be easier for her to say the phrase faster than slower. Many parents will say: "This is how we teach the child to talk." That's right, tongue twisters are an incredibly effective exercise in order to work out problem areas of speech.

Exercises to form pronunciation of sounds and words

The most difficult thing is to explain how certain sounds are pronounced. Especially those that are formed by the organs of the mouth invisible to the child's eye: tongue, palate, teeth. In infancy, it is easy to show a child how to speak the sounds "b", "m", "p". It is enough just to show how the lips move.

It makes sense to do this when the child understands the language of adults. This is a long process, so everyone who says: "We teach a baby to speak in a few months" are lying. Some speech defects can also be at school age.

It is also easy to explain to the child how to pronounce the sounds "l", "t", "f" and others, which are formed during the contact of lips, tongue, palate and so on. It is much harder to explain how to say the "r" sound. It is believed that it is not normal to pronounce it until the age of 5. From this age it is necessary to teach the preschooler.

Moreover, if the sound is initially incorrectly pronounced (for example, it is formed by the throat, like in the French), then you need to contact a speech therapist or perform special exercises earlier. As one of the options, you can try the "horse" exercise, when you need to tap your tongue against the palate.

Important! It is recommended to put this sound together with a specialist, because there are many nuances.

Speech therapy exercises for speech development

Individual exercises cannot replace a full-fledged visit to a professional speech therapist. After all, they are applied in a complex manner. Speech training does not mean working exclusively on individual sounds. It involves the development of many areas of the brain. It is important to train fine motor skills, expand sensory experience, do exercises for articulation, breathing, and work on vocabulary. It is also important to create the right learning environment here.

ABOUTParticular exercises aimed at developing speech:

  1. Finger and gesture games. Scientists have found that the areas of the brain that are responsible for fine motor skills are closely related to the areas responsible for speech. Therefore, active movements of the fingers of the child's hands can also stimulate the development of the ability to speak. For example, you can ask a child how old he is, so that he points with his fingers.
  2. Sensory games.
  3. Articulation exercises. For example, you might ask your child to blow out a candle or blow a pipe.
  4. A number of other exercises.

How to teach a child to speak words correctly

Over time, it always turns out to tell the child how to speak correctly. The main principle here is do no harm. In no case should you shame the baby, express your concern about the fact that something is not working out for him. First, this is how you can raise an insecure kid. Secondly, the child can return to the previous level of development and generally forget how to talk.

The main reason why a child's speech development is delayed is the small number of social contacts with the baby. She just doesn't study in such a sluggish mode. If the child is 1 year old and he does not speak, you can not worry.

Also, the child may experience speech problems due to hearing impairments. Another common reason is the individual characteristics of the psyche. Introverts talk less from a young age, so don't worry about it. If there are any suspicions, it is better to check the child with a defectologist. He knows best when there is cause for concern.

If a child babbles up to two years old, but still cannot speak meaningfully, there is no cause for concern if he understands what is wanted from him.

In short, in any area where it comes to child development, parents tend to panic over trifles. In most cases, the main assistant in teaching children to speak is calmness and patience.


Watch the video: Tips for Talking- Children with Speech Delays Sponsored by Les Jeunes Amies (May 2024).