
Orthopedic pillow for newborns

A child from birth to one year spends a lot of time in the crib. Until the age of 3-4 months, the baby sleeps for 15-16 hours, then the time is slightly reduced to 13-14 hours. For a healthy and sound sleep, a child needs a comfortable bed and a thick mattress. The controversy and controversy begins when it comes to the need for a pillow for newborns.

Children's orthopedic pillow

Does everyone need a pillow

It is arranged by nature that the natural curves of the spine are formed only by 2 years. Until this age, they do not need special support. A healthy baby under 2 years old does not need an orthopedic pillow. Why align and correct what healthy babies develop without any adaptations?

The need for its use can only be confirmed by a pediatrician or a pediatric orthopedist, writes Dr. E. Komarovsky in his books. A regular pillow will create unnecessary bending in the cervical spine and the risk of injury in case of frequent regurgitation, and an orthopedic pillow for newborns will be an unjustified expensive purchase. It is minimally necessary and quite sufficient to put a four-fold diaper under the baby's head.

There are clear indications for the use of an orthopedic pillow for babies:

  • torticollis - an inclined position of the head with a turn in one direction;
  • scoliosis;
  • improper formation of cranial bones;
  • deformation of the occipital part of the head at the initial stage of rickets;
  • displacement of the bones of the skull, resulting from birth trauma;
  • increased or decreased muscle tone of the cervical spine and the shoulder region of the trunk.

The orthopedic pillow, adjusting to the peculiarities of the baby's skeleton, relieves the cervical spine and keeps the displaced cervical vertebrae in a physiologically correct position. The anatomical pillow for a newborn should not be the only treatment. Its use must be combined with other methods of therapy: massage, physiotherapy and other recommendations of the attending physician.

Orthopedic products should be used strictly according to indications

Requirements for toddler pillows

Special head restraints for babies, like all baby products, must meet strict requirements. The following are presented for pillows:

  • elasticity - the filler material should keep its shape, easily restore its original state and quickly accept the bends of the baby's neck and head;
  • breathability - the filler and the cover must allow air to pass through so that the baby does not suffocate, turning his face down on the pillow;
  • hygroscopicity - the baby pillow must remain dry, i.e. the material must absorb any moisture that hits the surface: this is saliva, milk, mixture;
  • the possibility of leaving - the product will need to be cleaned often, so it is advisable to have a removable cover for changing;
  • workmanship - all seams must be strong and hidden (internal).

ABOUTsobennosti pillows for babies

The orthopedic pillow for babies is very remotely similar to the traditional pillow for adults. Fundamentally different materials are used for its manufacture. Instead of down or feather filling, the following materials are used:

  • latex - is hevea juice processed into foam, in fact it is a natural, environmentally friendly material; possesses antibacterial properties, does not attract dust, is breathable, unusually soft, but strong and durable; the only drawback is the high price;
  • synthetic winterizer - a non-woven material made from a mixture of polyester fibers; does not cause allergies, has a low cost; disadvantage - rapid creasing and loss of shape;
  • Comfrel is a material made of siliconized fiber, which, as a result of heat treatment, is transformed into elastic balls; does not cause allergies, has antibacterial impregnation, retains its shape well, allows air to pass through and retains heat; has no shortcomings;
  • polyurethane foam is the most popular material for orthopedic pillows; porous, breathable, elastic and soft, conforms to the shape of the baby's neck.

Quality pillow filler - polyurethane foam

Important information! Fillers made of synthetic materials have proven themselves excellently during operation, they retain their shape well, are easy to clean and are hypoallergenic. But pillow covers for a newborn should be made strictly from natural fabric, the most famous are cotton and bleached (softened) linen.

It is not only the material for orthopedic pillows that differentiates them from conventional sleep products. There are also differences in appearance.

Types of pillows and their characteristics

Orthopedic products are presented in several forms, they differ in shape:

  • The headrest is a traditional anatomical pillow with a notch in the middle and 3-4 cm high bolsters along the edges. The recess fixes the head, rollers are needed for a comfortable positioning of the neck. The pillow is available in several versions: bagel or butterfly. The pillow can be sewn with your own hands using a ready-made pattern. This type of pillow is recommended for children who turn their heads mostly to one side. Thanks to the anatomical shape, the position of the head is fixed, and after a few months, minor asymmetries are corrected.

Corrective headrest

  • The positioner (support) is a flat pillow with rollers on the sides. The rollers fix the position of the child and prevent it from turning over during sleep. The distance between the rollers can be adjusted according to the complexion of the child, while the very design of this type ensures their rigid fixation. The rollers will not part, even when the baby is on its side. There are modifications with built-in sensors that simulate the mother's heartbeat, making the baby fall asleep faster.

Positioner for comfortable sleep

  • An oblique trapezoid is a dense construction with one edge raised. An indispensable thing for parents of babies who often spit up - it is thanks to the tilt of 15 degrees that vomit does not get back into the mouth. The width of such a pillow should be approximately equal to the width of the crib so that the child does not roll off it.

Trapezoid with an angle of inclination 15 °

Important information! You cannot leave the baby alone, on any kind of pillow. Supervision is imperative.

Pillows are not just for sleeping. There are two more types:

  • long roller or unconnected ring - designed for comfortable feeding of the baby (mother can put him on a comfortable pillow, tired of holding it in her arms);
  • "Circle of newborns" - supports the baby's head above the water while swimming in a large bath or pool; it is used when the child has learned to hold his head on his own.

Recommendations for choosing an orthopedic pillow

The anatomical pillow can be used not only for the complex correction and treatment of congenital or acquired musculoskeletal pathologies. Its use can be prophylactic in order to prevent the development of diseases, if there is a disposition for them and small risks. In any case, one cannot do without examination by a neurologist and orthopedist in this matter. If the answer is yes to the question of whether the baby needs to put an orthopedic pillow in the crib for sleep, it is necessary to choose a specific type that is suitable for him. In addition, the choice should be based on the following parameters:

  • the pillow must be certified for use at a certain age;
  • the filler is used only hypoallergenic;
  • cover material - only from natural fabric and removable (for frequent washings or cleanings).

Before purchasing, you must study the recommendations for caring for the product. Some materials cannot be washed, or only delicate wash at low temperatures is allowed. Spinning and twisting are prohibited, and drying only on a horizontal surface in the shade. How long the chosen pillow will last depends on the quality of its filler. If, when you press it, the pillow does not return to its previous shape, it is time to replace it.

How to use an orthopedic pillow

The recommendations of orthopedists for the age from which such products are prescribed are individual in nature. In any case, not earlier than 15 days after birth. It is necessary to lay the newborn on the pillow in such a way as to ensure a comfortable head position. In the headrest, the head must be placed strictly in the recess, the so-called "hole". The two longitudinal bolsters are specially made of different heights to place the neck in line with the spine when the child is in a comfortable position. If he is lying on his back, there should be a lower roller under the neck. If the baby is on its side, then there should be a higher roller.

Any pillow meticulously chosen by caring parents for a beloved baby must be approved by the child himself. If he is not comfortable, he cannot find a comfortable position and is persistently trying to roll over, which means that the pillow was chosen incorrectly.


Watch the video: How to make your own DIY Baby Nest with removable mattress (July 2024).