
Child's day regimen at 10 months

A ten-month-old baby is a very active, mobile, independent baby. The daily routine of a 10-month-old baby differs significantly from the daily routine, diet, sleep, and feeding periods of a 6-9 month old breast or bottle-fed infant.

Baby is awake

Why do you need a mode

It is important to adhere to a certain schedule - this will have a beneficial effect on the development of children, facilitate easy adaptation, the absence of stress in the new environment, and rare diseases in the future. Some parents are free to the question of the regime, but many experts, pediatricians recommend setting a schedule for waking and sleeping crumbs from birth.

Important! Dr. Komarovsky, a pediatrician and Ph.D. in medicine, notes that the regime helps to streamline family life, in particular, to plan their day for parents. If the mother knows what time the child should wake up in the morning, it will be easier for her to organize feeding, cooking and cleaning the apartment, taking care of herself and the baby. At ten months. the question of the daily routine, as a rule, should not be there - most children by this age set it themselves.

It is known that a child does not need a regimen from the point of view of psychological or physiological need. But in order for parents to remain capable adults, and not become lethargic, hysterical people with signs of nervous exhaustion, this issue should be thought about in advance. The child can eat both day and night, as he pleases, and parents still need to plan their affairs.

Ideally, a daily routine is established immediately after discharge from the hospital. Subsequently, it will be easier for an organized kid to prepare for a visit to kindergarten and school.

The tenth month is a period of unprecedented activity, mobility, manifestation of character, individuality in the crumbs. External data, the child's psyche undergo changes, the baby consolidates new skills, learns everything faster.

The child can already:

  • Get up in the crib;
  • Crawl;
  • Sliding off a sofa or chair;
  • Repeat after the parents of the movement, words.

During this period, the child quickly enough gets used to a certain daily routine, so much so that he intuitively feels the hour when to stay awake and when to sleep.

Note! If the daytime sleep is suddenly missed, or the child has "gone too far", overexcited, he becomes excessively capricious, cannot sleep in any way, sleeps restlessly. As a result, mom and dad have a sleepless night.

Regime changes at 10 months

The regimen of a 10 month old baby is somewhat different than that of a 6 month old baby.

The kid hones new skills

What changes appear:

  • The kid sleeps once or twice during the day. The most important thing is to have at least two hours of sleep during the day.
  • The baby needs active, educational games. He gets to know the world around him, considers, thinks how to use new toys.

Additional Information. Games with peers or brothers, sisters-the weather have a positive effect on the development of the baby. However, all active activities should be carried out only in the first half of the day, when the child is full and slept. In the afternoon, cognitive entertainment and walks are held.

  • The kid likes to swim in the bathroom, he enjoys massage and touch. The organization of these procedures will help strengthen sleep, make it calm.

A clear daily routine, of course, will not always be possible to follow. This is not necessary. The personal schedule of the baby is built by the parents, based on the subjective characteristics of their child.

Approximate daily routine by the hour

6:00Awakening, feeding
7:00Wakefulness, games
8:00Physical education, massage
8:40Educational games
10:00Feeding, daytime sleep
11:30Wake up, walk
15:30Second day dream
17:00Awakening, feeding
18:00An evening walk
19:00Calm games at home, dinner
20:30Preparing for bed, feeding at night

How to set the mode

Usually, in the daily routine of a 10 month old baby, everything is structured and understandable: the mother clearly knows when the baby is sleeping, when she wants to eat, when she is ready to play. Difficulties come when there is no clear schedule. In this case, it should be installed.

Important! Parents should be consistent and patient. It may take only a few days, and the child will already understand what is required of him. But some children, due to their individual characteristics, will need more time. Do not abandon your plans - this will only hinder the baby. It is worthwhile to purposefully go to a high-quality result.


  1. The child should be well aware that after bathing, he goes to sleep. The organization of water procedures should be at the same time every day. Over time, the baby will develop a habit of "bathing - sleeping".
  2. Feeding during this period also becomes more conscious - the baby is no longer so small, complementary foods have been introduced. It is necessary to establish an approximate schedule for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks - in the event that the baby is very hungry. The amount of food should be slightly increased in the main meals, so that later the crumb can withstand an interval of 3-3.5 hours.
  3. You can observe the child: during the week, mark when he wakes up, when he wants to sleep, eat. After that, analyze the records, they will contain a certain sequence, which can be taken as a basis.
  4. Introduce rituals: sleeping, walking, eating. Kids at this age are fast learners.
  5. Night feedings are gradually being replaced by kefir, ideally by water.
  6. If the child confuses day with night, it is worth showing him the difference: speak louder during the day, turn on children's songs, at night, if the child wakes up, turn off the light, speak in a whisper.

Breastfeeding and artificial feeding regimen

At 10 months, the baby's regimen undergoes changes in breastfeeding or formula feeding. As a rule, many babies themselves switch to two meals a day with breast milk or an adapted formula.

Usually feedings take place immediately after waking up in the morning and before going to bed at night. Since complementary foods have already been introduced, there is enough other food in the form of cereals, fruits, vegetables, soups for the baby.

Dr. Komarovsky draws attention to the fact that infants, both breastfed and artificially fed, should have a regimen at 10 months: eating, walking, playing, bathing. However, there are situations when the baby wakes up at night and requires milk or a mixture, it happens that he simply cannot sleep well.

What to do in such cases:

  • Dosing impressions. All active events are in the first half of the day.
  • The crib is a place to sleep. The kid should not play in it.
  • Check all the parameters for sleeping in the room: air humidity, temperature. Do not forget to ventilate the room.
  • To teach the baby to fall asleep on his own, he should not have a "breast-sleep" association.
  • No "feeding" in the daytime sleep so that the child sleeps longer.
  • Do not get seasick.
  • Be consistent, insist on your own.

It should be remembered that the further, the more difficult it will be. Therefore, you need to patiently achieve your goal so that no harsh measures are subsequently taken.

Sleep organization

The baby should get enough sleep, both his mood and mother's will depend on this. It is important to organize your sleep and wake schedule. At night at 10 months, babies sleep 10-11 hours. Sometimes feedings happen in the early period, around 4 am, after the baby falls asleep for another 2-3 hours.

It is important during this period to give up 3-time sleep in the afternoon, lengthen the time of games, transfer to 2 sleep. The duration of dreams is no more than 2 hours, otherwise the baby will not sleep well at night. Wakefulness should be about 4-5 hours, you can play with the baby, walk, do massage, gymnastics and exercises.

Deep sleep of a baby

Feeding features

At 10 months, complementary foods have already been introduced, and new products are gradually being introduced. The baby eats every 3-4 hours. The diet is:

  • Porridge with milk or water;
  • Soups based on meat or vegetable broths;
  • Vegetable and fruit purees;
  • Veal, rabbit or chicken meat in the form of mashed potatoes;
  • Cottage cheese, kefir;
  • Juices;
  • Egg yolks.

Important! New products are offered in small doses. For snacks, you can give cookies, compote or tea. Do not forget about clean water as well.

Kid eating vegetables

The nuances of breastfeeding and artificial feeding

A breastfed baby often wakes up at night, as mothers say. To fix this, you should be patient and offer to drink some water during one of these awakenings. During this period, the baby regards feeding at night not so much as food, but as tranquility. Therefore, you should give him warmth, lull him to sleep, stroke, perhaps sing a song. Of course, it is also important to give the child good food for dinner, in order to exclude hunger as a cause of awakening.

Bottle-fed babies usually eat formula at bedtime and early in the morning, which is sufficient for adequate nutrition. It is important to strictly adhere to the required dosages.

Wakefulness mode

The activity time of 10 months in a baby is lengthened. He becomes interested in observing the changes in the world around him, he is especially pleased with walks and new toys.


The street is a huge foothold for research. You can go to the park, to the playground, to show the sandbox. The child will look at everything with curiosity, smile and even laugh out loud.

In summer, it is allowed to spend up to three hours outdoors, to get out into the fresh air twice a day: in the morning and in the evening. In winter, walks are reduced to 30 minutes - one and a half hours. The baby should not be hypothermic.

Classes and educational games

During this period, you can and should start developing activities. What games can be held:

  • Giving rattles in hand - the ringing surprises the baby very much;
  • Suggest pyramids with colored rings;
  • Balls for physical activity with parents;
  • A piano or a xylophone will immerse you in the world of sounds;
  • Show cards with image names. This technique by Glen Doman has proven itself well; many mothers note positive dynamics in the development of a child's speech.
  • Various toys for fine motor skills.

Looking at a new toy

Gymnastics and massage

Morning exercise or gymnastics are beneficial activities that stimulate the strengthening of the muscle corset and the development of motor skills.

The baby is laid on a flat surface, the mother helps to perform the movements 3-5 times. At the end, a massage is performed, when the whole body is massaged, except for the heart area.

At 10 months old, you can invite a specialist to your home for a relaxing full body massage. This will calm the baby, relieve muscle hypertonicity, if any.



Water procedures are carried out half an hour before bedtime, they help to calm the baby and tune in to a quality sleep. It is allowed to add the herb of a string and chamomile, lavender oil to the water.

Violations of the daily routine

The daily routine is disrupted when the baby cannot sleep well at night, often wakes up and asks for a breast and a bottle. In this case, it is important to rule out the reason why this is happening. Most often, this is a kind of habit, and it is necessary to deal with it in a complex manner.

What to do:

  • The baby was hungry and woke up. You can try to shift the dinner by an hour, give more hearty dishes (the best option is porridge);
  • The kid wakes up from a lack of attention, so you should give him all the love, care during the day, read fairy tales, play with him;
  • Take the baby in your arms, tell him a fairy tale, talk to him. In the absence of hunger, he will calm down in 15-20 minutes and, possibly, fall asleep. Within a week, such awakenings will completely stop.

Compliance with the regime helps to form good habits, strengthens health due to properly organized sleep and wake time.

Watch the video: Whats My 10 Month Old Baby Eats in a Day. Meal Ideas For Babies. Baby Food recipes for 6+ Months (July 2024).