
8 month old baby's day regimen

Observing the daily routine of an 8 month old child is necessary for the harmonious development of mental, psychological and physical skills. At this age, the baby is already quite active, trying to move a lot. The load on the body increases, which requires more rest and relaxation. It is necessary to form the correct daily routine for full energy recovery.

Healthy sleep creates harmonious development and good mood for the whole day

What is the mode for?

It is necessary to form the time of wakefulness and sleep at 8 months, since during this period the load increases in all directions: physical, emotional, psychological. The child receives information from the surrounding world, begins to take the first steps, to speak, which significantly loads the body and the nervous system.

Mode changes

The changes are related to the fact that at this age sleep is divided into superficial and deep phases. At night, the baby practically does not wake up. He does not need to interrupt his rest to eat. Features of the sleep period:

  • external stimuli do not interfere with rest (light, conversations, soft music);
  • reflex reactions are significantly reduced;
  • the level of activity of the brain decreases;
  • the nervous system is relaxed.

Doctors have found that when a child is eight months old, he is able to see colorful dreams. The night rest period is the longest. Daytime sleep now consists of 2 phases lasting an average of 1.5 hours.

Attention! 90% of children at 8 months sleep in the afternoon for 1.5-2 hours, some can rest up to 3-4 hours at a time.

Routine training should be gentle

Accustoming the baby to the regime

Setting the right daily routine for an 8 month old baby is difficult. At this age, the baby begins to show his desires, his habits and character are formed. To create psychological comfort, it is recommended to develop temporary restrictions on wakefulness and rest. In this case, you need to take into account the recommendations of the pediatrician, which he will make based on the results of an individual examination.

Basic tips for getting used to the routine:

  • create a ritual that will precede rest day and night (fairy tale, song, light massage);
  • 30 minutes before bedtime, reduce outdoor games, emotional stress;
  • ventilate the room to create a comfortable microclimate.

You need to try at the same time to lay the baby in the afternoon and in the evening, to interest him in the process: choose a favorite toy so that the child can repeat the actions that precede sleep after the parents.

Approximate baby's day regimen

It is necessary to form a child's regimen taking into account the type of feeding. For a child who is on HV, the routine will depend on the needs for food. With this method of feeding, feeding is done every 4-4.5 hours. The daily diet is supplemented with complementary foods, so the frequency of feeding is reduced.


An example mode is as follows:

  • awakening - 6.30-7.00;
  • first feeding - 6.40-7.10;
  • wakefulness - 6.50-8.30;
  • rest (first walk) - 8.30-10.00;
  • breakfast (breast milk feeding) - 10.00-10-30;
  • active wakefulness - 10.30-14.00;
  • lunch time - 14.00-14.25;
  • preparation for rest - 14.25-14.30;
  • daytime nap (or second walk) - 14.30-16.00;
  • activity time - 16.00-18.00;
  • dinner - 18.00-18.30;
  • walk or calm wakefulness (without active and emotional games) - 18.30-20.00;
  • quiet games, communication - 20.00-21.30;
  • preparation for a night's sleep (water and hygiene procedures, massage, a special ritual with a baby, milk feeding) - 21.30-22.00;
  • night sleep - 22.00-6.30.

The order can be slightly changed. It is influenced by the characteristics of development, the existing regime up to this age, the individual habits of the parents and the child.

The walk promotes quality rest and complete relaxation

Artificial Kid Mode

It is necessary to build a daily regimen for an 8 month old child who is on an artificial or mixed type of food, taking into account the existing features. The daily routine coincides by 90% with the babies who are on the guards. The difference is that there are 1 more meals. So, after an afternoon nap (16.00-16.30), you will need to give an additional mixture or complementary foods by age: mashed potatoes, curd.

Organization of sleep at 8 months

Normally, a nursing baby at eight months should sleep about 10-12 hours a day. The total sleep duration is divided into night and daytime (7-8 hours of rest at night and 3-4 hours during the day). It is necessary to create a routine taking into account that deep sleep occurs in a baby after 20-25 minutes from the moment of falling asleep.

During the day, rest takes place in 2 stages, each of which lasts 1-2 hours. When drawing up a rest schedule, you need to take into account the peculiarities of falling asleep (add 20 minutes). Additionally, it is recommended to take into account the season. In winter, a comfortable temperature is maintained in the room, in summer, ventilation and air humidification are carried out. The rest mode in winter involves daytime walks 1-2 times, in summer - 2-3 times. At this time, the baby can sleep in the air.

Overwork and the need for rest are expressed by the following behavioral features:

  • anxiety;
  • tearfulness;
  • refusal to play.

A light massage is recommended to relax the baby.

Activity takes a lot of energy

Important! You need to lay the baby at the first signs of fatigue. If this is not done, then overexcitement will occur, which will entail difficulties with the process of falling asleep.

Feeding features

At eight months, the daily regimen is built taking into account that meals should be 5. A feature is the introduction of a new type of complementary foods. The amount of mother's milk consumption is reduced during breastfeeding. If feeding involves an artificial type of nutrition, then you need to include more food in the menu that needs to be chewed.

The nuances of breastfeeding

The amount of breast milk should be 1/3 of the total food. The baby will receive it 2 times (for example, in the morning and evening before bedtime). The diet is based on dairy and fermented milk products:

  • milk;
  • kefir;
  • cottage cheese and baby curds.

Also included are cereals, vegetables, fruits and meat (mashed potatoes), bread (bagels, crackers without sugar and additives).

With artificial feeding

You don't need to make a special menu. The foods that are included in the diet are the same as for children on the guards. Fish should be introduced into the diet gradually. It is recommended to make steamed cutlets, fruit and vegetable juices.

Attention! You can judge whether the routine and diet are right by weight gain. Normally, it should be an increase of 0.5 kg per month.

Baby's wakefulness mode

At 8 months, a child can stay awake up to 10 hours a day. The period of activity includes not only games and developmental activities, but also walks, bathing, gymnastics and massage.


They need to be carried out daily. Depending on the season, the amount varies from 2 to 3 per day. If you can't take a walk, then it is recommended to spend one of your daytime dreams on the balcony (dress for the weather). The duration of the walk is 1-2.5 hours.

Classes and educational games

The time of the event is from 10.30 to 14.00. During this period, the child is better able to remember new information. Overwork does not occur. Classes should be diverse: learning colors, shapes, reading fairy tales, looking at pictures and toys, independent play.

Gymnastics and massage

Gymnastics can be done during active training. Massage is recommended before night rest. It will help you relax, strengthen muscles, and calm the nervous system. The total time to complete a set of exercises is 15-20 minutes.


The correct wakefulness regimen for an 8 month old baby involves water procedures. They can be divided into bathing before bedtime (15-20 minutes before bedtime) and hygiene procedures (washing hands before eating, washing after each sleep, meal or game). The water temperature should be 37-37.5 degrees. Additionally, toys, bathing products (foam, shampoo, baby soap) are used.

Water treatments are a great way to relax

Violations of the daily routine

If the proper routine is violated, then the harmonious development of the child is hampered. The following can negatively influence the formation of the daily routine:

  • malnutrition (overeating or insufficient food);
  • overwork;
  • unsuitable indoor climate.

Dr. Komarovsky recommends humidifying the air in the children's room, maintaining the temperature within 18-20 degrees. In summer, airing is required. In winter - once a day. You also need to pay attention to how the crib is arranged. An improperly selected mattress (it is best to choose an orthopedic one) can disrupt sleep and daily routine.

If the child is knocked out of the regime

In the event that the child's regimen is violated at 8 months, it will take some time to recover. For this, it is recommended to shorten the time of active wakefulness, increase quiet walks in the fresh air. This technique will remove bad sleep (rest will be complete, which will speed up the process of recovery and allow you to get rid of stress and overwork of the nervous system). The child will not wake up often if before going to bed (at night or in the afternoon) to ventilate the room for 5-10 minutes.

The correct regimen for an eight month old baby is built individually. Doctors know that every child develops differently. Accordingly, how long the sleep will be depends on the activity of the baby. So, for a good rest during the day, someone will need an hour, someone - 2-3 hours. At night, the duration of sleep is 7-8 hours, but 10-12 are considered the norm. You need to know how much sleep is normal by age in order to form the correct routine.