
What foods cause colic in infants when breastfeeding

Even before the baby is born, future parents need to know which foods cause colic in babies when breastfeeding. Some components of a young mother's menu can cause increased gas production and pain in the child. That is why it is very important to exclude a number of foods from the diet in time to avoid problems with the behavior and well-being of the newborn.

A set of products for proper nutrition should take into account the characteristics of the child's body

What is colic

Colic refers to a spasm that develops in the colon. The body of the newborn is not yet well developed, the gastrointestinal tract is not able to digest the complex components of products, and enzymes are not formed in sufficient quantities. As a result, cramping results in severe and intense pain. At the time of the attack, gas formation increases. Proper nutrition of a young mother with colic and gas in newborns should be built according to a certain scheme.

What foods cause colic

When starting the feeding process, you need to know how to avoid colic in newborn babies. In most cases, their appearance is influenced by the food that the mother eats during the day. The list includes vegetables and fruits, baked goods, fried and smoked foods. In order to prevent flatulence or pain, you should adhere to dietary restrictions for the entire period of HB.

To exclude for the time when lactation is in progress, it is recommended:

  • cow's milk (it additionally causes allergies and food intolerances);
  • black bread (since yeast is added to the dough, and the fermentation process takes place);
  • legumes are peas, beans, lentils, corn (you can gradually introduce it into the menu after the child is 3-4 months old, before that time legumes cause severe flatulence);
  • fresh vegetables and fruits (apples need to be baked, cabbage should be used in minimal quantities, since it contains fiber, which the child's body cannot digest).

Important! Sweets and pastries are also excluded. The list should be supplemented with individual products that previously caused negative feelings.

Principles of nutrition for a nursing mother

The principles of nutrition and menu creation are based on the following features:

  • You need to drink more fluids. The daily allowance is at least 2 liters. 1 liter - ordinary boiled drinking water. It is allowed to drink green and black teas (no flavors), berry and fruit juices, fermented milk products;
  • Do not allow dehydration of the body (in the summer, the amount of fluid increases);
  • It is recommended to introduce new products into the diet at regular intervals (1 product every 2 days);
  • Fried foods are completely excluded;
  • It is forbidden to eat salty, peppery, with a lot of spices.

Marinades, canned food, smoked meats and semi-finished products are excluded while feeding the baby.

Compliance with the drinking regime is important for HW

Important! If a baby has a food allergy after the introduction of a new product, then re-use should be postponed for 4-6 weeks.

How to eat while feeding

Food should be fractional and balanced in terms of micro- and macronutrients. It is necessary to form a daily menu taking into account the knowledge of what products and components a baby can have colic from.

You need to include protein foods in the diet. Lean meats and fish are allowed. Be sure to include cottage cheese in the grocery set. A complex of vitamins and substances is needed so that the child can develop harmoniously. Gluten-free cereals, vegetables and fruits should also be present (fruits and vegetables are better for steaming, baking). In order to track the reaction of the baby's body, you need to make the portions small. 5-6 meals a day are recommended. New components are being introduced gradually.

What should not be eaten by a nursing mother

In order not to provoke problems, you should pay attention to the quality of the products. They must all be fresh. Accordingly, you shouldn't eat: canned food, homemade products, pickles, sauerkraut. Foods with dyes and preservatives are excluded, as they can cause an allergic reaction.

Balanced diet

Correct feeding with milk helps to strengthen the immunity of the newborn. Rational nutrition for a mother is based on the principles of PP. Example - boiled meat or steamed meatballs should be eaten in combination with stewed vegetables. Portions should not be large - 200 g at a time is enough. Cottage cheese, fruits are best included in casseroles.

How to avoid colic

It is not difficult to avoid colic in a child. In the first month, the menu is based on the principles of dietary nutrition. Fatty foods, oils, fried in any form, excess salt and sweets are excluded. Small portions and the gradual introduction of new products allow you to closely monitor the reaction of the child's body.

Small portions help relieve discomfort

How to help relieve pain

It is not enough to eliminate foods that cause colic and discomfort in newborns when breastfeeding. Proper nutrition does not guarantee complete absence of discomfort. If they appear, you need to try to relieve the pain. For this, the baby is given dill water to drink. It is also recommended to do a special therapeutic massage. You can give a newborn during an attack a breast, not to feed, to distract from negative feelings.

Herbal tea allows you to exclude or reduce the manifestation of the problem with gas formation. You can do the fees yourself (the composition is developed by the doctor). Also, ready-made formulations are sold in pharmacies.


It allows you to get rid of increased gas formation and discomfort. Movements are made clockwise and back. You don't need to press on your stomach. The massage is carried out smoothly. The duration is 5-10 minutes.

What to do if you have eaten the forbidden

You don't need to panic. The condition of the baby should be monitored. In case of a negative reaction to a new product, its re-inclusion in the menu is allowed only after 2 weeks.

When to see a doctor

When it has already been identified which foods cause colic in infants during breastfeeding, but problems arise often, you need to see a doctor. Consultation will be required if tolerable food was able to cause pain, and attacks began to occur more often than usual without the introduction of new products.

Watch the video: How To Relieve Gas and Colic In Babies and Infants Instantly (July 2024).