
Hypoallergenic formula for newborns

According to statistics, the number of newborns who suffer from allergic reactions is increasing annually in Russia. When symptoms appear, hypoallergenic formulas for newborns will help out, providing the baby with adequate nutrition. A responsible approach to the choice of formula determines the development of the baby, as well as facilitates the course of the disease.

Hypoallergenic formula for feeding children

Types of hypoallergenic formula for newborns

At the birth of a baby, breastfeeding is valued, which satisfies the body's needs for vitamins and essential elements. But sometimes the mother cannot breastfeed her baby and resorts to formula milk.

The transition to mixed and artificial feeding is often accompanied by nutritional disorders in infants, the development of atopic dermatitis due to inappropriate milk formulas. The child's allergy to the mixture necessitates the use of hypoallergenic compounds that normalize the digestive process, eliminate the increased formation of gases and colic.

Plant Protein Healing Blends

Differences between medicinal mixtures - composition, specific action. The formulations do not include whole milk proteins and are suitable for a child with high to moderate allergies. Food is easy to digest, helps to quickly gain body weight, is not divided by age.

On a note. Pediatricians advise to use prophylactic mixtures in case of remission after 6 months.

Whey and goat milk mixtures

Lactase-free or whey formulas are characterized by good digestion and use for children with digestive problems. The mixture is prescribed for infants with sugar and lactose intolerance, OCI (acute intestinal infection). Contraindicated in lactase deficiency.

Suitable for babies with intolerance to soy and cow protein, food on goat milk. The composition has a high nutritional value, it contains the necessary amount of animal proteins, which are required for the healthy development of the newborn. Such mixtures are well processed, are responsible for the normalization of the digestive tract and stool.

Hydrolyzed Protein Blends

Nutrition based on hydrolyzed proteins is prescribed for low-birth-weight infants, infants with severe food allergies, with partial digestibility of substances.

There are many useful components in the infant formula:

  • lactose - forms the intestinal microflora;
  • dextrinmaltose - increases the absorption of calcium;
  • Omega-3/6 (polyunsaturated fatty acids) - develop cognitive functions, brain;
  • inositol - protects the respiratory system;
  • taurine - ensures the work of the heart muscle.

Carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, as well as nucleotides to enhance immunity, palm oil are included in a composition that is close to mother's breast milk.

If you need a hypoallergenic formula for newborns, the list will help you navigate the product range:

  • Bebelac Pepti-Junior and Nutrilak;
  • Alfare and Peptamen (Nestle);
  • Friso pep AC and Nutrilon;
  • Pepticate and Humana Ha;
  • Nan Ha and Pregestimil.

Prophylactic mixtures

A distinctive feature of preventive mixtures for infants with allergies is the protein structure. To facilitate digestion, protein is broken down into smaller molecules. In severe cases, nutrition will not be beneficial, it will help out during the period of remission, with insignificant manifestations of allergies.

The mixtures are produced by many companies, but the labeling does not differ: HA - low allergenic, hypoallergenic - HA. Among the compositions, partially (2) or entirely (1) adapted are distinguished.

Fully adapted prophylactic mixtures

The best hypoallergenic formulas for newborns, according to user feedback, include:

  1. Nan Ha. Contains OptiPro protein complex for baby growth, enriched with bifidobacteria to improve microflora. Nucleotides help develop the nervous system, fatty acids help strengthen the immune system. Produced for children up to six months and up to 12 months, as well as up to 18 months (under the number 3) and from one and a half years (marked with 4).
  1. Similac (Abbot). Does not contain palm oil. Similac is saturated with prebiotics, fatty acids, lutein to develop the organs of vision.
  1. Humana Ha. Tops the rating. The release is carried out in the form of a liquid, which is ready for use from birth, and a powder: number 1 - up to 6 months, 2 - up to 10 months, 3 - from 10 months.

Humana ha

A range of non-allergenic baby food

Young mothers are interested in hypoallergenic formulas for newborns, which one is better.

Good infant formula according to pediatricians and experts

NutrilacDesigned for toddlers with lactose intolerance. Long shelf life of dry mix. Various categories of formulations have been developed: from 0, from 6 months, from 12 months.Increases the number of regurgitations.
NutrilonStrengthens immunity, corrects digestion, fights negative manifestations of allergies, includes biologically valuable components.Due to the palm oil content, the product is inexpensive. Mixes with difficulty.
FrisolacIt is an analogue of Nutrilon. Contains probiotics, nucleotides, fatty acids. Delicate taste. Suitable for low-weight babies.Non-budget option. With palm oil.
Hipp combioticContains lactose, starch, prebiotics, gluten. Designed for children: 1 - up to six months, 2 - from 6 months, 3 - from 10 months. It dissolves perfectly in liquids.Not suitable for crumbs under 3 months old, causes constipation, it is required to give water to the baby.
Celia ExpertLow price with good quality. It is made for 3 steps: from birth, from 6 months, from 1 to 3 years. Eliminates colic, increased gas formation, is responsible for harmonious development.It contains palm, vegetable, rapeseed oil.
BellaktA mixture without flavors, lactose, soy, starch, suitable for babies from 0 to six months with severe allergies. Affordable price.Difficult to find in stores.
NestogenA line of dairy food from a Swiss manufacturer: 1 - with lactobacilli and prebiotics, 2 - fermented milk product, 1, 3 - comfort plus, 4 - low lactose. High-quality fortified composition, which is perfectly divorced, the child likes, delicious.Inconvenient packaging.
Bibicol NannyDoes not irritate the stomach, contains goat's milk. Acceptable cost. It is transferred by the body from 0 to six months. Nice smell and taste.A doctor's consultation is required.

What to look for when choosing

Hypoallergenic nutrition for crumbs must meet the individual characteristics of the body. Emphasize the composition of the mixture.

Currently, the line of infant formula has been supplemented with a product with goat milk. The composition is intended for babies who have identified intolerance to cow's milk protein. The reaction of goat milk with hydrochloric acid has a beneficial effect on reducing the number of regurgitation.

Milk mix Cabrita

If necessary, a dairy-free mixture is used soy. It is necessary to understand that such nutrition will be required for babies with milk intolerance, it replaces proteins in the mixture with soy analogues.

Council. It is forbidden to buy such food without prior consultation - 40% of babies develop an allergic reaction to goat's milk and soy, food intolerance.

When choosing food, the presence of:

  • amino acids and nutrients;
  • salt - low content;
  • taurine - to strengthen the heart muscle.

In order to correctly choose the mixture and not be mistaken, the following points are considered:

  1. Age. Use children's products in accordance with the age, which is indicated on the packaging.
  2. Composition. A careful study of the composition will be required, the main thing is not to provoke an allergy.
  3. Date of issue. Track the expiration date of the product. When switching to a new product, it is impractical to purchase mixtures in large packages. Colic, skin rashes, frequent stools are possible - this is the child's allergy to the mixture.
  4. Cost. It doesn't matter how much food costs. Sometimes a child likes a cheap product more, and an expensive advertised product is the cause of an allergic reaction.

To choose the right composition, they do not rely on the advice of friends, advertisements or responses on the Internet, take into account the recommendations of a pediatrician.

Only a pediatrician will correctly prescribe nutritional therapy if allergy symptoms appear. They use a highly hydrolyzed mixture until allergic manifestations disappear.

Symptoms of food allergies in babies

Young mothers need to know what an allergy to formula looks like in infants.

Attention! When breastfeeding, babies may show signs of food intolerance. The reason lies in the diet of a nursing mother. For babies on mixed feeding, supplementation is an allergen.

If an infant is allergic to the mixture, the symptoms will be:

  • skin: slight redness of the cheeks, rash on the body;
  • Gastrointestinal tract: upset stools, reflux, colic;
  • respiratory organs: shortness of breath, cough, runny nose.

The manifestation of signs occurs in a complex or separately. Taking inadequate measures is fraught with treatment of the consequences - dysbiosis.

The appearance of symptoms of food intolerance is a reason for contacting a pediatrician and undergoing examination. It is helpful to identify the allergen. The doctor will help with the selection of hypoallergenic food for newborns.

What does an allergy in infants look like to a mixture?

Moms are interested in what the allergy in infants looks like on the face from the mixture. Allergies in babies appear on the face in the form of diathesis (dry, reddish spots of various sizes on the forehead, cheeks, chin), rashes, small watery acne. Their appearance is associated with eating, or they appear some time after contact with an allergen, then disappear partially or completely.

Diathesis manifestations

Symptoms are expressed by unpleasant sensations: burning, itching, tightness of the epidermis. Scratching the affected itchy skin of the face leads to the spread of the rash throughout the body, which provokes the formation of ulcers, wounds, they slowly heal in infants.

Correct selection of GA composition will help get rid of nutritional problems, prevent the development of allergies, and strengthen the baby's immunity.

Watch the video: Organic Baby Formula - Best Baby Formula 2019 Top 2 Baby Formulas (July 2024).