
The child does not fall asleep well - possible causes

Often, parents have a problem with the baby's sleep. It is not possible to correct the situation quickly, panic arises. If the baby does not get enough sleep, all family members sleep poorly. To deal with the problem as effectively as possible, you need to understand the cause of insomnia.

The mood and rest of the rest of the family depends on the healthy sleep of the child.

Causes of poor sleep at different ages

For the correct solution to any problem, it is important to initially correctly establish the cause of its appearance. Different circumstances and moments can cause reluctance and difficulty in falling asleep in young children.

Individual characteristics of the nervous system and temperament

In rare cases, a child can be completely healthy, but at the same time it is constantly restless to sleep or falling asleep poorly due to individual characteristics and type of character (choleric). Nothing can be done, it remains to wait until the fidget grows out.

Council. Mommies should monitor the emotional state of such children. Try to peak their activity during the daytime.

Age features and developmental leaps

Children in different periods of life may have their own reasons for awakenings and poor sleep. One month old baby often wakes up due to hunger. By the age of six months, children are often worried about teething. During this period, a post-tonic reflex (desire to sit down) develops, which is why the child can also wake up.

The newborn is constantly growing. The formation of the urinary system occurs. Toilet urges can trigger awakenings. The baby sees various dreams, assimilates the information received during the day. It also causes disturbed sleep and falling asleep.

Kid confused day with night

The division of the day into day and night in infants begins at about 3-4 months. Before that, the child sleeps when full and dry, wakes up because of wet diapers or from hunger.

It is difficult to rebuild the baby if he confused day with night, but with the right approach and patience it is possible

On a note! Biological rhythms are of great importance. If the baby is an "owl", and the parents are trying to impose on him the principles of "larks", then the baby is likely to fail.

The kid can fall asleep at the time chosen by the parents, but it will be more difficult for him to wake up, which will lead to problems. Day and night will be confused. Such failures lead to disruptions in the work of the whole organism, and immunity is weakened.

Incorrect daily routine and amount of sleep

The smaller the child, the more sleep he needs for proper rest. Babies often develop faster and their mother's daily routine is not suitable.

Signs of an inappropriate regimen:

  • the child does not fall asleep well;
  • starts messing around in bed;
  • gets up quickly and early;
  • the baby has enough activity for all periods of wakefulness.

In this case, you just need to revise the daily routine, making it convenient for all family members.

Uncomfortable sleeping environment

If the child does not fall asleep, an uncomfortable environment in the room may be the cause. It is difficult to fall asleep in a cold or too hot room or in low humidity.

For a good rest, it is important that the room is quiet (the TV is not working, or other people are not talking). An uncomfortable sleeping place (bed linen or pajamas, a high pillow, an uncomfortable mattress) can affect the rate of falling asleep.

Psychological reasons

Emotional fatigue and stressful situations can often cause poor sleep. In such cases, the child falls asleep for a long time at night, is nervous and worried. Parents need to control the psychological state of the child. In families where quarrels and disagreements are frequent, children do not sleep well.

A friend in bed, such as a stuffed toy, can help deal with fears.

During the day, the baby should have as little stress and emotional overwork as possible. It is important that the child does quiet things in the evening (read fairy tales, paint). All active games, watching cartoons should be in the daytime.

Health problems

The child's sleep directly depends on his well-being. If the baby has a tummy ache, or teething, then he will be restless and moody, both day and night. Any illness causes sleep disruptions.

Note. A wet diaper and uncomfortable clothes (elastic bands, laces, seams) can interfere with the baby. These moments make him cry, toss and turn.

The consequences of childhood insomnia

Lack of sleep (even if the baby does not get enough sleep for 1-2 hours a day) immediately affects his condition and behavior.

The main signs of lack of sleep:

  • whims appear, which can be replaced by long hysterical crying;
  • decreased appetite;
  • mood worsens.

Regular lack of sleep often causes, in addition to psychological problems, somatic disorders. Children who do not sleep enough are more likely to get sick, are prone to obesity in the future, spit up profusely after feeding, and develop worse.

On a note! Lack of sleep negatively affects subsequent falling asleep. It turns out a vicious circle: a baby who has not fully rested, is capricious, cries and does not fit well again.

Therefore, the main rule not only for infants, but also for preschoolers (up to 5-6 years old) is a full, properly organized day and night sleep.

If your baby wakes up often

Small babies tend to wake up at night. They eat every 3-4 hours. Night sleep should stabilize closer to the year.

Frequent nighttime awakenings can be caused by:

  • onset of the disease;
  • too emotional day;
  • the child is overeating before bedtime;
  • the room is too cold or hot;
  • tummy problems;
  • hunger.

In some cases, a restless night's sleep may indicate the development of serious diseases: rickets, neurological pathologies, encephalopathy. If there are no obvious reasons for anxiety at night, you should consult your doctor for advice.

Parents' mistakes

Sleep problems in babies are sometimes triggered by the parents themselves. If the baby is allowed not to follow the sleep schedule, he watches TV for a long time or goes to bed late, then over time there will be problems with insomnia.

Another mistake many moms make is to prioritize the child's interests. They often forget about themselves, are ready not to sleep at night, indulging the whims of the child. If the parents do not get enough sleep, they will be in a bad mood, which will primarily affect the baby.

How to help your child cope with the problem

Initially, the cause of the problem is identified. If an older child cannot sleep in the evening, you can discuss possible reasons: room furnishings, bedding, clothes, fears. If the baby is not sleeping, and the reason is not clear, you can contact the pediatrician.

Healthy sleep rules

It will not be possible to correct the situation with bad sleep in one day, but with the correct revision of the regime and principles, you can achieve a good sound sleep. Parents should adhere to the basic rules, but at the same time take into account the individual characteristics of the child.

The kid should get used to the constant daily routine that will suit his parents


  1. Compliance with the regime of the day.
  2. The kid must get used to a permanent place to sleep. This can be a separate bed or a common parent's bed.
  3. In order for the child to sleep well at night, do not allow excess sleep during the day. Don't be afraid to wake up your baby.
  4. Correctly organized feeding.
  5. Active entertainment during the day - if the child does not get physically tired during the day, then his sleep will be restless at night.
  6. Optimal conditions for sleeping (temperature + 18-20 ° C with humidity 50-70%).
  7. The sleeping place should be comfortable.
  8. So that the child does not wake up at night from a wet diaper, they buy quality things.

If you follow simple rules from birth, then problems with sleep may not arise at all.

What time to go to bed in the evening

There is no specific time when you need to put your child to bed. From the birth of a baby, you need to make a daily routine and follow it. In it, set aside time for a night's sleep, which should be convenient for all family members.

If everyone at home goes to bed at 21.00, then the baby should get used to this time. In some families, the optimal time for sleep is 23.00.

Is it necessary to bathe before bed

An evening swim before bed in a cool large bath is a great opportunity for your child to get physically tired and hungry. If you do massage and gymnastics in the evening, you can enhance the effect of bathing. After such procedures, the baby eats and falls asleep.

Evening bathing often helps children fall asleep faster

This procedure is not suitable for all children. Some babies, on the contrary, behave actively after water procedures.

Useful advice from Dr. Komarovsky

The well-known pediatrician Komarovsky advises in matters of the daily regimen and sleep routine to adhere not to generally accepted and established norms, but to the individual characteristics of the child. If one toddler needs to sleep 2 times a day for good rest, then one is enough for another.

On a note! According to Dr. Komarovsky, children under 2 years old cannot be put to bed on a pillow. This can be the reason why the child does not fall asleep for a long time.

Babies do not need half-cakes under 2 years old

In order for the baby to sleep normally, it is imperative to monitor his emotional state. If big changes are planned in the life of the baby (moving, the birth of a second baby), then he is prepared for them in advance. These situations often become stressful and lead to sleep disturbances.

If the child does not fall asleep well at night, then you should observe the behavior of the baby. He himself will tell you how much and when he needs rest. If there are difficulties, you need to find the cause and fix it, since lack of sleep negatively affects the health and development of the child.

Watch the video: 2 Year Old Sleep Training: How to Avoid Common Sleep Problems (July 2024).