Good to know

Should children turn on the TV?

Oh, this magic TV box! Turn it on for children and a lot of problems are immediately solved: children are silent, no nannies and entertaining games are needed. Many parents know that frequent TV viewing is harmful to the younger generation, but how long can you watch it? How often? Is TV really evil?

In recent years, a bunch of interesting cartoons and educational developments that simply hypnotize our kids have begun to be shown on TV. It is difficult for young children to explain that it is time to turn off the TV, they immediately begin to be capricious and throw tantrums. It is clear that all mothers and fathers strive to reduce the viewing time so as not to harm the health and psyche of the baby. What should be done in this case and how to behave? Let's look at it in order using the example of experienced parents ...

“Don't look for salvation on TV when the baby is crying!”

Mom Vika shared her story about fighting the TV: “I have three kids - two, four and six years old. Once the kids began to misbehave, did not obey, bully, and we had a lot of household chores and my husband and I turned on the TV to calm them down and distract them while we were busy. This act was our main mistake.

  1. First, the children watched adult programs. At this point, we were unable to control TV viewing.
  2. Secondly, our children are of different ages and are interested in different cartoons. With prolonged viewing, they begin to quarrel even more.

The youngest son does not watch TV for more than five minutes, he begins to bully his elders, prevents them from watching cartoons. This problem was quickly solved: it was enough just to distract him and play with him.

Advice: under no circumstances use the TV as a distraction or calming effect. At first, everything looks harmless, the children become obedient, docile, they are not visible and not heard, but this is for the time being. Children quickly understand that if they start to indulge, their mother will immediately turn on their favorite cartoons. At first, the storm of children's emotions dies out when watching TV, but then it can break out with even greater force. It has long been proven that television broadcasts excite the child's psyche.

The TV must have competitors

But dad Andrey knows better than many people what to do with the inexhaustible energy of the kids! His children (five to seven years old) practically do not remember the existence of this gray box, and all because it stands in the very corner of the room in the wall and does not loom before their eyes. The father is very actively involved in children, constant walks, entertaining games. What kind of TV is this? It's a hundred times more interesting with dad! Even separation during father's work is not a reason to stick into a TV set - there is a mother who is always there and will find useful activities for children.

Advice: Place the TV so that it is not conspicuous, for example, in the far corner of the room. A child can be interested in many useful games and then he will not remember about the TV.

Better to include verified transfers

Ekaterina, a mother of two children (five and two and a half years old), told us a very interesting story:

“My oldest child, at the age of five, knows how to use the remote perfectly and easily turns on the TV and flips the channels in search of interesting things. And then one day, early in the morning, my brave boy runs to my bed in tears. It turns out he woke up earlier than everyone else, turned on the TV imperceptibly and began to watch horror films. From that time on, he himself gave up on independent viewing and preferred modeling from plasticine, there, no one will scare him. And now I began to include only proven programs and pre-made recordings of cartoons. "

Advice: Avoid children's independent TV viewing. Genres come across different and can harm the child. It is best to write down cartoons and programs favorite by the child on a USB flash drive. All these recordings can be turned on for your child several times, small children do not get tired of repetitions.

Do not use the TV if children are bored

Earlier, mother Ira always heard from her seven-year-old daughter “Mom, I'm bored! I have nothing to do! I'm tired of toys! " And then, willy-nilly, one thought came - turn on the TV. But then Irina realized in time that there was nothing to follow the child's lead, and strictly replied: "If you are bored, get bored a little, then you will immediately find something to do." It worked, my daughter puffed for about ten minutes and began to invent activities for herself, play new games, and compose.

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But dad Anton solved the problem differently, his seven-year-old son and ten-year-old daughter simply did not break away from TV, but then the family had to move. The new apartment didn’t have an antenna and they didn’t have a TV for a month. Children just got out of the habit of it. Then, of course, they still made a TV, but the views were strictly on the clock.

Advice: the TV is not a cure for boredom, you should not immediately run and turn on the child. It is better to get out old children's toys, for sure the child will be interested. You can write a list of children's fun and offer them to the child when he does not know what to do.

No secret views

Nikolai, a father of two, faced such a problem when he found his children watching TV at a time they were forbidden. Soon this event was repeated again and dad had to pull out the cord from the TV. The situation was difficult, the children simply did not listen. After being severely punished (banning TV viewing for a month), the children stopped trying to view secretly and began to follow the established regime.

Advice: you must immediately hide the remotes, pull out the cords, antennas. This is the only sure way to end clandestine viewing.

Granny lets you watch everything

Tatyana, mother of little Nastenka: “I'm tired of fighting with our grandmother! Often there were situations when the child needed to be left with Baba Klava and I did it with reluctance ... Our grandmother saw nothing wrong with the fact that the granddaughter would watch “cop investigations and murders”, “trials”, “gangster Petersburg” all day. I would even agree to five-hour cartoons, but my grandmother is not interested in watching. We try not to quarrel with our parents, so we decided to have a frank, good-natured conversation, where we explained the reasons and consequences. Soon the grandma "heard" us.

Advice: don't be weak, talk to your grandmother. You can reach any person, you just need to find an approach.

Expert opinions

  • You can watch TV from the age of two for no more than 5-8 minutes.
  • At three years old, you can increase the view to 25 minutes.
  • In four years, viewing will be 30 minutes.
  • At five years old - 35 minutes.
  • Six-year-olds can watch for about an hour.
  • At any age, it is worth not turning on the TV at all twice a week.

Final tip: in fact, the TV is not as bad as many people imagine. You just need to find the right use for it. Many programs and cartoons are useful for developing a child. But do not forget about the expert opinion!


Watch the video: Positive and Negative Effects of Television on Children (September 2024).