
Baby crying while breastfeeding

Crying of a baby during breastfeeding is not a manifestation of a capricious nature, but a clear signal that the baby needs adult help. The task of the parents is to observe the baby in order to understand what is bothering him and to help as soon as possible.

Crying baby near mom

The reasons for crying

If the baby started crying during feeding, you need to figure out why this happened. There are a lot of reasons provoking such behavior, and in order to prevent their occurrence, the mother must properly organize the process of feeding her baby.

Lack or excess of milk

The baby may cry during breastfeeding because of not eating enough. This usually happens for several reasons:

  • Mom is not lactating, and there is very little milk. In order to remedy the situation, the mother needs to apply the baby to her breast as often as possible and regularly drink warm tea with milk or special fees for lactation;
  • Milk is heavily sucked out of the breast because all milk ducts are blocked. This can happen if the breastfeeding woman is wearing very tight underwear;
  • The baby is very little at the breast. In this case, he simply does not have time to suck out the back fractions of milk, which are rich in nutrients and fats.

It is very easy to understand that the child does not have enough milk - you just need to count the number of urination and bowel movements. As a rule, the baby urinates 6 to 12 times a day. As for bowel movements, there should be at least 3-4 of them per day. Also, the mother needs to watch the baby's weight gain. Two weeks after birth, the baby should gain about 150 grams per week. If there is not enough milk, you may have to switch the baby to artificial formula.

Too much milk with HV can also cause the baby to cry during breastfeeding. The reason is that the baby simply does not have time to swallow and chokes on mother's milk. This problem can be remedied by first expressing some milk from both breasts. Also, the mother can stop the feeding process for one minute and squeeze the breast strongly. This will help to significantly reduce the flow of milk for a certain time, and the hungry baby can eat peacefully.

Additional Information. To make it easier for your baby to suck and to speed up the flow of breast milk, you can express it several times by hand or using a breast pump.

Baby suckles

Too noisy and light

Many babies are very sensitive to their surroundings and may cry during feeding due to external stimuli: bright light, loud noises, stuffiness in the room. Mom can easily detect all these factors and try to eliminate them as soon as possible. It is best to breastfeed your baby in a calm environment with dim light.

Air got into the stomach

The baby screams when he drinks breast milk, because in the process of sucking he swallows air, then his stomach begins to hurt. Helping a baby in such a situation is simple: feed only in a sitting position, immediately after feeding, take the baby in your arms and hold for 3-5 minutes with a column, while patting on the back so that he can regurgitate the swallowed air.

The baby is crying

Milk changed taste

The baby may cry, bend over, and throw up while breastfeeding because mother's milk tastes differently. This can happen if the nursing mother ate spicy, spicy, smoked and other junk food.

This problem can be solved if the mother follows certain rules:

  1. Do not use hot spices, garlic, hot peppers, radishes, radishes, onions.
  2. Do not be nervous, as the nervous state of the mother changes the hormonal background, this negatively affects the taste of breast milk.
  3. Refuse intense exercise. Lactic acid makes milk bitter.
  4. Do not take medications unless urgently needed.
  5. Consult a doctor at the first manifestations of lactostasis or mastitis. These diseases make milk salty.

Improper attachment, uncomfortable posture

If applied incorrectly, inconveniences are simultaneously delivered to both mother and baby. From this, the baby does not sufficiently affect the breast, as a result, the flow of milk is weakened. If the baby feels that he is uncomfortable, then he will begin to wriggle, cry and throw the breast.

Breastfeeding experts advise breastfeeding women to do this:

  • Both mom and baby should be in the most comfortable position. It is better for mom to lie down, put the baby next to it on the barrel and press it slightly to the chest;
  • The child's head should be above the priests, the neck should not bend much;
  • It is not necessary to press the baby's head to the chest, but if necessary, you can control its rotation;
  • It is preferable that the baby has maximum contact with the mother's body.

The correct position and close contact will calm the baby and give him the opportunity to eat well.

Note! If the cause of crying is not a disease, but improper attachment, then the child will scream, resent, whine or grunt, but at the same time will look completely healthy.

The crying of a baby during feeding can be not only because of the mother's breast. It is likely that the problem is in the baby's immature digestive system or the processes that take place in the baby's body.

Tummy hurts

Often, the baby screams when feeding, as his digestive system is not yet fully able to cope with its functions, which leads to increased gas production. This is what causes unpleasant sensations, especially in the evening.

When the baby is bothered by colic and sharp pains in the abdomen, he begins to scream at the end of feeding or immediately after it, squeezes his legs. You can cope with such a problem that worries the baby with the help of a light circular massage of the tummy, a warm diaper, a bottle of dill water or medications that will help reduce the number of gas in a small body.

Important! Medication should be used only after consulting a pediatrician.

Newborn screams

Breastfeeding woman's diet

If a nursing mother makes mistakes in nutrition and eats spices, garlic, onions and smoked foods, then this will negatively affect the taste of breast milk. The child will express his displeasure with the refusal of the breast and a loud cry. So that the baby does not suffer from the harsh or unusual taste of milk, the mother is obliged to observe a special diet and introduce new products into her diet gradually. Then both she and the child will always be happy.


Teeth begin to erupt when the baby is 5 or 6 months old. The teething process is painful and painful for every child. The gums turn red, swell, itch and hurt a lot, during latching on to the chest, discomfort can intensify, and the child begins to yell and be capricious.

It is very difficult to help a baby during teething, but mom can make this period easier for him: be affectionate and patient, give teethers (after having cooled them in the refrigerator), use anesthetic gels. During breastfeeding, a mother can often feel that the baby is not so much sucking on the breast as chewing on it, trying to scratch its swollen gums.

Baby with mom

Neurological disorders

Very often, premature babies have neurological problems that cause repeated headaches. Sometimes newborns may just have a headache. Most often, such a problem arises due to neuralgia, that is, the baby has disorders in the neck or spine. At the same time, during feeding, the child will growl, twirl, sob and bend when he eats, strains, and the pain becomes more pronounced.

It can be very difficult to understand that the cause of crying is precisely in the headache. If the mother has suspicions that this is precisely the case (due to the difficult course of pregnancy, difficult childbirth, prematurity), you need to contact a pediatric neurologist as soon as possible for a diagnosis.

How to eliminate crying

To calm your child down, you first need to establish the cause of crying. Parents should provide the baby with maximum rest during feeding, protect it from contact with other people, and eliminate all irritating factors. The child does not need to hear the parents swear, their raised voices. Mom should not be nervous and fussy, as the baby will instantly react to this with crying and anxiety.

A crying baby is well soothed by tactile contact with the mother and the warmth of her body. Mom needs to press the baby to her, massage her tummy, sing songs, stroke the head. It is also very important to check if the baby is latching on the breast correctly, if necessary, adjust the feeding regime. If the baby is uncomfortable with the environment, you need to create comfortable conditions for the baby as soon as possible (turn down the bright light, ventilate the room).

If all attempts to eliminate the problem were unsuccessful, perhaps the reason is a neurological disease and it is worth seeking help from a doctor.

Knowing the reasons why the baby cries while breastfeeding, it will be easier for young mothers to figure out what is happening to their baby and choose the right course of action. You can also prevent this situation. To do this, you need to strictly monitor the hygiene of both the mother and the baby, follow the appropriate diet, and provide the necessary conditions for comfortable feeding.

Watch the video: NHSGGC - Meet our breastfeeding peer supporters (July 2024).