
Vaseline oil and ointment for newborns

Caring for baby skin in the early stages of life is an important component. Babies are born with a thin skin that requires special care. This will help the use of petroleum jelly. It has a safe and natural composition and is harmless. Mothers have known about the possibility of using the product since the last century, when the range of children's cosmetics was not diverse.

Vaseline oil bottle

What is Vaseline oil

The second name of the product is “liquid paraffin”. It is a refined petroleum product that has undergone a thorough chemical treatment. There are no harmful chemicals in the composition, so it can be used for newborns. The main component is tar, a mixture of sulfur and hydrocarbons. The substance undergoes chemical treatment with sulfuric acid, thus it is purified from sulfur. The composition retains hydrocarbons, which are the main components.


What is the composition of vaseline oil is a popular question. A well-purified liquid does not cause an allergic reaction. It is different for a product with a low level of purification. The following substances are found in the preparation:

  • microcrystalline wax;
  • mineral oil;
  • liquid paraffin.

Important! For newborns, use a deep cleaning product. The fewer substances in the composition, the lower the risk of allergies.


Vaseline oil has a beneficial effect on baby's skin. Its components moisturize the dermis well, contribute to softening the crusts. In this case, air exchange is not disturbed. Liquid paraffin has an antibacterial effect that prevents infection from entering. The tool is used for certain procedures, these are:

  • children's massage;
  • softening of the crusts on the skin;
  • with diaper rash, redness and prickly heat;
  • to combat constipation;
  • getting rid of crusts in the nose.

Modern parents praise the remedy, talking about its effectiveness and speed of action.

Baby in a diaper

Is it completely safe for the baby

Sterile petroleum jelly is more suitable for newborns. In the first month of life, it is advisable to give preference to him. You can purchase the product at the pharmacy or carry out the sterilization process yourself.

After the first month, sterility is not necessary. The infant adapts to the external environment, the risks of infection are significantly reduced.

Important! Do not use liquid paraffin every day. The baby's skin should rest periodically.

Using vaseline oil from birth

The use of the product is possible from birth. It is recommended to use sterile oil for this purpose and strictly observe the dosage. If necessary, consult with a pediatrician, he will tell you about the correct application.

External use of vaseline oil and ointment

The product is in the form of oil and ointment. Both options are suitable for outdoor use. Vaseline for newborns will help cope with problems:

  • diaper rash, prickly heat, redness;
  • relieve flaky crusts;
  • will soften the crust in the nose;
  • will help moisturize the skin during massage.

For diaper rash, sweating and redness

Children's skin often comes into contact with stool and urine, resulting in diaper rash and redness. Due to poorly adjusted thermoregulation, diaper rash appears in the first months of life. Any manifestations on the skin cause discomfort in the baby. To relieve his condition, vaseline ointment for newborns is suitable. It is applied to the damaged areas of the skin. The procedure promotes early healing.

Against flaky crusts on the skin

Many babies are born with a crust on the head and parotid region. They are laid during intrauterine development and are designed to protect the child from infection; by the year they pass on their own. To speed up this process, use petroleum jelly. After bathing and cleaning the area, a small amount of liquid is applied.

Crust on the baby's head

Getting rid of crusts in the nose

Newborns and babies are unable to get rid of crusts in the nose on their own. They are formed as a barrier to infection through the respiratory tract. A large accumulation of formations makes breathing difficult. This can be noticed during sleep - a slight whistle is heard when breathing. It is recommended that you clean your nose daily. To do this, make a turunda of cotton wool or bandage, moisten it in oil and clean the nose, smoothly screwing in the turunda.

Massage lubricant

In order for the baby to develop well, you need to do massages. Vaseline oil or ointment is used as a lubricant. Previously, a small amount of the product is applied to the hands and rubbed, only then they begin to massage the baby's body.


Also, the tool is used to prevent diaper rash after being discharged home. All the folds on the baby's body are smeared with a moistened piece of cotton wool. This method is also used in maternity hospitals.

Important! Before using the product, you need to make sure that it has a good shelf life. After its expiration, it cannot be used.

Instructions for use

The bottle of oil is opened and the date is marked on the label. If necessary, the product is sterilized in a water bath. Cotton wool is pre-prepared. For the treatment of skin areas, balls are formed, for cleaning the nasal crusts - turundas. The resulting rags are moistened and wrung out, carry out the necessary manipulation.

Internal use

Oral intake for newborns is prohibited. According to the instructions, it can be given to children from 1 year old, observing a clear dosage. Why observe the dosage? When it is exceeded, diarrhea and dehydration develop.

For constipation

The baby's digestive system is not fully adjusted. He does not have enough enzymes to completely digest food, therefore children often experience constipation in the first year of life. To alleviate the condition, enemas are done with the addition of petroleum jelly, but more than 1 time per day.


In special cases, babies are given the drug inside. The dosage should be appropriate for weight and age. Before use, you need to consult a pediatrician.

Instructions for use

Vaseline oil is sterilized in a water bath. A syringe is also prepared to inject fluid into the anus. 25 ml of water and 0.5 tsp. the funds are mixed in a container. The mixture is collected in an enema and injected.


Errors in the use of vaseline oil

Some parents run into errors when using the tool. The most common ones are:

  • overdose during massage, due to which there is a blockage of the sebaceous glands, skin metabolism is disturbed;
  • overdose when taken orally - diarrhea develops;
  • use at high temperatures during a cold - a violation of thermoregulation.

Vaseline oil has been used by mothers since the last century. This is a universal remedy that helps to cope with the problem areas of newborns. The drug will serve as a good moisturizer for the skin, relieve skin crusts and help relieve constipation.

Watch the video: Baby Bath and Hair RoutineOnly using Dove and Vaseline (July 2024).