
Vitamins "Sana-Sol" for children

Vitamins "Sana-Sol" are produced for different ages, including for children. What complexes of such a brand are allowed for children, what is their composition and how to properly give such vitamins to a child?


In childhood, the following vitamins "Sana-Sol" are used:

  • Syrup for children over a year old. It has a yellow-orange color and an indistinct citrus aroma. The most important element of such a syrup is vitamin D. Such a syrup is produced in bottles with a volume of 250 or 500 ml.

  • Chewable tablets for children 4 to 10 years of age. One package contains 40 pieces.
  • Chewable tablets for teenagers. They are recommended to be taken between the ages of 11 and 17 to help your child cope with high stress and changes in adolescence.

  • A universal complex in the form of effervescent tablets, which is taken not only by children, but also by adults. This supplement can be given to a child from 12 years of age. The basis of the drug is group B vitamins. One package contains 20 tablets.

  • Fortified additive Extravit. It comes in the form of chewable tablets, approved for use over the age of four. One pack contains 20 tablets.


The main ingredients in Sana-Sol multivitamins are:


Multivitamin supplements "Sana-Sol" are recommended to be taken in order to:

  • Replenish the lack of vitamin compounds and minerals.
  • Prevent colds and SARS.
  • Support the child's immunity.
  • To provide for the increased needs of children under high stress, for example, if the child is playing sports.
  • Support the child's body while recovering from surgery or serious illness.


Complexes "Sana-Sol" are not prescribed in case of intolerance to any ingredient in such supplements. It is also important to consider age restrictions and other supplements, since the Sana-Sol course cannot be combined with other multivitamins.


  • An effervescent tablet of the universal supplement "Sana-Sol" is thrown into 150 ml of water and the child is given the resulting drink to drink during the meal.
  • Syrup "Sana-Sol" is given to a child after shaking the bottle at the age of 1-3 years, a teaspoon, and for children over four years of age, a single dosage is increased to 10 ml. The supplement is offered to babies and older children once a day.
  • "Sana-Sol" in the form of chewable tablets for children 4-10 years of age or for adolescents is prescribed 1 tablet a day. The drug is given with meals.
  • The supplement "Extravit" is given to children over four years of age, 1 tablet daily until the age of 14, and from the age of 14, the daily dosage is increased to two tablets. The supplement is taken with one of the meals.


In most cases, parents who gave Sana-Sol supplements to their children respond positively to such drugs. They emphasize that such vitamins are tasty, healthy and effective, and children often tolerate them well. Only some children had an allergic reaction to the Sana-Sol complexes.

Replacement products

If for some reason it is impossible to give the child the Sana-Sol complex, it can be replaced with other children's multivitamins, for example, the supplements Multi-tabs, Pikovit, Supradin, Alphabet and similar ones. However, it is not at all necessary to give the child pharmaceutical preparations for the prevention of hypovitaminosis.

If you pay attention to the nutrition of children, you can ensure that the child receives all the important vitamins from his daily menu, which should include meat, dairy products, vegetable oil, fruits, cereals, herbs, eggs and many other products.

For more details, see the program of Dr. Komarovsky.

You can learn more about what vitamins a child needs and whether it is worth taking pharmacy vitamins by watching the following video.

Watch the video: d vitamin dutagdal (July 2024).