
Oxygen cocktails for children: benefits and harms

The cocktail, which has cute foam and interestingly bursting gas bubbles, is popular with many children. It is called oxygen for its special cooking technology. Such cocktails are often offered to children in schools or kindergartens, so many mothers are interested in what their benefits are, how they affect the child's body and whether they can harm.

What it is?

Wellness with the use of oxygenated drinks has been used since the 60s of the last century. Initially, cocktails were intended for people with diseases of the heart, blood vessels, nervous systems and liver. They were prescribed in children's sanatoriums and various medical institutions, but now oxygen foam can be made even at home.

The composition of any oxygen cocktail contains a liquid ingredient, a foam-forming agent and oxygen. The liquid that serves as the base of the product is usually water, juice, broth, syrup or milk. It is thanks to the addition of herbal infusions, juices or other liquid components that the drink acquires a taste, because oxygen is tasteless and does not have any smell.

At the same time, oily solutions or liquids with pulp are not suitable for making cocktails, since gas bubbles are poorly formed in them. Carbonated drinks are also not used to prepare oxygen foam, since carbon dioxide will interfere with oxygen saturation. From herbal remedies, decoctions of rose hips, mint and lemon balm, linden, echinacea are most in demand, from juices - apple, cherry, grape, pear, and so on.

To obtain foam, egg whites, syrup from licorice roots or a gelatin solution, as well as special mixtures, can be used. The use of proteins, although they are perfectly whipped, is gradually being abandoned these days, because eggs are not only a strong allergen, but can also cause salmonella infection. In addition, they give the foam a specific flavor.

To add the main ingredient, oxygen, to the cocktail, use a balloon, portable cartridge or oxygen concentrator. Thanks to oxygen foam, the liquid is airy and light.

As for the calorie content of the cocktail, it will depend on the liquid base included in a particular recipe.


Drinking oxygenated drinks:

  • helps to reduce mental or physical fatigue;
  • reduces the incidence of colds and viral infections;
  • has a positive effect on the nervous system of children;
  • normalizes the work of internal organs;
  • accelerates the elimination of toxic substances;
  • compensates for the harm caused by a long stay in rooms with poor oxygen access;
  • helps to recover faster from illness or hospital treatment.

Who is appointed?

Although an oxygen cocktail is allowed to be consumed by almost all children, but for some categories such a drink is recommended first of all:

  • young athletes to improve blood circulation and recover faster after exertion;
  • first graders to cope with new information, eliminate fatigue and improve memory;
  • children who are sick often and for a long time in order to increase non-specific immune defense;
  • overweight children, as cocktails with oxygen activate metabolic processes and stimulate the breakdown of fat;
  • babies who live in an industrial area to minimize the harm of a lack of oxygen in the air;
  • children with a reduced level of hemoglobin, previous respiratory diseases and kidney diseases.


There are some restrictions on the use of oxygen cocktails. Drinks can, instead of the desired positive result, harm children with:

  • intolerance to the ingredients used;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • peptic ulcer if it has worsened;
  • heart defects;
  • high blood pressure;
  • urolithiasis;
  • respiratory failure;
  • diabetes mellitus.

How to use it correctly?

An oxygenated cocktail should only be drunk freshly prepared, taking small sips. To make the drink more effective, the foam is eaten with a spoon. You should not drink such a cocktail through a straw.

So that the tonic effect of the drink does not affect evening activity and falling asleep, "Eating" oxygen cocktails should be before noon. You cannot drink such a drink on an empty stomach, on an empty stomach it is harmful to the digestive tract.

It is better to give it to children 1-2 hours after eating.

How often and for how long can you drink?

Oxygen foam is usually taken in courses that last 10 or 15 days. The drink is consumed once a day, sometimes twice. You can repeat courses at intervals of 1-2 months. The volume of one cocktail portion is determined by age:

  • preschool children are given such a drink in a volume of no more than 150 ml;
  • for first grade schoolchildren, a cocktail in a volume of 200 ml is suitable;
  • serving for a teenager is 250-300 ml.

In kindergarten

These days, the use of oxygen cocktails among preschool children is very popular. Usually children attending kindergarten are given them several times a year. Such health cures are recommended during a period when bad weather does not allow taking long walks outside.

The main requirement for the preparation of oxygen cocktails in kindergarten is safety. For drinks to bring the expected benefits, they must be mixed and oxygenated by a specialist person who is familiar with the technology and is responsible for the quality of the components. Parents should be familiar with the recipe before the start of the wellness reception.... This will reduce the risk of a negative reaction if the child has a tendency to allergies.

How to cook at home?

If you buy a special apparatus, you can make healthy cocktails at home. The structure of the apparatus includes a cocktail, into which liquid and a foaming agent are poured, as well as a concentrator that releases oxygen. By connecting these parts together and turning on the device, the process of oxygen-containing foam formation is started. The result is a delicious airy cocktail with health benefits.

A drink can be obtained without special equipment if you have an oxygen source and a large capacity. Pouring juice, herbal broth or other liquid base into a jar or a large glass, add licorice root syrup to it (if the child normally tolerates eggs, such a syrup can be replaced with egg white) and mix well. Further, a tube is lowered into the liquid through which oxygen is supplied until a stable foam is obtained.

On average, 2 tablespoons of licorice syrup or one protein are taken per liter of liquid. A source of oxygen can be an oxygen pillow, which is bought empty at a pharmacy, and then refilled. Its main advantage is the presence of a regulator that controls the supply of oxygen, so it is very convenient to use this device.

The more popular option is the oxygen cylinder, which usually contains 1 liter of gas. It is in demand due to long-term storage, therefore it can be used for several family members or for several courses of cocktails for one child. There are also special cocktail cylinders, but they are used less often at home due to their large volume. Such an oxygen source is often purchased for kindergartens and other institutions.

If you decide to prepare foamy cocktails at home, remember about the high explosive properties of oxygen. Never open a cylinder near an open flame or heater.


Doctors respond differently to the use of oxygen cocktails. Some experts note their positive effect on the general condition and immunity. Other doctors are very skeptical. They believe that oxygen absorbed from the digestive tract is represented in such a small amount that it cannot be compared with the supply of oxygen through the lungs. This casts doubt on the effectiveness of the ingestion of oxygen bubbles. This opinion is also expressed by the famous doctor Komarovsky.

Medicinal herbs and juices used for cocktails are also criticized. According to some doctors, such liquids enhance the therapeutic effect of the frothy drink. But their opponents believe that oxygen, on the contrary, destroys the healing substances in the decoctions, which reduces their positive effect.

Parents' comments on oxygen cocktail therapy courses are also very different. Each mother has her own point of view about the effectiveness of "eating" oxygen foam. However, if health improvement courses are offered in kindergartens and schools, few people refuse this, because every mother seeks to strengthen the health of her son or daughter. At the same time, many confirm that the child began to get sick less often, but some mothers do not see any effect from such therapy. There are also categorical opinions when parents call cocktails useless and are sure that these are unnecessary expenses.

For the benefits of an oxygen cocktail, see the next video.

Watch the video: Webinar on opening up new possibilities for children with Autism by Dr Nandini Gokulchandran (July 2024).