
What formula to choose for a newborn with mixed feeding

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of an infant's life. Most mothers only breastfeed their babies, while others, on the contrary, bottle feed with artificial formula. Sometimes it is necessary to combine both methods. At the same time, it is important to know which mixture to choose for a newborn with mixed feeding, and to take into account the peculiarities of feeding the child in these conditions.

Mixed feeding

When asked whether it is possible to feed a baby with breast milk and formula at the same time, pediatricians have long answered positively and even recommend doing this in some situations. But you need to learn how to choose the right mixture and follow the order of feeding.

Mixed feeding concept

Mixed feeding occurs when your baby's milk is supplemented with formula from a bottle in a baby's diet. It can be used when:

  1. The mother has too little milk, and attempts to stimulate lactation do not give the expected results, and the baby is gaining weight too slowly;
  2. Mom must stop breastfeeding for a while, for example, due to medication;

Important! If the mother wants to return to breastfeeding, she must express milk during this period so that lactation does not stop.

Expressing breast milk

  1. The baby does not breastfeed effectively because he is too weak. Such situations often occur in premature babies born after 35 weeks or less of pregnancy. If the growth rate of the baby is insufficient, the doctor may recommend switching to mixed feeding;
  2. The baby does not suckle effectively due to an anatomical defect, such as a too short frenum of the tongue.

Mothers ask if a newborn can be fed both milk and formula at the same time, also because of fears that he will leave the breast.

Important! Breastfeeding counselors agree that even if you give your baby a pacifier in the first weeks of life, he may stop breastfeeding, as the baby uses two very different sucking and swallowing techniques.

Sucking at the breast requires more effort for the baby, which is very beneficial for the development of speech and prepares the baby for solid food.

Note. A mother deciding on mixed feeding should also consider that infrequent feedings can limit lactation.

What mixtures are recommended by pediatricians

The pediatrician will help make the right choice of mixture. First of all, the doctor's recommendations are necessary for babies who have any diseases. Some drugs are for healthy children, others for babies with minor health problems, others for allergy sufferers, etc.

Why the wrong choice is dangerous

Usually, a pediatrician can advise a list of suitable infant formula, then they need to be selected based on the child's reaction. For example, there are drugs for newborns and older infants. They differ in the composition and concentration of trace elements and vitamins, since the need for them varies for different ages.

Milk mixtures

The main signs of the wrong choice of milk formula:

  1. Allergic rashes, mainly on the cheeks, but can be all over the body;
  2. Disorders of the digestive tract: constipation, diarrhea, flatulence. The child may cry after meals due to pain in the stomach or intestines;
  3. The kid does not gain weight well.
  4. If, when feeding, the baby immediately spits up, this is also a sign that this product is poorly absorbed.

Sometimes you have to change more than one mixture before settling on a suitable drug.

Calculation of the ratio of mixture and milk

Mixed feeding assumes that at least half of the baby's diet is breast milk.

Important! Every baby is unique; not everyone needs to consume the same amount of milk for healthy growth. There are marked individual differences between children of the same weight and age.

As a guideline, the baby's daily nutrition should be:

  • up to 2 weeks - 6 doses of 80-90 ml;
  • from 2 to 3 weeks - 6 doses of 90-100 ml;
  • from 3 weeks to 1 month - 6 doses of 110-120 ml;
  • from 1 to 1.5 months - 6 doses of 120-130 ml;
  • from 1.5 to 2 months - 6 doses of 150-160 ml;
  • from 2 to 3 months - 5 doses of 160-180 ml;
  • from 3 to 5 months - 4-5 doses of 180-200 ml;
  • over 5 months - 3-4 doses of 180-250 ml, in case additional feeding with other products is already in progress.

Preparing the formula for feeding

The amount of breast milk that a baby absorbs in a single meal can be determined by checkweighing before and after feeding. If it is not enough, then it is necessary to feed the baby with a mixture. For example, when a month-old baby sucks only 70 g of breast milk, then he needs to additionally give a mixture at the rate of: 120 - 70 = 50 g.

Transfer of the child to supplementary feeding

If it is found that breast milk is not enough for adequate nutrition, then, having calculated the approximate amount of the mixture for each meal, you need to give it to the baby immediately after breastfeeding.

Important! If the mother wants to continue breastfeeding, she should put the baby to the breast not only during the day but also at night. A very long break between evening and morning feeds can weaken lactation. In addition, breast milk is extremely nutrient-rich and prolactin, which promotes milk production, is increased.

Feeding a baby in the absence of breast milk

What to feed an infant, if there is no breast milk, is determined after consultation with a specialist and the selection of a suitable formula. A consolidated list of the best mixtures, taking into account the age characteristics of the child and health problems (each brand is one of the leaders in the rating in its segment of use):

  1. Kabrita 1 Gold. A product based on goat milk, which is an excellent alternative to cow's milk. It has a richer composition, easier to digest. Suitable for healthy newborns.
  2. Nutrition (Nutricia) Pepti Allergy. A good choice for newborns with allergies.
  3. Nan (Nestle) Pre. Special formulation for premature babies.
  4. Nan (Nestle) Lactose free. Great product for lactose intolerance.
  5. Baby. A popular brand of infant formula, the popularity of which is due to its low price and good quality. Recommended for healthy babies, especially over 6 months.

When deciding which formula can be fed to a newborn if there is no milk, you should additionally pay attention to the following factors:

  • the presence of artificial additives;
  • balanced composition (availability of necessary vitamins and minerals);
  • nutritional value (number of calories);
  • the expiration date has expired;
  • ease of use.

In addition, you need to consider:

  1. Fermented milk products and preparations containing lactulose are suitable for infants who are constipated;
  2. Hydrolyzed mixtures are hypoallergenic;
  3. Anti-reflux nutrition prevents regurgitation.

Possibility of simultaneous breastfeeding and formula feeding

There are no contraindications in the simultaneous feeding of the baby with breast milk and artificial mixtures. The main challenges are how to maintain lactation while decreasing stimulation and how to prevent the infant's possible reluctance to breastfeed when bottle-feeding quickly becomes addicted. To do this, you must follow a number of rules.

Mixed feeding scheme

In addition to the problem of how to feed the baby, if there is no or not enough milk, there is a need to choose the optimal feeding scheme.

If breast milk and supplementary feeding with formulas are used together, then it is recommended not to adhere to clearly defined intervals between feedings, but to give food at the request of the baby.

Important! First, you need to offer the baby a breast and only then, if necessary, a bottle of formula.

The number of meals should be one less than breastfeeding, since the mixture takes longer to digest. Accordingly, the time periods between meals are stretched.

Methods for feeding with a mixture

When a mother already knows how to choose a formula for a newborn with mixed feeding, she should become familiar with feeding methods, which, with effective assimilation of food, will help the baby not to quit breastfeeding:

  1. Give your baby extra food from a spoon so that he does not get used to the nipple. The method is recommended for small amounts of supplementary feeding.

Feeding spoon bottle

  1. During feeding, attach a catheter near the breast nipple, which communicates with the bottle at the opposite end.

Catheter feeding

  1. Bottle feed with a nipple. In this case, it is better to choose a nipple from dense rubber, and make small holes in it, so that the baby will work hard while sucking the mixture.

Mixed feeding is not always a successful option, as it is difficult to maintain due to the child's frequent refusal to breast and decrease in lactation. However, it will always be preferable to completely artificial feeding.