
Constipation in a month old baby - what to do at home

Constipation in infants 1 month old is not uncommon. It is accompanied by anxiety of the baby, inadequate sleep and nutrition. You should not ignore such attacks, you need to help the newborn to cope with the problem. Each mother uses folk methods on the advice of grandmothers and medicines prescribed by a doctor.

Child on a gray plaid

Features of constipation in a month-old baby

During constipation, the baby displays anxious behavior. Poor defecation has its own symptoms that every young mother should know about:

  • the baby's stool has a dense consistency;
  • the child's feces are decorated, looks like "peas";
  • bloating;
  • restless behavior;
  • continuous crying;
  • pulling the bent legs to the stomach;
  • the baby is constantly pushing and blushing;
  • refusal to eat;
  • troubled sleep.

Constipation explains the peculiarities in the behavior of the baby. If signs appear, it is worth helping the child to empty the intestines, to alleviate his condition. Newborns have an incompletely formed gastrointestinal system. Because of this, all the difficulties arise. The baby is unable to secrete enough enzymes to digest breast milk or formula.

Important! Almost 80% of babies experience constipation in the first month of life. According to doctors' observations, boys suffer from the problem more often than girls.

Norms for the nature of feces and quantity

From the first to the third month of life, newborns empty their intestines after each feeding. This happens 3-5 times a day, provided that the baby is receiving breast milk. With artificial feeding, children go to the toilet 1-2 times a day. This is a normal amount, provided there are no health problems.

After the introduction of complementary foods in children, feces acquire the same structure as in adults, and becomes less frequent - only 1-2 times a day with a normal type of diet. On mixed feeding, stool is 2-3 times a day. Closer to the year, the baby goes to the toilet once a day.

The consistency of feces in newborns is semi-liquid. The color ranges from light yellow to brown. Babies have this kind of stool because they only get liquid food. The overcooked milk turns yellow or brown. The voiding structure has a semi-liquid consistency for the same reason.

Newborn in the crib

Types of constipation in one-month-old babies

In babies of one month old, constipation is a frequent reaction of the body to the introduction of a new type of nutrition or a change in the mother's diet while breastfeeding. Constipation is divided into 2 types:

  1. Atonic. Associated with the violation of bowel contractions. It is characterized by bloating, the release of large volumes of feces at a time, moodiness, pain in the tummy, bending of the legs.
  2. Spastic. It is characterized by cramps in the tummy due to an increase in the contractile function of the intestines. It manifests itself in dense, hard stools, feces have the form of shaped balls, uncharacteristic dark brown color, sometimes with a green tint. The child often cries, constantly bends his legs to the tummy, he himself is swollen and hurts.

Constipation in a month-old baby is always accompanied by a number of unpleasant symptoms. Parents can help relieve your baby. For this, there are special medicines and folk methods.

Important! Constipation should be treated as it can damage the small and large intestines, affecting future health.

The main causes of constipation in monthly babies

The reasons for the development of constipation in an infant are of a different nature. They can be associated with the type of feeding the baby is feeding, the mother's diet, and physiological characteristics. It is worth knowing the main symptoms in order to understand what worries the baby. Why does a child have constipation at 1 month:

  • congenital bowel disease;
  • underdevelopment of the rectum;
  • inability to produce the right amount of enzymes for digestion;
  • a sharp transfer of the baby from breastfeeding to artificial;
  • dysbiosis;
  • long-term use of antibiotics;
  • the development of rickets;
  • congenital thyroid disease;
  • lactose intolerance;
  • transfer of acute infections;
  • violation of absorption in the intestines;
  • stressful condition in a child;
  • malnutrition in a breastfed mother.

Some reasons can be independently determined, others can be recognized only by a doctor after examination and the necessary tests and examinations. If a baby is found to have congenital anomalies, then usually this is reported back in the hospital, since immediately after birth, the doctors take the baby and conduct all the necessary examinations.

Boy in cap

What to do if a month old baby has constipation

What to do with constipation in a baby 1 month worries every mother. Doctors recommend the use of various medicines, grandmothers talk about folk methods. In fact, both are currently applicable. Of the folk methods, enemas with different liquids are often used. The most effective ones for home use:

  • Enema with vaseline oil. For this, 30 ml of water is mixed with ml of petroleum jelly and injected into the anus of the baby, after a while it works.
  • Enema with vegetable oil. 15 ml of water and 15 ml of vegetable oil are mixed, then the procedure is carried out.
  • Enema with boiled water at a temperature of 370. This method is primarily used. True, it does not always work the first time. It often happens that after the first injection, nothing happens. The procedure is repeated several times.
  • Enema soap solution. It was often used by our grandmothers. The method, however, is working, but a little painful. Soap has an alkaline environment, when it comes into contact with the intestinal mucosa, severe irritation occurs. You need to make a mild soapy solution and inject it into the intestine. This process is a little painful, so it is best to avoid it.
  • Gas outlet tube. It is sold in special children's stores and pharmacies. The tip for insertion into the anus is lubricated with petroleum jelly or cream. Then they introduce it inside and wait until the baby begins to defecate.
  • Use of laxatives. There is a wide variety of them in pharmacies for children from an early age. The approval of a doctor is not necessary for them, the main thing is to strictly follow the instructions so as not to cause diarrhea in the newborn and, as a result, dehydration.

In addition to various types of enemas and medications, many mothers use a warm tummy tuck and herbal baths. These methods soothe the baby, promote the release of gases and normalize the bowels. However, such measures are not always enough to completely alleviate the condition.

Important! The selection of laxatives is carried out strictly according to the age of the child. The dosage is observed to each mg, so as not to provoke dehydration and constipation.

Baby in mom's arms

Constipation prevention tips

What to do with constipation in a 1 month old baby is discussed in the article above. Doctors advise taking preventive actions to prevent constipation in a 1 month old baby. Such manipulations include massages, baths, active games and other moments. Prevention of constipation in newborns:

  • putting babies on their tummy before feeding;
  • warm bath with herbs;
  • use of fermented milk mixtures with artificial feeding 1 time per day;
  • clockwise abdominal massage;
  • put on a diaper for a child, trying not to pass it on to his stomach;
  • make sure that the newborn does not swallow air during feeding.

Preventive action can help children experience less constipation. However, they must be completely healthy. If a baby is 1 month old has constipation and problems with the intestines, then it will not work to avoid difficulties.

Constipation in a child 1 month old what to do - dad and mom run in a panic, understanding the baby's condition, but not knowing how to alleviate it. First of all, you need to calm down, then study all the possible causes of the baby's condition. It is advisable to discuss this with your doctor and get recommendations from him. Quick and well-coordinated actions will help eliminate the problem without unnecessary stress for mom and baby.

Watch the video: 5 Ways to Relieve Babys Constipation. CloudMom (July 2024).