
Macmiror for children

Macmiror is an antimicrobial agent that is in demand when infected with salmonella, E.coli, amoebae, Helicobacter pylori and many other pathogens. This drug is used in the treatment of both adults and children. From what age is it allowed to use it, when is Macmiror worth giving to the child and how does this medication work on the child's body?

Release form

Macmiror is produced only in solid form, which is a convex round tablets in a white shell. One package of such a medicine contains two blisters of 10 tablets. There are no other forms (syrup, injections, suspension, capsules, etc.) for this medication.


Macmiror's action is provided by a substance called nifuratel. Its dosage in one tablet is 200 mg. This ingredient is paired with acacia gum, talc, rice and corn starch, gelatin, macrogol 6000 and magnesium stearate. The drug shell is made of wax, magnesium carbonate, sucrose and titanium dioxide.

Operating principle

Nifuratel has an antimicrobial effect against a large number of microorganisms, including Enterococcus, Escherichia, Salmonella, Helicobacter, Klebsiella, Morganella, Shigella, Citrobacter, Staphylococcus, Enterobacter and many others.

The drug also acts on protozoa, in particular on lamblia, Trichomonas and amoeba (causative agents of amoebic dysentery). In addition, it has antifungal effects against candida.


Macmiror is in demand in the treatment of shigellosis, salmonellosis or other bacterial intestinal infection. For children, this medicine is often prescribed for giardiasis and intestinal amebiasis. Also, the medication is used for diseases of the digestive tract, caused by the microbes Helicobacter pylori (especially if they are insensitive to metronidazole). In addition, it can be prescribed for infections of the genitourinary system, if the pathogen is sensitive to nifuratel.

At what age is it assigned?

Macmiror can be used in the treatment of children of any age, if there are grounds for taking such a drug. In this case, a doctor must prescribe this drug for an infant, determining the required dosage individually.


The medicine should not be given to children who have an intolerance to nifuratel or any auxiliary component of the tablets. McMiror has no other contraindications.

Side effects

In most cases, no negative symptoms occur with McMiror's treatment. Occasionally, however, a child's digestive tract reacts to medication with nausea, bitter taste in the mouth, loose stools, abdominal pain, vomiting, or heartburn. In some patients, the medication causes an allergic reaction, which is manifested by itching and a rash on the skin.

If, after taking the pill, any of the symptoms of an allergy or a negative gastrointestinal reaction appears, the drug must be discontinued and a doctor's consultation is required to replace Macmiror with an equally effective analogue.

Instructions for use and dosage

Macmiror is taken orally with a little water. The doctor determines a single dose for the treatment of a child individually, taking into account both the diagnosis and the patient's weight. For 1 kilogram of body weight, 10 to 30 mg of the active ingredient of MacMirora is required. In case of amebiasis, the drug is most often prescribed at 10 mg / kg, in case of infection with lamblia or Helicobacter, 15 mg / kg. For example, a child of 8 years old with a weight of 27 kg with giardiasis should be given Macmiror 2 tablets per dose (27x15 = 405mg).

The regimen for taking the medicine, as well as the duration of therapy, must also be selected by the doctor, taking into account the indications and the response of the child's body to treatment. For example, if a child has giardiasis, it is advised to drink pills twice a day for 1 week. When infected with amoebas, the medicine is taken three times a day, and the course of therapy lasts from 7 to 10 days. If your child has a urinary tract infection, treatment may last up to 14 days or more.

Interaction with other drugs

McMiror's ability to enhance the effect of nystatin preparations on fungi is noted, therefore, a combined preparation McMiror complex has been created for the treatment of vaginal infections. As part of this product, available in the form of vaginal capsules and vaginal cream, nifuratel is supplemented with nystatin.

The manufacturer does not note any negative effects of Macmirora on other drugs. The medication can be prescribed with other antibiotics, and with probiotics, and with sorbents or other agents indicated for the treatment of intestinal infections (Lactofiltrum, Smecta, Amoxicillin, Bifiform, etc.).

Terms of sale

To buy Macmiror at a pharmacy, you first need to consult with your doctor and get a prescription for this drug from him. The average price of one package of such tablets is 800-900 rubles.

Storage conditions and shelf life

To prevent the drug from losing its properties, it is recommended to store it in a place hidden from the rays of the sun and moisture. The optimal storage temperature is considered to be room temperature (no higher than 25 degrees Celsius). Children should not have access to the place where McMiror will lie. The shelf life of such a medication is quite long (it is 5 years) and it should certainly be clarified by looking at the box when buying a medicine.


There are many good reviews about McMiror's treatment of children. The drug is praised by doctors, calling it a safe antibacterial agent that effectively treats intestinal infections. It has a low incidence of side effects and practically no contraindications (with the exception of intolerance).

Bacterial tolerance to this drug is rare, so McMiror helps with insensitivity of the pathogen to the most commonly prescribed antibiotics. At the same time, the drug practically does not affect the beneficial intestinal flora, which compares favorably with other drugs that negatively affect the gastrointestinal tract (tablets do not provoke dysbiosis).

Parents, too, speak mostly well of McMire. They confirm that the tablets are effective against lamblia, fungi, amoebas, salmonella and other pathogens, helping with diarrhea and other symptoms of intestinal infections. According to mothers, the medication is well tolerated, and side effects are rare. Among the disadvantages, the most often mentioned are the high cost of tablets.

You will learn more about this drug from the following video.


Instead of McMiror, the doctor may prescribe drugs with a similar effect:

  • Furazolidone. This medication also belongs to nitrofuran derivatives and is available in tablets. It is used in the treatment of children of any age with dysentery, giardiasis, paratyphoid fever and some other infections.
  • Nemozole. This antiprotozoal agent contains albendazole. The drug is effective against many helminths and lamblia. It is available as a suspension, coated tablets and chewable tablets. For children, it is usually prescribed in liquid form, which is legal at any age.

  • Dazolic. Ornidazole is the basis of this drug in tablets. The medication can be used in children of any age group with giardiasis, amebiasis or trichomoniasis.
  • Klacid. Such an antibacterial drug effectively acts on staphylococci, Helicobacter, moraxella, mycoplasma and many other pathogens. For the treatment of children, it is available in suspension (used from 6 months) and tablets (prescribed from 3 years).

Watch the video: Нистатин мазь: Инструкция по применению (July 2024).