
Gas in a newborn

The health and mood of the baby in the first months depend on caring for him. Mother's tests often begin in the hospital, how to overcome them, what is the reason for the child's poor health, and what methods should help in such situations, not everyone knows. Gas in a newborn is an unpleasant phenomenon that can appear in the morning or in the evening, accompanied by severe pain in the tummy, sometimes lasting for a long time. How to cope with gas formation in an infant, what help can be provided immediately to relieve the crumbs of discomfort, and what medications to give in order to remove gas later - all these questions are answered in this article.

Help with gas in babies

First aid

What to do at the time of the appearance of gaziks in newborns with breastfeeding:

  • First, try to perform the exercises, pressing the legs of the crumbs to the stomach ("bicycle"). Usually the pain starts to go away quickly and the baby stops crying;
  • Massage helps to remove accumulated gases from the intestines. How long it takes to do it depends on how the baby behaves.
  • You can help release gas with the help of home "helpers" with a gas tube or an enema;
  • It is permissible to use medications that help gases escape quickly.

Important! If colic can continue in children up to 3-5 months, then gas formation persists until an older age. It is possible to remove discomfort only after identifying the main cause of its occurrence. It is not uncommon for the appearance of pain in the abdomen to be promoted by a tight elastic band on the pants, and not by gaziki. If you lower it down, the child quickly calms down.


Gas and colic in a newborn are similar in their characteristics:

  • Belching. When belching, gasses naturally come out of the stomach. So that the baby is not tormented by pain in the tummy, care should be taken that the baby belches up at the time of eating and after feeding. If your baby is hiccuping or belching violently, it may have swallowed a lot of air while feeding.
  • Spitting up is natural for babies during and after feeding. Regurgitation is often accompanied by belching. Sometimes the symptom also occurs due to fast feeding, overfeeding.
  • Bloating. The gas that builds up in the intestines causes food and the flow of gastric juice to slow down, stop. A distended belly indicates that the gaziks are pressing on the intestinal walls, creating pain and discomfort. Since the digestive system of infants is immature, the baby cannot cope with the unpleasant symptom on its own.
  • Flatulence. Babies pass gas about 15-20 times a day. Air enters the stomach from various sources: swallowing air, crying, feeding, digesting milk and formula.

Note! With excessive gas formation, accompanied by flatulence and diarrhea, medical attention is required. Perhaps the baby has dysbiosis.

  • Capriciousness. Babies cry because they want to report some discomfort: hunger, fatigue, anxiety, pain and gas. With gas cars, the cry is strong, sharp, the crumb clenches its fists, turns red, presses its legs to the tummy, sometimes makes a grunting sound.

Additional Information. Systematic screaming and crying at the same time for 3 or more hours indicates the presence of colic in the baby.

  • Poor restless sleep. Any discomfort interferes with good sleep.

Abdominal tension and bloating are the first symptom of gas workers

Causes of occurrence

Gas is a natural by-product of the digestion of the nutritional components of milk with dairy products and mixture. The digestive system eliminates gas without any problem. But gaziks are mobile, while they press on the intestinal walls, create pressure in the opposite direction from the gastric flow.

Because of what the baby has gaziki, how to understand that they disturb the baby and under what conditions they appear:

  • Immature digestive system.
  • Cry. With severe, prolonged bouts of crying, especially if the baby cries from hunger for several hours, he swallows a lot of air.
  • Food sensitivities and allergies.
  • Too much lactose. Breast milk is divided into front and back milk. In the front - more sugar, carbohydrates, lactose, in the back - fats, it is more nutritious. If the baby eats a lot of front milk, the body is overloaded with lactose, which leads to an excess of gas in the intestines and the child's moodiness.

Important! The baby should empty the entire breast before moving on to the second, if necessary.

Swallowing air during feeding

Gaziki in newborns during breastfeeding may appear due to swallowing air during feeding. It is necessary to monitor that the baby is sucking correctly at the breast, after each feeding, keep it in a column (in an upright position).

If you hold the baby with a column, then the extra air will come out

Immature digestive system

In humans, the gastrointestinal tract is a whole system, which has its own nervous and enteric subsystems that control the transport of contents by certain movements - peristalsis. In a baby, the intestines continue to develop: learn to process food, form stools.

The reason for gaziks in a newborn may also be that the child has impaired carbohydrate metabolism and hormonal regulation, or the baby has constipation.

Lactase deficiency

Gaziks appear in babies in some cases when there is not enough lactase enzyme in the baby's body, which is involved in the processing of lactose. There are frequent cases when, for this reason, the baby has severe colic.

What else can affect

Infants also have gases for other reasons:

  • Overfeeding. The baby's stomach cannot handle a lot of food.
  • Introduction of new products. Previously unknown foods make the stomach learn to process them. If the baby is given foods with a large amount of sugar (for example, juices), then this causes gas formation or, conversely, loose stools.
  • Microbial imbalance. Digestion is a complex process in which beneficial bacteria (probiotics) are involved, helping to break down food into components when interacting with enzymes.

Note! Lactobacillus reuteri reduce the amount of gas. If you take them for several weeks, then the situation improves significantly. Babies on hv are less likely to suffer from discomfort due to the presence of probiotics in breast milk.

  • Incorrect baby sucking technique, in which the baby swallows too much air.

Scheme and rules for attachment to the breast

  • Overheating and wrong daily routine. If the baby is inactive, then the gasses accumulate and press on the intestinal walls.
  • A bottle when the nipple is not the right shape. The angle of inclination of the nipple in the bottle should be such that air does not enter the bottle during feeding.

What is the Difference Between Colic and Gas

Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract in infants are divided into:

  • colic;
  • cramping;
  • bloating;
  • flatulence - increased gas production.

Gaziks in newborns are associated with the anatomical features of the structure of the digestive system, their immaturity, unformed metabolism, insufficient amount of enzymes, their production and activity. Gas usually stops tormenting babies at 3 months.

Colic - sharp sharp pains of a spastic nature, gaziki - bloating. They are interconnected because flatulence causes the intestinal walls to stretch, thereby causing pain. If you manage to eliminate gas formation, then it is possible to avoid or alleviate an attack of colic.

Colic in a newborn

How to remove gaziki at home

How to help a newborn baby? There are several ways to relieve your child's condition. If the mother monitors the feeding regime, adheres to a healthy diet, the baby does not overeat, is active, then you can get rid of gas without medication.

What to do:

  • Put a warm diaper or heating pad on your tummy.
  • Carry the baby, shake it, attach it to your stomach, hold it upright.
  • Put the baby on his stomach.
  • Massage the tummy clockwise. This will not only release gas, but also stimulate the intestines.
  • Perform gymnastics with your child. The "bicycle" and rhythmic flexion-extension of the legs and knees are especially helpful.
  • Buy a baby in a bath with chamomile, linden and lavender.
  • Install a gas outlet tube.
  • If the chair has not been for three days, then give an enema with chamomile.

Changing the diet of a nursing mother

So that babies do not have gaziks on gv, it is necessary to adhere to a diet from the first days of the baby's birth:

  • Exclude vegetables and fruits, grains such as onions, garlic, cucumbers, cabbage, eggplants, melon, raisins, pears, grapes, legumes.
  • Do not drink carbonated drinks or water.
  • Do not consume whole cow's milk.
  • You cannot eat nuts.
  • Exclude eggs, mushrooms, black bread, pastries and sweets with refined sugar in the composition.

You can introduce new products, but do it consistently, do not mix anything.

Additional Information. It is better to keep a diet diary, where you can write down the baby's reaction to this or that product after feeding. All children are individual, so reactions can be different.

Gas massage

Massage is the answer to the question of what to do right away with gas in a child. It is done either 30 minutes after feeding, or when symptoms appear.


  • The kid rests on the back. You can start with the movements of the legs - this is how some gaziks can get out.
  • The tummy is massaged with warm hands, in a neat circular motion clockwise around the navel. This will move the gas towards the intestines. You can't press hard.
  • Lay the baby face down, you can tummy on your knees. Slowly move it with your feet so that the cars move further.
  • Then pat the back.

Tummy massage

Application of the gas outlet tube

What to do with gaziks in a child - insert a gas tube. This is a fairly extreme measure if none of the above helps. Dr. Komarovsky, a Russian pediatrician, recommends using it in exceptional cases.

Gas outlet tube


  • The new straw should be clean and boiled.
  • Spread the tip with petroleum jelly or baby oil.
  • Inject 3-5 cm with rotational movements.
  • Release the gaziki, remove the straw.
  • Wash after use.

If the baby screams, cries, does not receive any relief from the procedure, then this action is ineffective for him. You should not get carried away with the introduction of a gas outlet tube, the baby must learn to remove gases on its own.

Important! Many mothers use a pipette instead of a straw. According to their reviews, this is an improvised tool that helps the baby to fade and get rid of gas formation painlessly and quickly.

Use of medicines

Modern pharmaceuticals are quite developed, offering many options for drug treatment of this problem. You should first consult your pediatrician.

Medication options:

  • Probiotics or lactobacilli. In newborns, gastrointestinal disturbances are often observed. This is due to the lack of beneficial bacteria in the intestinal flora. To normalize it, doctors may prescribe a probiotic - a group of lactic bacteria. They cannot be used on their own, since all the necessary tests must first be passed.
  • Enzymes. They replenish those active substances that are not enough for healthy digestion. Most often, babies have difficulty digesting a component of breast milk - lactose. With lactose deficiency (it can be congenital or temporary), an enzyme is prescribed - lactase. It cannot be consumed regularly and often - the pancreas must learn to produce the necessary enzymes by itself.
  • Carminative drugs. Their action is based on the component simethicone, which is absorbed in the intestines without causing addiction. Simethicone quickly relieves pain if it is caused by flatulence. If the question is weak peristalsis, then prokinetics are prescribed, which improve intestinal motility.
  • Homeopathic remedies. These are herbal preparations: fennel, chamomile, seeds. Available in the form of drops, granules or oils.

Homeopathic remedy for colic and gas

When to see a doctor

If serious symptoms are identified, which are accompanied not only by increased gas production, you should call an ambulance. These include:

  • heat;
  • hard, hard tummy, sensitive to touch;
  • stool mixed with blood, mucus;
  • vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • unwillingness to eat;
  • inability to suck;
  • pale skin;
  • a cry that is different from the usual;
  • heavy breathing, change in its speed;
  • drowsiness;
  • when touched, the child becomes moody.

To avoid problems, prevention should be carried out against increased gas formation. There are many ways to help your baby fight to feel better. In other cases, you should always see a doctor for help.

Watch the video: 5 Best Solution for gas in new born - Agarwal (July 2024).