
Antiviral drugs for children 7 years old

Seven-year-olds are already quite experienced "fighters" against viral infections. Most babies by this age have had them more than once or not twice, and therefore their immunity knows perfectly well what it is dealing with, and, believe me, it has its own plan for destroying harmful viruses with flu or SARS. However, there are situations in which our seven-year-olds need medication. Then the question arises before parents in their full growth - what antiviral agent to choose for their child?

How do they work?

Antivirals are meant to treat viral infections... The common cold is not included in this category, because it is caused by hypothermia of the body, and not by a virus. Such drugs are designed for other diagnoses - ARVI, influenza, rotavirus, enterovirus infection, herpes, measles, chickenpox.

Antiviral medicines work in different ways. Some drugs block the ability of the virus to multiply, others stimulate our immunity to fight the invasion, and still others contain interferon, a protein that is produced during the immune response. Homeopathic remedies for viruses stand apart.

They are used not only for treatment, but also for prevention. This is especially true when there is a seasonal increase in ARVI or influenza.


There are ongoing discussions about the effectiveness of antiviral agents in the professional medical environment. The fact is that the clinical effect of the use of most medicines for viruses has not been proven. Manufacturers give a lot of money to advertise tablets and drops, but for some reason they do not sponsor independent research of their product. The overwhelming majority of drugs are tested by the manufacturer or subsidiaries, and therefore experts question the results of such tests.

Many parents prefer homeopathic remedies for viruses... At first glance, they really have a lot of advantages. For example, there are no side effects or toxicity. However, the effectiveness of such drugs is not studied at all, since the doses of substances in homeopathic pills are negligible in order to be able to isolate and study in laboratory conditions. Many doctors, adherents of the traditional medical school, believe that the action of homeopathic remedies is based on the so-called "placebo" effect.

When to give

There are such parents, and, unfortunately, there are many of them, who, with every runny nose and sneeze, strive to give their child "something from viruses" as soon as possible. This is a big mistake... The effectiveness of antiviral drugs has not been proven, however, it is absolutely certain that it is these drugs that can cause a person's immune "disability". In other words, drugs make the immune system more "lazy", its ability to cope with threats on its own is significantly reduced.

The result is a vicious circle - the child is being treated and treated, and he gets sick more and more often.

To prevent this from happening to your baby, you need to know that antiviral agents do not need to be given to your child more than twice a year. Dr. Evgeny Komarovsky, a recognized authority among parents, argues that the child should not be given antiviral pills and syrups. He is sure that the crumbs' immunity should be trained, and such drugs only prevent the little man from growing up healthy and strong.

And here is the transmission cycle of Dr. Komarovsky, where he will tell his parents everything about antiviral drugs.

Still, there are certain situations in which most pediatricians recommend taking medications for viruses.

  • If a child has influenza or ARVI severely, with a temperature above 38.5-39.0 degrees, which does not decrease.
  • If the child shows signs of intoxication of the body against the background of a strong viral infection (with chickenpox, flu or measles).
  • For the prevention of viral respiratory infections, if the baby has weak immunity, and there are already infected people in his environment.

You should not make the decision to start giving your child antiviral drugs on your own. This should be done by a doctor, although such medicines are sold in any pharmacy without a prescription. Take your time, and instead of running to the pharmacy for pills, it is better to call the doctor at home, show the child, perhaps your child, no syrups and drops are needed at all.

Manufacturers of all antiviral medicines emphasize that the greatest effect from the use of their drugs occurs only when they start taking them in the first hours after the onset of symptoms of a viral infection. If more than 36 hours have passed since the onset of the disease, there is no point in taking drugs in this segment.

Release forms and prices

Medicines against viruses are available in a wide variety of pharmacological forms. These are candles, drops, syrups, tablets and much more. For children 7 years old, it is possible to use drugs in the form of rectal suppositories, in syrups and suspensions, and you can buy powders, from which a syrup or suspension can be easily prepared at home.

Seven-year-olds, unlike their younger companions in misfortune, can be given solid forms of drugs - tablets. But capsules at this age cannot be taken. They are intended for teenagers over 12 years old.

In terms of prices, antiviral drugs are quite different from each other. The fact is that there are original drugs, and there are so-called generics (cheaper analogues). With regard to drugs for viruses, it is quite true that price does not affect quality. Drugs for 1000 rubles and their counterparts for 100 rubles can have the same effect.

List of medicines for children 7 years old

  • Orvirem;
  • Anaferon;
  • Derinat;
  • Tamiflu;
  • Interferon;
  • Oscillococinum;
  • "Kagocel";
  • "Viferon";
  • "Algirem";
  • "Citovir 3";
  • Ingavirin 90;
  • "Amiksin";
  • "Arbidol";
  • Lavomx;
  • "Oxolinic ointment";
  • "Ridostin";
  • "Engystol";
  • "Immunoflazid";
  • "Imupret";
  • "Remantadin";
  • Laferobion;
  • "Influcid".


Reviews of medicines for viruses are very diverse. Someone is helped by homeopathic pills, someone is delighted with the funds containing interferon.

However, moms and dads who intend to choose a drug for their seven-year-old, based on the opinion and experience of other parents, should think about it. After all, all children have different immunity, and the same drug will act differently on two children.

To experiment on your own child is too dangerous and criminal action. The best feedback in this case is the opinion of your doctor.

Another side of this medal for parenting patience and valor is the feedback on the mommies' forums. It is no secret that they are often "paid for", and there are people who receive a reward for each flattering review of this or that drug, in practice they have no idea what exactly they are advertising so convincingly. Remember this and do not jump to conclusions.

General recommendations for parents of "seven-year-olds"

  • With a viral infection, even with minor manifestations, provide the child with bed rest at home, ventilate the room, where the sick person is, do not wrap the child.
  • Monitor the humidity... If the house does not have a special device that moisturizes it, hang wet towels or sheets on a string.
  • Let your child drink more... To find out your child's need for liquid, divide its weight by 30. The resulting figure will be the desired amount in liters. It is better if the child drinks tea than more antiviral drugs.
  • Do not go with a sick child to the clinic, thereby contributing to the spread of the virus (most viruses "disperse" by airborne droplets). Feel free to call a doctor at home.
  • Remember folk remedies for influenza and SARS... Seven-year-old children are big enough to be persuaded to eat garlic or onions, they can even eat sour currants with sugar, viburnum, citrus fruits without any problems. They have a lower risk of developing a honey allergy. Nature has created many herbal natural "medicines" that can help your son or daughter overcome the disease without the use of pharmaceutical tablets and mixtures and will temper their immunity.

We offer you to watch an interesting video on how to protect children from viruses using folk remedies.

Watch the video: Child Behavioral Therapist. ADHD Behavioral Therapy - Cognitive Behavioral Therapy CBT (July 2024).