
Child's wake time by months

It has been proven that the daily routine, that is, the distribution of time for sleep, wakefulness, feeding and hygiene procedures, is vital for a small child. Exact adherence to the schedule ensures the full physical and mental development of children. However, not all mothers can make it up correctly, since they are unfamiliar with the norms of sleep and wakefulness of a child up to one year old.

The correct regime is the main condition for the full development of a small child.

Benefits of Maintaining Sleep

Despite the individual preparation of the regime for each child, it is based on the same requirements. For example, it is considered correct if babies are fed immediately after waking up, then they are actively awake until the next bed, that is, most of the time falls on sleep.

Dr. Komarovsky advises choosing such a sleep regime so that the baby can sleep for more than an hour. According to the doctor, a child's sleep up to a year should be built up by months, since each period has its own biorhythm.

Consequences of deviation from the norm

Pediatricians say that episodic deviations from the regime are not dangerous. Its constant violations lead to tearfulness, irritability, anxiety, negatively affecting the psyche of the baby.

Important! Based on the recommendations of children's specialists, it is not difficult to draw up a suitable sleep schedule for a child up to a year by months. This is necessary not only for the baby, but also for the parents, as the life of the whole family is put in order.

Day regimen for a child up to a year

When composing a daily routine by month, you must include the required structural elements:

  • diet;
  • walks in the open air;
  • how much sleep you need and how long you sleep;
  • developing classes for the formation of age-related skills and abilities;
  • independent games.

Note. In the first months after birth, provided that the newborn is healthy and developing in accordance with medical criteria, he sleeps most of the time. As we grow older, the duration of sleep gradually decreases and the period of wakefulness increases.

How to develop a child's day schedule correctly

The following rules will help you to correctly develop a child's day schedule:

  • An individual approach, since, despite the average norms of sleep and wakefulness, it is desirable to take into account the characteristics, habits of the baby and personal biorhythms.

When scheduling the day, you need to take into account the individual characteristics of the child.

  • Introduce the necessary rituals to help you fall asleep, a good appetite and a painless transition from one activity to another.
  • Flexibility, as any daily routine requires correction. Observing the health and mood of the growing child will help the mother to make the necessary adjustments in the regime.

Ways to teach your baby to the daily routine

Often parents ask the question of how to accustom the baby to the daily routine. The advice of experts is not new, but it requires efforts from all household members. The main way to follow the routine is to develop habits, on this basis, all regime processes take place without difficulty:

  • The habit of falling asleep quickly. It is best to lay down outdoors or in a well-ventilated room.
  • The habit of eating on time is developed by not feeding the child between meals and not overfeeding, since it is difficult to fall asleep in time with a heavy feeling in the tummy.
  • Observance of rituals at the same time (bathing, walking, favorite toy for the night, mother's lullaby) is the basis for getting used to the correct routine.

The norm of sleep and wakefulness of the child

Pediatricians remind that waking time (WB) is the period of the day when the baby is awake. It includes not only games and activities with the baby, but also feeding, hygiene procedures, and laying.

Note. The time a child is awake by months increases as it grows and develops, the time and number of sleep periods decrease. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the psychological characteristics of babies, since some children are able to stay awake longer than their peers, while others, due to the weakness of nervous processes, need a longer daytime sleep.

Sleep and wakefulness rates of a baby are easily determined by their behavior

The main criterion for distinguishing the norms of sleep and wakefulness is always the child's behavior. If he quickly falls asleep and wakes up in a good mood, sleeps for the allotted time, plays actively, then he himself regulates his sleep and WB cycles. The mother, listening to the child, understands how much time should be allocated for this or that process.

Table of wakefulness of a child up to a year by months

The data developed by specialists based on the characteristics of children of different ages can serve as a guide for those parents who have questions about the organization of wakefulness. Dr. Komarovsky, talking about the child's wakefulness for months, recommends saturating him as much as possible, since pleasant fatigue from active actions sets the child up for a long, sound sleep. Bathing before bedtime, playing in the water, socializing, walking, and developing activities help a lot.

Waking time by child's age

AgeWaking time
newborn50 - 60 minutes
1 month1 hour - 1 hour 15 minutes
2 months1 hour 15 minutes - 1 hour 20 minutes
3 months1 hour 20 minutes - 1 hour 35 minutes
4 months1 hour 45 minutes - 2 hours
5 months2 hours - 2 hours 15 minutes
6 months2 hours 15 minutes - 2 hours 30 minutes
7 months2 hours 45 minutes - 3 hours
8-10 months3-4 hours
11-12 months3 hours 30 minutes - 4 hours 30 minutes

If the baby is awake longer than planned and reacts positively to everything, then the WB can be increased.

Things to do while awake

Many mothers are worried about the question of what to do with the child during active wakefulness. In teaching practice, there are various games that will help not only fill the kid's day with a variety of activities, but also develop the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for his age.

Active activity and communication with an adult will diversify the baby's waking hours

0 to 2 months

From the very birth, it is desirable to accustom the baby to independent wakefulness. A newborn, living according to the optimal regimen, is actively awake after sound sleep and good feeding. However, at this age, he does not know how to move independently. The task of an adult is to properly organize wakefulness. You can start communicating with the baby in the crib, affectionately addressing him, ringing rattles, causing voice responses with your own voice. Then, taking the baby in your arms, walk around the room, drawing his attention to the surrounding objects, toys. The educational material should be changed more often in order to diversify the baby's impressions, for example, bright pictures on the walls, toys on the shelves.

Council. From about two months, the baby begins a revitalization complex (movements with arms and legs, touching objects, trying to roll over, humming), so the crib should be free enough.

2 to 6 months

In the next age period, from 2 to 6 months, the baby develops in tactile activity. The task of the parents is to select the play material. The main skill for development is grasping, so toys should be comfortable to grip: rattles with a long handle, a developing mat, an arc with pendants.

If the baby is mastering crawling, then you need to help him master the skill. A good incentive to crawl can be outdoor games "Crawl to the toy", "Where is the bear?": Show the toy and offer to take it, gradually moving it further and further.

Important! An adult should activate the child in games. For children who find it difficult to crawl, the following technique is suitable: put your hand under the baby's feet and gently push in the direction of the toy.

The wakefulness of a child from 2 to 6 months should include different types of games

At six months, it is useful to develop motor skills, offering the baby finger games as a stimulus for the development of thinking and the appearance of the first syllables. The old games "White-sided magpie", "This finger is a grandfather" are well suited for the baby to alternately bend and unbend his fingers in accordance with the words.

6 to 12 months

In the second half of the year, it is necessary to provide the baby with more opportunities for learning about the world around him. Manipulation with objects becomes the basis of activity: the child grabs them, throws them, knocks. It is important to get educational toys (cubes, hammers, inserts, pyramids, sounding rattles) on time.

Note. Age 6-12 months is the time for the development of motor skills and basic movements. Children try to actively crawl, try to get up and take their first steps. Therefore, parental attention at this moment is extremely relevant. Such aspirations can be developed with the help of outdoor games and motor toys: cars, all kinds of wheelchairs, balls, walkers, jumpers.

Psychologists recommend helping the little one to master the available sports equipment, for example, to climb a small hill and slide down from it, go up and down a children's ladder with the help of an adult, and sit on a bench independently.

Useful activities for the development of speech, which help the baby to learn an active vocabulary, for example, playing in the "wonderful" bag, which contains small animals (cat, bear, dog), examine the doll, unload toys from the machine at the request of the mother.

Important! The game should be accompanied by an adult's speech: funny poems, songs, nursery rhymes. You can buy children's books or use audio recordings.

In the second half of the year, the child actively develops motor and speech skills

Making a daily schedule for a child is not difficult if you follow the recommendations of experts. The main thing is that parents are not lazy to carry out the regime processes on time, be active themselves, strive to create all the conditions for the wakefulness of children.

Watch the video: Sleep Training Tips for Your 1 Year Old (July 2024).