
How to get boogers from a newborn's nose

Noticing that the baby is behaving restlessly due to shortness of breath, some mothers immediately take nasal drops in their hands. A similar situation is not always provoked by a cold. The baby's sinuses can be clogged for another reason, the mother needs to solve the problem of how to get the boogers from the nose of the newborn using special means.

How to remove boogers

Causes of the appearance of boogers in the nose

Many parents believe: if the baby's nose is clogged, then the reason is a runny nose. This is not entirely true. Small amounts of mucus should be present in the sinuses so that the walls do not dry out (such an element of protection).

With a cold, a virus that gets into the nose provokes the appearance of snot. They have nothing to do with ordinary goats. Although, drying out, they become like them.

Boogers have a completely different nature of education, it is not always associated with a weakening of the baby's immunity. The thing is that a person's nose grows small hairs that act as a filter. The air that people breathe is not perfectly clean. To prevent micro-debris from entering the lungs during inhalation, vegetation in the nostrils in the form of bristles is needed, which does not allow impurities to pass deeper.

What are boogers?

All litter settles on the hairs, gradually clogging the nose. Children with developed motor skills themselves are able, by digging a finger in their nostrils, to eliminate unpleasant congestion. Newborns do not yet know how to do this.

The airways in the nose are too narrow in young children, so they clog quickly. Various factors can lead to such trouble. They are determined by the boogers themselves, or rather their shade:

  • if the clusters are dry and white, low humidity in the room is to blame;
  • black - say that the baby has inhaled dust, cigarette smoke, perfume suspensions, etc.;
  • dried snot turn into yellow goats;
  • green color - evidence of infection trapped in the respiratory tract.

Sometimes brownish streaks can be seen in the goats. These are traces of blood - the blood vessels burst during sneezing (or for some other reason).

Why clean your spout

Breathing problems can negatively affect your baby's activity and calmness. The nose, clogged with goats, prevents the child from eating and sleeping normally.

When babies have a hard time breathing, they begin to vigorously draw in air with their nostrils. This sometimes leads to complications - boogers are able to enter the deep frontal maxillary sinuses with a stream or clog the lower airways.

Lack of hygiene of the nasal ducts in babies can lead to an increase in intracranial pressure and seriously affect the decrease in the protective functions of the body.

Note! In infants with a constantly clogged nose, there is a decrease in body weight, which leads to a lag in physical and mental development.

To avoid serious health problems, a mother needs to know how to clean her newborn baby's nose from boogers. Even if the baby sneezes hard, he will not be able to independently reject the debris accumulated in the nose. Parents should clean it and carry out a hygienic procedure regularly.

How to remove boogers from a newborn

An infant does not immediately learn to breathe through the mouth. Therefore, when the nose becomes clogged, the baby begins to feel anxious. One of the points in caring for a baby is the hygiene of the sinuses.

When it comes to newborns, a special approach is required. Cotton swabs are excluded immediately - the awkward movement of an inexperienced mother injures the little one's nose. Moreover, you cannot use a pin for these purposes.

For infants, there are safe devices that allow you to solve the problem of how to gently pull out the boogers from a newborn.

Nose cleaning devices

Nasal aspirator *The most recommended option, designed for children under 2 years old. It is an improved model of the syringe, consisting of a storage device and 2 tubes. The hygienic, quick cleaning procedure does not make the baby uncomfortable.
PearIt is worth buying the device that is designed for use with newborns - it has a soft rubber tip that does not injure tissue. If you have a small enema in your home, you can use it.
FlagellaYou can't call it a device - just cotton pads are used to make convenient tourniquets for cleaning a newborn's nose.

* On sale you can find electronic aspirators powered by batteries and vacuum. Their principle of operation is similar to that of a vacuum cleaner.

Nasal aspirator

As an aid to resolve the issue of how to cleanse the baby's nose from dry goats, the pharmacy can recommend special medications. Often they should not be used, so as not to disrupt the work of mucous membranes and not to provoke allergies.

The same can be said for washing. In isolated cases, it will provide effective assistance. Frequent practice of using solutions will cause irritation of the mucous membranes, swelling and lead to the development of chronic rhinitis.

How to clean a newborn's nose

You should not constantly poke at the nose of a newborn - this is dangerous for the mucous membranes. But it is also impossible to allow complete clogging of the ducts. Therefore, a visual inspection of the sinuses is performed daily. Noticing breathing problems and finding unwanted congestions in the nose, the mother immediately decides how to remove the goats from the newborn.

General points

Regardless of how the boogers will be pulled out of the baby's nose, they do it in compliance with the following recommendations:

  • before removing dried suspensions, they must be softened with a solution for washing or using vegetable oil (olive, flax, sea buckthorn, sunflower);
  • to soften the boogers, you can use breast milk: they instill each nostril with it or moisten a cotton flagellum, which is inserted into the nose for a few seconds;

Cotton flagellum

  • boiled potatoes will facilitate the process: before cleaning the baby's nose from boogers, warm mashed potatoes, "packed" in a bandage, are applied on top and kept until the potato mass cools;
  • the child can resist unpleasant manipulation, therefore, while removing the boogers, the toddler's head should be fixed with his hand.

Note! If the baby is restless, crying or sick, it is better to postpone the procedure. You can remove the goats a little later, when the baby is in the mood.

How to use the fixtures

Before removing the boogers from the baby, the mother must study the problem in theory. The health of the baby depends on how correct the further process will be. The use of each of the devices described above requires a different approach.

Nasal aspirator

To remove the goats from the ducts, one tube of the device is inserted into the baby's nostril, the second is taken by the adult into his mouth and makes suction manipulations. The accumulations from the infant's nose migrate to the reservoir of the aspirator. The same actions are done with the second nostril. Then the device is washed.

To facilitate the procedure and make it pleasant for mom, instead of a mechanical aspirator, it is recommended to use more advanced models:

  • the vacuum device looks like a traditional aspirator, but works on the principle of a vacuum cleaner; the degree of suction of the boogers can be adjusted;
  • the electronic version looks more like a rubber bulb in shape and is controlled by pressing a button.

After the procedure, all material removed from the sinuses is immediately removed from the container, and it is disinfected according to the instructions attached to the device.

Rubber pear

Before getting the goats with a syringe, air is released from it. This is achieved by squeezing the pear in the hand. Then the tip is inserted into the baby's nose and slowly unclench the can. After vacuum suction of the contents of one nostril, the bulb is washed and switched to the second sinus.

Important! During the procedure, you cannot make sudden movements so as not to damage the mucous membrane.


This method is the safest option for getting the booger out of the baby's nose. They make miniature turunda from cotton wool. You can use a disc by dividing it into several parts. The flagella are twisted, corresponding to the size of the nostril passage.

The turundochka, moistened with water or oil, is inserted into the nostril with a rotating movement and then slowly removed. It is necessary to remove the goats in this way until the baby's nose is completely cleaned. In this case, every time they use a fresh turundochka.

The cotton flagellum is convenient if you need to remove dry clumps and crusts. This method is useless if mucus is present.


If the mother does not know how to clean the nose of the newborn from dry boogers without causing him trouble, it is recommended to flush the nostril passages. For this, a regular pipette and a pharmacy saline solution of sodium chloride are used.

You can buy low-concentration seawater designed specifically for newborns (Aquamaris, Physiomer, Morenazal, etc.). 2 drops of the composition are instilled into each hole, wait a few minutes and suck the goat with a pear or an aspirator.

How to rinse a toddler's nose

The rinsing solution can be prepared at home. To do this, dissolve 1 tsp in one liter of warm water. table salt. The tool is not only effective in removing boogers, but also has good disinfecting properties.

If you do not abuse this procedure, then cleaning the nose from dry crusts will give the following results:

  • the goats in the nasal passages will soften and become more accessible;
  • viscous, thick mucus, if any, will liquefy, and it is easily removed even from distant sinuses;
  • the protective function of the nasal mucosa is normalized;
  • the self-cleaning function is restored.

As a result, the child's breathing becomes free. The kid sleeps well, eats and is active during the waking hours.


You can soften the boogers in other ways, alternative to washing:

  • vegetable oils (but not essential oils) moisturize well the crusts in the nose; it is necessary to lubricate the nasal sinuses with this agent carefully, using a small amount; otherwise, the hairs will lose their mobility and stop performing the filtering function;
  • ointments also have an enveloping property; if they are used, it is recommended to take those that have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • drops can be both medicinal (to combat rhinitis) and special - for cleaning and rinsing.

You need to turn to auxiliary aids if a lot of dry deposits have collected in the baby's nose. They are not recommended for daily use.

The softened goats can not be removed, but you can give them the opportunity to come out on their own. To do this, it is enough to tickle the baby's nose a little and provoke him to sneeze.

Prevention Tips

It is impossible to completely prevent the formation of goats (you cannot resist nature). It is quite possible to minimize the problem. Having taken a number of preventive measures, the mother will not have to get the baby so often with unpleasant procedures:

  1. It is necessary to regularly care for the cavity of the little nose, observing basic hygiene rules.
  2. To prevent the baby's mucous membrane from drying out, it is recommended to use air humidifiers in the premises. If this is not possible, then you can get rid of dryness in the room by hanging wet terry towels on the working radiators. Alternatively, install containers with cold water in the room.

Air humidification in the nursery

  1. When a child develops white boogers, it is possible that due to low air humidity, the baby's hydrobalance is disturbed. Therefore, it is recommended to periodically water the baby with water and honey (if there is no allergy to the bee product).
  2. Constant airing of the room not only contributes to an increase in humidity, but also excludes the development of fungal mold, the spores of which can enter the baby's nose.

Note! Before opening windows in an apartment, you need to make sure that smog, smoke from burning leaves, and car exhaust gases do not enter the room from the street.

  1. If you carry out wet cleaning in the house every day, this will significantly reduce the amount of dust inhaled by the baby.
  2. It is forbidden to smoke in the room where the baby is. Do not use aerosol perfumes, the "dust" of which settles in the child's nose.
  3. A newborn should be protected from drafts and hypothermia, which can provoke a runny nose.
  4. Going for a walk with a baby, it is recommended to lubricate the nose with nasal ointment. This will prevent the infection from entering the respiratory tract.

Remember! Babies themselves will not cope with the described problem. All responsibility for the health of the baby, the microclimate in the house lies entirely with the adult family members. If a mother does not know how to remove the goats from a newborn, she can seek help from a pediatrician.

The doctor will give advice on choosing a suitable method, tell you what solutions and how often to wash the sinuses. In the case when hygiene is powerless against nasal congestion, the district police officer will refer you to an ENT doctor for consultation in order to timely identify (or exclude) the pathology in the child.

Watch the video: How to Treat a Stuffy Nose in Babies Asian Mom DIY Home Remedy (July 2024).