
Mattress for a child - how to choose the right one

Even before the baby is born, parents begin to choose a stroller for walking, a crib in which the baby will sleep for more than one year, other necessary accessories and things for the baby. Finding a mattress for a child is not an easy task. Someone relies on the recommendations of friends, someone on the rating of the best models, others listen to famous pediatricians. Evgeny Komarovsky means that the right mattress will be made of natural filler. The choice is in favor of the comfort of the crumbs.

Crib mattresses

The role of the mattress for baby's health

In the first weeks, the baby sleeps up to 20 hours a day. If he sleeps comfortably and comfortably, then the state of health will always be good. The anatomical mattress forms the correct curves of the spine, strengthens the back muscles, and develops the ligamentous apparatus.

If a child lies unnaturally, tensely, on an unstable surface in the crib, rest will not be complete, and posture will begin to bend.

Important! Which mattress is best for a child depends on the individual characteristics of the baby. If there was some kind of birth trauma, or the baby has spinal diseases, then all the exciting questions about choosing a mattress should be asked to specialists.

Spring mattresses

What type of mattress to choose for a child: spring or springless?

Mattress with independent springs


  • Keep the baby's body in a comfortable position;
  • Noiseless.


  • High price. However, if you choose the right model, then it will last a very long time and will fully pay off the price.
  • Sensitive to sudden changes in load.
  • Dust collects between the springs, which creates an atmosphere for the development of pests and microorganisms.

Important! It is recommended to turn the mattress every six months to prevent deformation of the springs.

Dependent spring diagram - Bonnel

Such models have been known for more than one hundred years. They have no orthopedic properties.

Note! If the springs are old and out of order, such a mattress cannot be used. This is fraught with damage to the baby's vertebrae and curvature of the spine.

Since the springs touch, they can quickly fail.

Independent spring arrangement

This is a very convenient design - when you click on several blocks, the adjacent ones remain in the same position. Above and below the blocks is filler. This model adapts very well to the curves of the baby's spine. However, it is recommended for children from 12 years old.

Pros of an independent scheme:

  • long service life;
  • no squeak of springs;
  • can be used by adults with a large body weight;
  • reliable, will withstand even active games;
  • sleep comfort.

Springless mattresses

This is the cheapest option available today and is sold in a rolled package. It is important to pay attention to the density of the filler, it is desirable that the stiffness index is "medium" or "moderately medium".

Springless mattress


  • low price;
  • different levels of hardness;
  • good orthopedic qualities;
  • easy to transport.


  • short-term operation;
  • not always good anatomical qualities.


The stiffness index for such models varies from the softest (not suitable for children) to very dense and hard, which have an excellent orthopedic effect.

Structure and type of filler

There are 4 types of structure:

  • pure filler (PPU);
  • filler and coconut layer;
  • filler and coconut coir - sandwich option;
  • pure coke coir in several layers.

Types of fillers:

  • latex;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • coconut coir;
  • holofiber and struttofiber.

Case material characteristics

Covers and mattress covers in inexpensive models are used coarse calico or chintz. However, they are short-lived. If the crumb gets them wet, it can stain the fabric with colored dye.

In more expensive models, covers made of jacquard fabric, cotton with synthetics, padding polyester are used. They are made with a zipper, so if the baby gets dirty on the sheet, the mattress topper can be easily removed and washed.

Polyester pad

Additional Information. Reversible mattresses can be purchased (with summer and winter sides). They differ in different density on each side and coatings.

Also in demand are covers made of stretch material and polyester, which are durable.

Filler characteristics

Latex is a very soft yet resilient material. The raw material used is natural - foamed rubber. Withstands loads up to 100 kg and can last for years, hypoallergenic.

Filler latex

PPU (polyurethane foam) is a variant of modern foam rubber. Consists of 90% air. It spreads either in blocks or in layers. Does not "sag", is moisture resistant and has antibacterial properties.

Coir Coir is a plant-based natural material made from recycled coconut or agave cactus. Tough, recommended for children and teenagers. Hypoallergenic and well ventilated.

Structofiber is a non-woven material. Stows like independent springs, but instead of fiber springs. Soft, breathable and non-bouncy.

Mattress selection criteria

The model should be selected according to the following parameters:

  • The size. Children consider the size 60-90 * 120-200.
  • Comfort. This is the most important point. Springless models made of coconut coir are considered the most comfortable for babies.
  • Hypoallergenic. Models made of kyory coconut and latex have such properties.
  • Orthopedic indicators. If you need to buy an orthopedic mattress, then springless options are selected.
  • Rigidity. Children under three years old are recommended to take hard, dense models.
  • The quality of the material. As a rule, the material in children's mattresses is quite durable. Latex filler is considered the most durable.
  • Life time. Spring models will last longer.
  • Price. Cheap models are not worth taking - they can significantly harm the health of the baby.

How to choose an inexpensive option

Baby mattresses for newborns can be purchased inexpensively at any store. Usually, various options are available for sale according to the characteristics of the filler, mattress covers, and sizes.

Newborns should take rigid models, stopping at the latex or coconut version (you can take the combined one). Their cost varies from 1,500 to 8,000 rubles [1]. Therefore, there is always an opportunity to choose a budget option.

The best mattress for a child will be one that will not cause allergies and will sleep comfortably. Since the baby in the first months often sleeps on his tummy, resting his nose against the sheet, then you should take care of a rigid model and natural bedding.

[1] The price is current for December 2019, Moscow

Watch the video: How To Choose The Right Bed Size. MF Home TV (July 2024).