
Sling for newborns from 0 to 6 months

Modern mothers want to be mobile, but with a baby it is not so easy. Special devices for carrying a small child, for example, the so-called sling, can become a real lifesaver for a young mother. It can be used for walking, feeding and going out. The main thing is to choose a quality product and learn how to use it correctly.

Sling is a useful tool for modern mums

What is a baby sling

A newborn sling is a carrier made of durable fabric for babies and is used as an alternative to a stroller. In Russia, he appeared relatively recently, but has already managed to gain popularity among young mothers who love comfort.

Benefits of using

The main advantages of an unusual but convenient product include the following:

  • Ease of carrying the baby;
  • The possibility of organizing breastfeeding in public places;
  • Comfort for the baby, because he feels close to the mother;
  • Compactness and lightness.

Of course, nobody canceled the traditional stroller. However, not all models fit in a car, and it is difficult to get around with a stroller on public transport. If a young mother uses a baby sling, this problem automatically disappears.

Description of varieties of baby slings

Once in the store, young parents may be confused by the abundance and variety of products. The most popular models in Russia at the moment are:

  • Sling scarf;
  • With rings;
  • May sling;
  • Variety in the form of a backpack.

Each model has its own advantages and disadvantages. The price range is varied, it all depends on the design and quality of the material.

Sling scarf

Sling from 0 to 6 months for newborns is often made in the form of a scarf, this is the most common and affordable option of all. The main advantages are the possibility of horizontal and vertical placement of the baby, even distribution of the load on the shoulders, a good option for a long stay in the fresh air.

The scarf is good for feeding your baby in public

Ring sling

The main advantages are that it can be quickly put on and also taken off without waking the sleeping baby. Before buying a model, be sure to try it on. After putting on, the fabric is gently straightened.


You can only use this type of baby sling for a short time (for example, walk from home to your car or go to the store). For long-term wear, it will come closer to four months. The main advantages are modern design and the ability to quickly wind the sling.

Sling backpack

This option has two positions: "cradle" (strictly horizontal, for babies) and vertical, for older babies. The main advantages are ergonomics and ease of use. This model is more expensive than the previous ones.

Attention! Pediatricians say that a long stay in a sling backpack can adversely affect the condition of the baby's spine and subsequently lead to the formation of scoliosis. However, carrying the baby in such a device for a short time will not bring harm.

Sling selection criteria

Don't buy the first model you see. You should carefully weigh the pros and cons, and consider several options. When choosing, the main role should be played by:

  • The quality of the material and the availability of additional components;
  • Convenience;
  • Ease of operation;
  • The presence of several positions for carrying the baby, depending on the age.

It is best to choose a simple, inexpensive model that is easy to maintain.

Good material and components

The best option is tight knitwear that stretches well. Linen and cotton are also good options. Rings are made of metal or plastic. The product must have well-stitched seams.

The product must be made of high-quality and durable fabric, processed according to all the rules

Attention! If the material has a strong chemical smell, you should not purchase the product. It is probably made in China from poor quality material. Staying in such a sling can cause allergic reactions in the baby.


Newborn baby sling scarves are comfortable and functional. The growth option can be easily transformed. When the baby is just born, it is placed in a horizontal position, like in a cradle. The older child is placed in an upright position so that he can look around and feel comfortable while awake.

Convenience and ease of use

Slings for feeding newborns and walking are easy to use, the main thing is to carefully read the instructions. It is best to ask an experienced mother for help. She will show you how to wind the fabric around yourself so as not to get tangled.

Sling care

Baby slings are easy to care for, just wash them as they get dirty. Do not use aggressive chemical detergents or stain removers during washing. Knitted models are not twisted when squeezing so that they do not stretch.


How to choose a sling for a newborn is often influenced by cost. You can find a quality product from 1000 rubles, but it is better to choose a sling that costs 2-3 thousand. Cheap models of a dubious look for babies will not last long.

Suitable choice

Young parents often ask: which sling is better for a newborn. It all depends on the purpose for which the mother acquires it. There is no one size fits all choice.


A classic sling scarf is best suited for this purpose. It can also be used for feeding in a secluded place if the baby is hungry. Having wrapped the baby in a scarf, you can easily close it from prying eyes.

Walking in a sling is a great option for mom and baby

Everyday wear

Knitted baby slings for daily wear are best chosen with rings. This model gives the mother the opportunity to calmly go about her business while the child sleeps in a cozy cradle. The main thing is that the device can be easily used.

For feeding

It is better to choose slims for newborns for feeding in the form of a wide scarf. It can be worn when the mother leaves home with her child for a long time. For example, to be worn on a visit or a children's clinic, and the child is completely breastfed.


For a short movement of a child up to six months, a sling may is suitable. It can be used when the baby has a comfortable stroller for long walks. For example, May can be used when you need to walk from the hotel to the beach on vacation.

How to use a sling correctly

The slim for the child will be very useful if used correctly. It is necessary to strictly follow the instructions for winding the scarf, as well as properly tighten the fabric when you have to put the product on yourself. If the child feels discomfort while in the sling, you should temporarily abandon this device until the cause is clarified. However, this is rare, usually newborns like this method of carrying, because it allows you to be closer to your mother and feel her warmth. In this regard, the sling is much better than the traditional stroller, in which the baby feels isolated. The main thing for a young mother and child is to find their own version in order to wear the sling with pleasure.

Slings have practically no contraindications to wearing. However, for long walks, pediatricians still recommend using a classic stroller so that the child is clearly in a horizontal position. The belt for carrying the baby, which is tied on itself, is suitable for short-term exits on the street and in public places; if used correctly, it can greatly facilitate the life and life of young parents.


Watch the video: Babywearing A Newborn. Tuck u0026 Bundle Wrap, Happy Baby Carrier, Ring Sling (July 2024).