Newborn health

Ambulance for teething in a baby: TOP - 7 gum gels

Today, there are several ways to facilitate teething, one of the most effective among them is special gels for the gums. But can they always be used and how safe are they? The 7 best gum gels to make teething easier How to apply the gel to the gums so as not to harm the child.

Teething is one of the most painful moments in a child's life. You can help him with the help of "improvised" means or special drugs.

At the age of 7 - 9 months, baby teeth begin to erupt in children. In most cases, this process does not go unnoticed either for the baby or for his parents: the child experiences discomfort, becomes capricious, and adults, in turn, think about how to help their child, but not harm. Today, there are several ways to facilitate teething, one of the most effective among them is special gels for the gums. But can they always be used and how safe are they?

Signs of teething

Depending on the individual characteristics of the child, the symptoms of teething are completely different, however, a number of common, most common symptoms can be distinguished:

  1. Increased salivation, swelling and redness of the gums.
  2. Restless sleep, loss of appetite, desire to gnaw all objects in sight.
  3. The appearance of a white streak before the actual appearance of the tooth.
  4. General worsening of the condition.
  5. Increase in body temperature, rhinitis (runny nose), cough (mostly wet), diarrhea as possible concomitants of the eruption process.

Important! When symptoms such as diarrhea, fever, cough occur, there is a possibility of misdiagnosis of the causes of their occurrence. There are often cases when they are caused by various kinds of infections (diseases), and have nothing to do with teething.

In the process of tooth growth, biologically active substances are released, which contribute to an increase in temperature. An increase in the range of 37 to 38.5 degrees is considered normal. Diarrhea in such cases is explained by the stimulation of intestinal motility due to the constant swallowing of saliva. In cases where the temperature exceeds the specified limit, and diarrhea lasts for several days more than 3 times a day, it is recommended to seek the advice of a pediatrician.

READ IN DETAIL: From how many months the first teeth are cut and in what sequence -

How to help a child

Special rubberized semi-solid teethers will help alleviate discomfort. Usually they are filled with water, they can be placed in the refrigerator for a while and cooled, then the baby will feel a pleasant cold, which, together with massage during chewing, will reduce itching (teethers - types of teethers, tips for choosing). The child can massage the gums himself with a donut or crust. If this is enough for your baby, then there is no need to use drugs.

Most children endure this life period very painfully: they cannot sleep, they constantly cry and ask for their arms. This condition puts stress on the nervous system, which is especially vulnerable at an early age. In such cases, gels developed specifically for babies can be used to relieve inflammation of the gums, relieve pain relief and normalize sleep. They are safe and practically have no contraindications.

Note! Not all products are suitable for breastfed babies: getting on the tongue, they make it difficult to suck. In particular, this applies to drugs containing lidocaine.

In addition, try to give as much of your attention, care and affection as possible. Play, distract your baby, offer to breastfeed (if you are breastfeeding), take him to you while you sleep, carry as much as possible in your arms.

How to use anesthetic gel

Before using the medication, you must carefully study the instructions and be sure to pay attention to age restrictions. If the requirements are violated, the result can be ineffective or short-term.

To achieve maximum effect when using gels, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • apply for severe discomfort in a child;
  • use every 3-4 hours, but no more than 3-5 times a day;
  • do not apply a large amount of gel;
  • lubricate the gums with a finger (thoroughly washed beforehand!) or a cotton swab, while making circular massage movements.

Usually, a medication is required when the first teeth are erupting, for several days, and also after one year. The rest of the teeth appear with less pronounced painful symptoms.

TOP - 7 gels for teething

There is a wide range of gels for children in pharmacies, and sometimes it is very difficult to make a choice. In accordance with the assessments and reviews of young mothers, we will single out the most popular ones:

  • Dentinox

The local anesthetic gel quickly eliminates pain and discomfort during teething in children of different ages, prevents the development of inflammatory processes in the oral mucosa thanks to the infusion of chamomile and a number of biologically active substances. Disadvantage: contains lidocaine (allergic reactions are possible; not recommended for breastfeeding). The average price is 320 rubles.

  • Holisal

Eliminates inflammation, swelling of the gums, provides an analgesic effect. Not washed off with saliva, retains anti-inflammatory effect for up to eight hours. It prevents the penetration of bacteria, viruses, protects the microflora of the oral cavity. Benefits: Does not contain lidocaine; indicated for use during breastfeeding, as it does not reduce the sensitivity of the tongue. Price - 280 rubles.

  • Calgel

It has a cooling, analgesic (local anesthetic) effect due to the hydrochloride contained in lidocaine. Anti-inflammatory gel, facilitates the process of teething. Advantages: immediate effect. Disadvantages: acts for a short time, up to 30 minutes; contains an anesthetic. Price - 340 rubles.

  • Baby doctor

A remedy from herbal extracts of echinacea, chamomile, plantain, calendula eliminates pain, prevents inflammation of the oral mucosa, destroys bacteria, disinfects, heals, strengthens the gums and relieves irritation. Advantages: contains only natural ingredients. Disadvantage: not pronounced analgesic effect. Price - 320 rubles.

  • Kamistad

The combined preparation contains medicinal chamomile, has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, healing and regenerating properties, relieves pain. Advantages: quickly relieves pain, lasts a long time. Disadvantage: Contains lidocaine. Price - 220 rubles.

  • Dentol-baby

It has a fast analgesic effect. Relieves pain within two hours. Contains benzocaine and excipients. Disadvantage: pain relief for a short period of time. Price - 180 rubles.

  • Pansoral

It soothes the gums thanks to the herbal extracts included in the composition, has an emollient effect. Advantage: completely natural product. Disadvantage: not pronounced analgesic effect. Price - 360 rubles.

How to avoid problems?

Often, young parents neglect the information contained in the instructions, and as a result, they get a lot of unpleasant consequences. Possible complications:

  • inflammation and suppuration of the gums;
  • allergic reaction;
  • rash.

Inflammation and suppuration of the gums

Usually, such phenomena do not pose a great danger to the health of the baby. They do not require medical intervention and, with proper care, disappear after a while. It is recommended to treat the gums with tissue tampons, previously soaked in herbal decoction (medicinal chamomile, sage, calendula). This helps to relieve inflammatory processes and destroys pathogenic microbes.

Allergic reaction or rash

All gum gels can be divided into three groups:

  1. pain relievers - containing lidocaine.
  2. anti-inflammatory.
  3. homeopathic - plant-based.

Most often, allergic reactions occur to the anesthetic - lidocaine (lidocaine hydrochloride). In this case, you should stop using the gel with its content and replace it with another one, for example, based on extracts from medicinal herbs - chamomile, calendula, etc.

To avoid problems, follow these guidelines:

  1. Use the gel only in cases where teethers and other "improvised means" do not help, the child is crying a lot, irritated.
  2. To select a medication, contact your dentist, tell us about all the features of your baby, individual intolerance to certain components (if any).
  3. If side effects appear, you should immediately stop using the drug and visit a doctor.


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Gel is an extreme remedy that should be used only in cases where other methods do not work and the baby suffers greatly. Parents must strictly comply with all the requirements of the annotation and in no case allow situations when the child receives anesthesia in the form of medications at the first squeak. Following the simplest recommendations will help ease the teething period in your children and avoid the consequences.

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Watch the video: 10 Home Remedies for Teething (July 2024).