
How to measure the temperature of a baby correctly

It is not easy to measure the temperature of a small child, but all parents are obliged to be able to do this, since at the slightest suspicion of a disease, it is important to understand whether the baby has a fever. In addition, sometimes it is necessary to determine whether the baby is comfortable in the room, whether it is too warm or cold, for this you need to understand how to measure the temperature of the baby correctly. The thermoregulation process in newborns is not the same as in adults, and a small organism cannot yet cope with temperature fluctuations on its own.

The child's temperature is measured

Methods for measuring temperature in babies

There are several ways to measure the temperature of a newborn. Parents should choose the most appropriate method according to the situation and the age of the baby.


Despite the fact that this method gives the most accurate results, pediatricians do not recommend very often using it in young children. If parents decide to use this method, then they should do everything according to the rules. It is important to place the thermometer in the anus very carefully, especially if it is glass. Previously, it should be warmed to room temperature, the tip should be lubricated with petroleum jelly or massage oil. You should not use baby cream, as it often causes tingling, and the baby will behave restlessly.

How the temperature of newborn babies is measured rectally:

  • The baby should be laid on the back, the legs bent at the knees should be slightly raised and the thermometer should be very carefully inserted into the anus;
  • The immersion depth of the thermometer should not be more than 1.5-2 cm;
  • The duration of the procedure is 5-7 minutes;
  • Next, the thermometer should be very carefully removed, looked at the result and washed with soap, preparing for further use.

Note! If the baby cries a lot and bends his back all the time, then you should not continue the procedure, since there is a high probability that the thermometer will break while in the child's pope.

Rectal measurement


You can also measure the temperature orally, for this you need to place a thermometer in the baby's mouth. It will not be easy to do this, since the crumb will immediately begin to bite the thermometer or will push it out of the mouth. The best solution is to use a nipple thermometer. It needs to be inserted into the baby's mouth and kept until the result appears. This option is the most convenient, since the child will not have to stay in a not very comfortable position for a certain time. This method is only suitable for those babies who are accustomed to the nipple, otherwise the baby will simply spit it out on the floor.

Oral measurement method


Measuring body temperature under the armpit is the simplest and most common of all methods. It is important for parents to remember that this method should be used very carefully. Before installing the thermometer, you need to make sure that the baby's skin is clean and dry. With the axillary method, the result should not exceed 37.5 ° C, if the temperature is higher, this means that pathological changes are taking place in the baby's body.

Important! It is necessary to measure the temperature every day at the same time. It is better to write down the readings in a separate notebook. A normal result is that which is the average of all previous measurements.


How can you measure the temperature of a baby in the ear using an electronic thermometer:

  • Take the child by the earlobe and gently pull it back and slightly up;
  • When the ear canal is straightened and the eardrum is visible, it is necessary to very carefully insert the sensor into the baby's ear;
  • Remove the thermometer very slowly and carefully so as not to damage your child's hearing aid.

Tympanic measurement


Before measuring body temperature without using a thermometer, parents need to make sure their hands are warm. Otherwise, the measurement result will be inaccurate. For this method of measurement, mom or dad should put the back of the hand on the child's forehead, in the groin folds, on the back of the head, neck or armpit and wait 2-3 minutes. If the local temperature in these places is elevated, and the skin is moist, then this will mean that the baby has a fever caused by pathological processes in the body. As a rule, children perceive this method of measuring temperature quite calmly.

If an elevated temperature is detected, you should use a thermometer to understand how much the temperature has risen and whether you need to knock it down.

Important! Very cold hands and feet are also signs of a high temperature. It should be noted that this sign will be valid only when the baby is feeling unwell, and not when he is simply cold.


An infrared thermometer is a new device that in a matter of seconds will help you determine the temperature of your baby's body without even touching it. In order for the non-contact thermometer to always show an accurate result, it is important to understand how best to measure the temperature of a newborn baby with its help.

Parents should follow certain rules:

  • Eliminate extraneous air flow (fan, air conditioner, heater);
  • Make sure that the baby has a clean forehead, without cream;
  • If the baby is sweating, wipe his forehead with a napkin;
  • Wipe the thermometer sensor with a soft cloth to remove dust;
  • Hold the baby in your arms so that he does not move and does not cry during the measurement;
  • Then you should press the button "Start" or "Measurement";
  • Bring the device to the baby's forehead at a distance of 4-6 cm;
  • Wait for a loud sound signal and flashing diodes;
  • View the result.

Contactless method

The norm of body temperature in infants

The normal body temperature of a newborn is 36.2-37.5 ° C. The result of the measurements obtained will also depend on the method in which they were made. The temperature of an infant under the age of six months is considered normal if it does not exceed 37.5 ° C. It should also be borne in mind that the lowest temperature will be obtained when measured in the armpit, with the oral method, it will be higher by 0.5 ° C, and in the rectum by a whole degree.

It is important for parents to know that:

  1. After a night's sleep in a child, the temperature very rarely rises to 37 ° C;
  2. When the child goes to bed, then at this time his temperature drops slightly;
  3. During feeding, the baby works and tries very hard, as everyone knows, during any work you can observe an increase in temperature;
  4. Do not be alarmed if a newborn child has a slight fever, maybe he is dressed too warmly. You need to take off excess clothes and measure the temperature after twenty minutes;
  5. When the temperature drops below 36.2 ° C, the baby is overcooled, he needs to be wrapped up.
  6. During massage or gymnastics, the body temperature can rise to 38 ° C, but there is no need to panic, you should give the baby a rest and repeat the measurements.

Values ​​for different measurement methods

Thermoregulation processes in infants finish forming before one year. During this period of life in a small organism, large fluctuations in temperature are possible - from 36 ° C to 37.7 ° C. Such indicators are considered the norm if the child is active, he has a good appetite, sound sleep, nothing hurts. It is also quite normal if the temperature rises to 37.7 ° C with prolonged screaming, very strong straining with constipation, active games.

The thermometer reading will depend on how the temperature is measured:

  1. Under the armpit or in the groin fold, the average will be in the range of 36.3-37.3 ° C.
  2. In the mouth (with the oral method of measurement), the indicator should be within 37.1 ° C.
  3. In the anus or between the buttocks (rectal measurement method), values ​​can vary from 37.6 ° C to 38 ° C.
  4. In the ear (tympanic method), the norm is 31.3 ° C.

These indicators are obtained only if the measurements were carried out according to all the rules. Exceeding the indicated values ​​by 0.5 ° C is considered a pathology.

Note! It is better to measure the temperature of a baby when he is in a relaxed state, for example, half an hour after a meal or an hour after a warm bath. If the baby is capricious and crying, then this procedure should be postponed for some time.

Varieties of thermometers for measuring temperature

There is a huge selection of different thermometers, parents should decide which one is better to buy. It is important to decide which device will be the most optimal for measuring the temperature of the baby.


There are many different electronic thermometers on sale, each of which is designed to measure on a specific area of ​​the body. There are thermometers for axillary, rectal, ear measurements. The well-known pediatrician Komarovsky states that the thermometer requires close contact with the body; accurate readings can be achieved only with rectal or oral administration. When measured in the armpit, the indicator may be lower due to a large error.

An electronic thermometer has the following advantages:

  • Simple and safe to use;
  • The measurement takes no more than three minutes;
  • Upon completion of measurement, it emits a loud sound signal.

The disadvantage of an electronic thermometer is low accuracy. The error reaches 1 degree. To increase the veracity of the result, you need to hold it for another minute after the beep.

Electronic thermometer

Nipple thermometer

This thermometer has the same shape as a regular pacifier and is another type of digital thermometer. Manufacturers make the pacifier from latex or silicone and equip it with a device that beeps after the measurement is completed.

Device advantages:

  • Unlike other types of thermometers, it has a shape familiar to the baby;
  • The device is made from materials that are safe for health.

This device also has some disadvantages:

  • The measurement accuracy is not very high;
  • Measurement duration - 3-5 minutes;
  • The shape of the dummy may differ from that to which the child is accustomed;
  • Not suitable for use if the baby is not accustomed to a pacifier;
  • The duration of the use of such a thermometer is limited by the time when the baby uses the nipple; after the baby refuses it, the thermometer will no longer work.

Nipple thermometer


Advantages of a mercury thermometer:

  • Easy to use, it is very easy for them to determine if the child has a fever;
  • High accuracy;
  • Convenient scale on which the normal temperature limit is indicated;
  • Low cost.

The mercury thermometer has certain disadvantages:

  • It is easy to break or break as it is made of thin glass;
  • Contains mercury inside, which is a strong poison;
  • You need to know how long to measure. As a rule, this is 7-10 minutes.

Mercury thermometer


Thanks to such a device, the result can be obtained instantly. An ear infrared thermometer should be inserted into the ear, and a non-contact thermometer should be just brought to the forehead or temple. This is convenient if the baby is newborn or monthly.

Advantages of this thermometer:

  • Safety of use;
  • Ease of operation.

The disadvantages are the high cost and error in the readings.

Infrared thermometer

General tips for measuring temperature

Parents should follow these tips:

  1. It is necessary to install an electronic thermometer so that the sensor is in maximum contact with the child's body.
  2. It is advisable to measure the temperature orally or rectally.
  3. When measuring in the armpit, the thermometer should be placed vertically.
  4. To get more accurate readings, the thermometer must be kept longer than the time that is written in the instructions.
  5. If the sound signal appeared very early, then this may indicate an incorrect installation of the thermometer.
  6. Before use, you need to check the condition of the device Using a mercury thermometer, shake off the scale below 36.6 ° C.
  7. You can not measure the temperature immediately after eating, when the child is crying or after bathing.
  8. If in doubt about the readings, it is better to measure the temperature with another thermometer and compare the readings.

It is very easy to measure the temperature of a baby. You just need to know all the methods and main rules. It is important to choose a thermometer that is comfortable to use and age-appropriate for your baby.

Watch the video: Taking Your Childs Temperature (July 2024).