
How much should a child eat at 5 months

They try to keep the baby exclusively on breastfeeding for the first six months of life. If the mother has hypolactation, the toddler feeds on mixtures. From a certain period, the body begins to develop at an accelerated pace, and dairy food alone is no longer enough. In order to properly establish the baby's regimen, you need to know how much a child should eat at 5 months, taking into account subsidies.

First complementary foods

Features of complementary foods for a 5 month old baby

By this period, children become more active, they develop motor functions, and their psyche is formed. Therefore, there is a need for concentrated nutritious food. Breast milk or an adapted formula is still the mainstay of the diet.

By the age of 5 months, most children have already become familiar with the taste of egg yolk, which they receive in one of the morning feedings (now half each). The time has come for the first complementary foods, which are recommended as vegetable purees. They are loaded with minerals, carbohydrates (sugars, starch), pectin and other healthy ingredients.

Gradually, the baby's menu is supplemented with fruit juices. When the child is 5 months old, it's time to introduce the 2nd complementary food - cereal. Cereals will enrich the body with B vitamins, magnesium, iron, fiber, vegetable protein. On the recommendation of a pediatrician, curd is introduced.

Conditions for the introduction of complementary foods

Regardless of what kind of feeding the baby is, the procedure for introducing subsidies is the same. In this case, it is important to observe the following rules:

  • if mashed potatoes introduced into the diet are prepared at home, all fruits are subject to heat treatment;
  • fruits and vegetables are carefully chopped so that the baby's ventricle can easily digest the dish;
  • despite the fact that the complementary food is semi-liquid in consistency, it is necessary to give it to the child from a spoon;
  • a new product is introduced into the subsidy after the baby gets used to the previous one;

Accustoming to a new dish

  • mashed potatoes begin to be given once a day in the first half of the day, gradually increasing complementary foods up to 3 visits;
  • for better assimilation of new food, the subsidized portions are diluted with a few drops of breast milk or adapted milk.

Note! During feeding, the baby is given a subsidy before the main course. Otherwise, a toddler who is full of milk may refuse complementary foods (with the exception of drinks).

If the baby is breastfed

Complementary foods are denser food for the stomach than breast milk. Therefore, the baby will be thirsty throughout the day. It is better to quench it not with water, but with fruit drinks, rosehip decoction or weak tea.

Artificial kid

For children who eat exclusively milk formulas, complementary foods begin to be introduced 2-3 weeks earlier. Therefore, at 5 months, the diet of the toddler is supplemented with cottage cheese. Vegetable puree and porridge in water are flavored with a small amount of vegetable oil. In one of the feedings, the artificial man can be given a little scraped apple.

There is also a difference in the composition of the diet. In infants from 4, 5 months, lunchtime feeding is completely replaced by a subsidy, and from 5 months mother's milk is given only 3 times a day. For bottle-fed babies, the adapted formula is left in every meal for now.

The diet of the child at 5 months

Since the baby began to be transferred to foreign food, the digestion process is delayed for a certain time. Therefore, the interval between feedings is increased to 4 hours, and the number of meals per day is reduced to 5 visits.

Approximate nutrition for a baby at 5 months:

  1. 6.00 - breastfeeding;
  2. 10.00 - vegetable (fruit) puree, mother's milk;
  3. 14.00 - yolk, vegetable puree, fruit juice;
  4. 18.00 - cottage cheese, fruit puree, milk;
  5. 22.00 - breastfeeding.

As soon as the baby gets used to this regimen, breast milk can be replaced with porridge in the 2nd and 4th feeding. After the first 4 feedings, the baby should be awake for 2 hours for the food to be digested normally. Only then the little one is put to bed. The last, 5th feeding (at 22 o'clock) is considered the nighttime for the baby, after which he is immediately put to bed.

Daily allowance for a child at 5 months

There are approximate norms of daily intake of infant formula and breast milk, depending on age. An individual approach is important here, taking into account the weight of the baby.

In some cases, the introduction of complementary foods to a child is allowed no earlier than six months. Therefore, children who are completely milk-fed, the approximate amount of the product is calculated according to the formula:

N = M / K,


  • N - daily norm of milk (mixture), ml;
  • M - infant body weight, g;
  • K - coefficient (different for each month).

For children 5 months of age K = 7. Therefore, if a baby weighs 7000 g, he should eat 1000 ml of dairy product (7000/7) per day. Based on this, you can calculate how much a child should eat at 5 months of the mixture or mother's milk.

If the baby has already been transferred to a 5-time feeding, then in one go he should drink approximately 200 ml of the product (1000/5).

Mix rate for 1 feeding

When a baby is given complementary foods, the daily milk supply is reduced by new foods. At the same time, this indicator for artificial people is slightly higher.

Dairy product norms at 5 months

ProductQuantity per day, ml
Breast milk
with complete replacement of the 1st feeding760
- "- 3 feedings580
Milk adapted mixture *800

* Despite the fact that complementary foods are introduced to an artificial baby earlier, the amount of foreign products is taken less than for a baby. The main share of the diet of such children at 5 months is milk formulas.

Complementary feeding rates per feeding

Some mothers believe that the purpose of subsidies is to gradually accustom the baby to the foods that parents eat. The situation is somewhat different. By the age of 5 months, the newborn has developed its own microflora in the intestines, which participates in the digestive process, and the fermentation system began to work. Therefore, milk liquid alone is no longer enough.

New foods should not be introduced into the baby's diet thoughtlessly, as necessary. There is a whole scheme of phased expansion of complementary foods. It provides for the correct choice of products and their quantity for 1 intake.

Vegetable purees

First, vegetables are introduced into the menu. Their purpose is to debug intestinal peristalsis, thanks to the fiber included in the composition. Alkaline salts contained in foods have a positive effect on metabolic processes, help remove excess moisture from the body, and help improve the baby's breathing.

Additional Information. It is vegetable puree of a dense consistency that allows you to prepare the nervous apparatus of the pharynx for subsequent contact with solid food.

The first fruits that the baby's tract will get acquainted with should contain a small amount of fiber. Therefore, carrots, pumpkin, turnips, potatoes are first introduced into the diet. Then you can add zucchini, cabbage, beets, tomatoes, etc.

Pumpkin puree

First, puree is prepared from one product. As soon as the baby gets used to it, the next vegetable is introduced into the menu. When the toddler tries several types, and the mother can understand which fruits the child liked the most, you can make mixed purees from them.

The first combined formulations include no more than 2-3 types of vegetables. If there are potatoes among them, then its share should not exceed half of the total.

Puree is made from boiled vegetables or steamed (but not raw). The dish is introduced into the diet gradually. First, give the baby 1-2 tsp. before the main feeding. Every day, the number of spoons is increased until the rate of the dish is brought to 100 g.

After 2 weeks from the beginning of the introduction of complementary foods, the toddler should already eat 150 g of a vegetable dish. This amount is enough for the puree to fully replace the milk liquid in one of the feedings.

Fruit purees

The baby is introduced to apple juice at 3-4 months of age. If the child tolerates it well, then at 5 months you can give a scraped apple for a sample in the amount of 2-3 grams. Gradually, the rate is increased to 20 g per day, then to 60 g.

Additional Information. The apple pulp is well digested by the stomach and promotes better bowel cleansing. The product absorbs toxins and improves metabolism.

Fruit puree can be combined with vegetable ingredients. Moreover, there should be more of the latter in total.

Vitamin dish for baby

Bananas, apricots, pears and other fruits in the form of mashed potatoes are next introduced into the baby's diet. A five-month-old baby is recommended to give a fruit dish before the 2nd feeding in the amount of 50 g.

Dairy and dairy-free cereals

Pediatricians usually recommend adding cereal supplements to infants' menus after six months. Artificial workers receive porridge already at the 5th month. If the baby eats mother's milk and perceives fruit dishes well, you can introduce a second complementary food at this stage.

For young children, gluten-free cereals are taken. Otherwise, the child may develop a serious pathology - celiacin, manifested by disturbances in the functioning of the intestines.

Buckwheat, rice, corn, oatmeal are the first to be introduced into the baby's diet. The semolina will have to be excluded from the baby's menu for now.

The industry produces high-quality milk formulas, taking into account the age characteristics of the child's body. The products are divided into 2 groups: cereals, diluted with milk or water. Both options are identical in terms of energy and nutritional value.

If mom cooks porridge from ordinary cereals, then first she grinds it into flour. It is recommended to cook first courses in water. Then whole milk is gradually added in a 1: 1 ratio. After a while, water can be completely eliminated.

Note! If the baby does not perceive dairy products well, it is recommended to cook porridge in vegetable broth.

Cereal dishes, like fruit purees, are introduced into the diet gradually. They start with 1-2 tsp, stretching the increase in the norm by 10 days, so as not to disrupt the bowel function. As a result, one breastfeeding is replaced with porridge in the amount of 140-150 g.

Eats porridge

In the future, you can cook mixed dishes from different types of cereals, which makes food more useful. It is recommended to add pureed apples, pumpkin, prunes, etc. to cereals. (in small quantities).


At 5 months, the main source of lactose for a baby is mother's breast (or formula for an artificial man). Whole milk is used to make cereals. From other dairy products, curd is introduced into the diet. Before doing this, you need to consult a pediatrician. He will also tell you how much this product should be given to the baby.

Cottage cheese contains a large amount of protein, calcium and other salts, which can become a serious burden for not fully formed kidneys. This can lead to metabolic disorders.

It is better to cook cottage cheese at home from sour boiled milk. You can also buy a dairy product made specifically for babies (don't forget to check the expiration date).

Give the toddler a little cottage cheese, 1 time per day, starting from 5-10 g. Then the amount of the product is brought to 20 g, combining with breastfeeding. In this case, the dose of milk or mixture is reduced to 180 g.


Fruit and vegetable drinks are not a substitute for mashed potatoes, but complement the diet of a five month old baby. If at 3 months old, 1-2 drops of apple juice were dropped from a pipette to the child's tongue, now you can give it in teaspoons - 6 at a time (with a gradual increase in the amount).

The child is also gradually introduced to other taste sensations, first giving a couple of drops to taste. At the same time, attention is paid to the reaction of the body: are there any reddening of the skin, rashes. If there is an allergy to a new product, it is excluded from the diet.

Exotic fruits, citrus fruits, strawberries, tomatoes can provoke a negative reaction. Juices recommended for children of this age are blackcurrant, cherry, plum, pear, apricot, peach, pomegranate.

Fresh juice

From berry drinks, you should choose cranberry. Raspberry - should be administered with caution. Juices from vegetables are good, which can be combined with fruits: apple-carrot, cherry-pumpkin, etc.

If it is recommended to give mashed potatoes to the baby before the main feeding, then it is better to offer juices after the breast, so as not to knock down the toddler's appetite. The daily norm of the drink by 5 months is 50 ml, which is divided into 2-3 doses.

When breast milk (or formula) is no longer able to fully satisfy the actively growing child's body in the necessary acids, trace elements, vitamins, salts, there is a need for complementary foods.

New food additives play an important role in the development of psychomotor skills, the awakening of intelligence, the prevention of anemia and rickets (especially for artificial children). The baby should be accustomed to a variety in the diet gradually, starting with small doses, so that the digestive system has time to get used to still unfamiliar products.

Watch the video: BABYS FIRST SOLID FOOD. WEANING A BABY AT 5 MONTHS OLD. Ysis Lorenna (July 2024).