
Hygiene for boys under one year old - proper care

When a woman gives birth to a boy, she has a question about how to care for his body, and what features the hygiene of boys has. On this occasion, there are many erroneous opinions that are passed on from generation to generation.

Baby bathes

Features of the physiology of newborn boys

The boy has two external genitals: a penis and a scrotum. The first is covered with thin skin, which displaces, exposing the head. The part of the skin that lies at the base of the head is called the foreskin.

The second organ is the scrotum, which contains the testes, epididymis, and the beginning of the spermatic cord. Its function is to maintain a stable temperature inside (about 34 degrees). The hot environment has a negative effect on the testicles, this fact must be taken into account when washing the scrotum.

The function of the foreskin in the mother's womb is to cover the head of the baby's penis during development. After birth, in the first months, the situation does not fundamentally change. Exposing the head will not work, and this is a normal phenomenon called physiological phimosis of newborns. In a newborn, the genital organ is not yet fully formed, its development occurs until puberty.

Special cells that are located between the head and the foreskin literally glue these two parts of the organ. After a while, they die off and are outside. Mom can see some white grains. This is exactly what they are. So there is no need to worry.

In some boys, the head opens during the newborn period, but this happens quite rarely. Most often - up to 2 years. In some cases, this can happen at 5-7 and even 17 years old.

How to wash a boy properly

Very often you can hear the opinion that it is important how to wash only girls. Here they need to be washed only from front to back, and the hygiene of a newborn boy is not so important. Supporters of this opinion argue their thoughts and conclusions by the fact that the penis is closed, and it is difficult for any infection to penetrate it.

But boys' intimate hygiene also has many characteristics that affect his ability to have children in the future. Therefore, this topic should not be disdained.

In general, there are two basic rules to follow:

  1. To wash the child every day.
  2. Maintain optimal scrotal temperature. In no case should you wash your baby in too hot water.

It is not necessary to pull back the foreskin, because the baby can be injured. It is also necessary to wash the crumbs every time the diaper is changed, and use soap only with a large degree of contamination. In this case, one must carefully monitor that it does not remain in the folds, since it can even lead to a cosmetic burn.

Mom bathes the baby

Important! Doctors recommend washing the boy's genitals every day.

The sequence of actions on how to wash the pussy of newborn boys is as follows:

  1. The baby with his left hand is taken under the chest and brought to the tap. The hips, buttocks, penis and scrotum, groin and intergluteal folds are washed with the right hand.
  2. The baby is placed on a changing table, where the remaining water is blotted with a diaper. You don't need to be too zealous in wiping your baby. Next, the skin is treated with baby powder, and the folds with baby oil.

The parent needs to check if there are testicles in the boy's scrotum. A very common phenomenon is called cryptorchidism. In this case, one or both testicles are outside the scrotum. This condition requires surgical intervention.

Proper hygiene of the boy's genitals

Parents should be responsible for the hygiene of the boy's genitals, especially after the hospital. You need to follow these recommendations to wash your child:

  1. How to wash a boy's foreskin? First of all, it should not be delayed if it cannot be done, and the child has no complaints related to phimosis. Some doctors recommend that after an evening bath, gently shift the skin, but without violence against the child. The places that can be freed up must be cleaned of contamination with a stream of running water. It is not recommended to use soap for cleaning the part of the genital organs under the skin, as it can remain and irritate delicate tissues.
  2. The jet can only be directed from front to back.
  3. The use of antiseptics and antibiotic-containing ointments is prohibited.
  4. It is necessary to take care of the baby's genitals only with the help of baby soap, which adults do not use. Also, the baby should have his own towel and sponge.

Important! It is forbidden to clean the area under the foreskin with cotton swabs. It is even worse to do it with your fingers. As the child grows up, it is necessary to gradually teach the baby to self-adhere to the rules of personal hygiene. Then, in adolescence and later, he will not have problems with male health.

The parent conducts hygiene procedures

The rules on how to wash a boy at 6 months do not fundamentally change. The only thing - as far as the ability of the peel to move away, you need to clean the vacated areas.

Choosing the right diapers

This is also an important aspect of how to care for pisin in newborn boys. Choosing the right diapers will help prevent overheating of the genitals. For hygiene, it is harmful for boys under 1 year old to constantly be in disposable diapers. Their temperature in the scrotum should be lower than in the body. Therefore, doctors recommend arranging air baths for 10-15 minutes, especially in the summer. This will help not only prevent overheating of the genitals, but also temper the body of the crumbs.

Baby bath procedures

At the same time, it is important that the temperature in the house is not lower than 22 degrees. In newborns, thermoregulation is not developed, so they are quickly supercooled.

Diapers (and later panties) should not chafe or squeeze. If it is summer, then the baby's underwear should protect the genitals from dirt. In autumn and winter, it is also not always necessary to wrap up a baby, especially after six months. At this age, children begin to actively move, so they overheat, even if the room is cold.

Possible problems

The child may experience redness, rash, swelling of the foreskin. Regular hygiene will allow you to detect these problems in time and consult a doctor before complications arise.

Important! It is recommended to examine the child every month by a pediatrician, who, if problems arise, can refer to a urologist or surgeon.

If a parent is irresponsible about the hygiene of their baby or does not know how to properly wash the boys, the following diseases may occur:

  1. Pathological phimosis. Due to improper hygiene, purulent processes can occur, which lead to the appearance of adhesions and scars.
  2. Balanoposthitis is an inflammation of the glans and skin of the penis. May lead to more serious male health problems. The disease develops if the parent does not remove smegma. Symptoms are redness, swelling of the skin, pain when urinating.
  3. Fungal infections.
  4. Allergy.

Important! If a baby cries while urinating, this is a reason to see a doctor.

It is imperative to show the baby to the doctor upon reaching the month of life. Next, a doctor's examination is needed during other significant periods in life.

Thus, grooming boys' genitals is a delicate matter. With the proper skill, there is nothing difficult about this. The main rule of how to handle a scribble in newborn boys is the principle of delicacy and regularity.


Watch the video: PERSONAL HYGIENE (July 2024).