
Cough before vomiting in a child - what to do if the baby vomits

To any problem that affects the respiratory system, babies react instantly, and this is a natural phenomenon. If a child has a cough before vomiting, the situation scares the little one and requires emergency assistance. Mom should know why this occurs, how to alleviate the suffering of the baby and whether it is possible to avoid the problem.

Cough up to vomiting

The reasons for this cough

The mucous membrane of the throat reacts to the slightest irritation, and this is manifested by a cough. If it is repeated and does not bring relief, the little one can vomit. This is due to the physiological characteristics of the baby. In his brain, the centers of coughing and vomiting are adjacent, so the excitement of one automatically affects the next.

Teeth can become an irritant - when they erupt, abundant saliva is released, flowing into the pharynx. Babies under one year old still do not know how to clear their throat well, and emetic receptors located at the base of the uvula respond to reflex manipulations.

There are other reasons due to which the child coughs before vomiting. The more serious the stimulus, the stronger the reflex will manifest.

Causes of vomiting cough

AllergyIt is characterized by swelling of the mucous membrane, perspiration, itching
Inflammation of the sinuses (sinusitis, rhinitis)Snot flows down the back of the larynx and affects the vomiting receptors
BronchitisIt begins with a dry cough, then phlegm appears. The disease is accompanied by shortness of breath
Whooping coughIt is characterized by a special exhausting "barking" cough that can continue without interruption for a long period
Bronchial asthmaSevere seizures usually occur when lying down
InvasionsOne of the stages in the development of helminths occurs in the lungs. Their presence provokes dry cough.
Foreign bodyA foreign object causes heavy breathing and is a strong irritant. Associated signs are choking and wheezing

If there are heart pathologies, this can also provoke a cough with a gag reflex in a child. Even crying for a long time can cause a similar reaction. Snot flowing into the nasopharynx will also affect the vomiting receptors.

The child has whooping cough

Why more often at night

A baby who is in a sitting position can more easily cope with a cough. Even if the little one is lying, during the day his attacks are not as strong as at night. While awake, the baby moves its arms and legs, can roll over from back to stomach, and crawls. Such manipulations help the phlegm to pass off easier.

At night, the situation is different - most of the time the little one sleeps, being in a motionless state. Therefore, mucus clogs the larynx, flows down the trachea and esophagus, provoking a suffocating cough.

The kid is tormented by a strong cough

Note! With a stuffy nose, the little one has to breathe through the mouth, which is why the laryngeal mucosa dries up and itching in the throat. The baby begins a severe attack of dry cough.

Features of the gag reflex

Before vomiting, the child coughs, regardless of what triggered the attack, if the corresponding receptors are irritated. Depending on the type of cough, it manifests itself in different ways.

The mucous membrane is dried

A dry cough appears if the little one has to breathe through the mouth. A similar attack occurs against the background of an allergic reaction, with whooping cough, heart problems and helminths entering the lungs. Dry cough begins bronchitis.

The baby has a sore throat, he reflexively tries to get rid of the pathogen. The process involves neurons that send a signal to the brain. Impulses go back to the larynx, causing the muscles to contract.

Since there is not enough mucus, it is impossible to quickly get rid of the irritation. The baby makes every effort, which makes the muscles on the face and neck tense.

The cough becomes intense and frequent. As a result, all receptors located in the larynx are excited. Therefore, the gag reflex is automatically triggered, and the baby begins to vomit during an attack.

Note! A dry cough is especially dangerous when the baby is sleeping - he can choke on vomit.

Wet fit

Most of the factors provoke the formation of phlegm: these are viral colds, respiratory diseases (bronchitis, sinusitis, pneumonia, cystic fibrosis, tuberculosis, lung abscess). The cause of a wet cough can be determined by the expectorated mucus:

  • if the discharge is watery, this is evidence of a viral infection;
  • thick sputum accompanied by bronchitis;
  • the appearance of pus indicates an abscess;
  • the presence of a rusty tint is possible with coccal pneumonia.

With a wet cough, the attacks are not as severe as with a dry cough, due to phlegm (it partially reduces irritation of the receptors). In this case, the child is vomiting from coughing between attacks, and the reason is somewhat different.

A wet cough attack

If there is a lot of mucus flowing down from the nasopharynx, the baby swallows the secretions, and they enter the stomach. With gagging, the body tries to push the mucous mass back.

What is the danger of an attack of vomiting

A hacking cough is unpleasant in itself. If it is accompanied by nausea and vomiting, this can lead to serious consequences:

  • When allergies, bronchial asthma, whooping cough and other serious pathologies become the cause, the child not only coughs, he suffers from suffocation. In this case, an attack of vomiting can lead to respiratory arrest.
  • It is difficult for babies up to a year to breathe through their mouths - due to the physiological characteristics of the body, they do it with their nose. In a lying infant, copious vomit will clog the sinuses, making it difficult to breathe.
  • When a foreign body becomes an irritating factor, it can be coughed up when vomiting. In the worst case, a third-party object is capable of getting into the nasopharynx with masses and injuring it. There is a risk of penetration into the maxillary sinuses, where a foreign body will cause pus to appear.

Harsh cough is already a reason to seek medical help. When a small child has vomited from a cough, it's time to get worried. Recurrent nausea with coughing can develop into serious symptoms: choking and loss of consciousness.

Important! If the baby turns pale, or his nasolabial triangle turns blue, foam appears from the mouth, and vomiting does not stop, you must immediately call an ambulance.

How to help a baby

If a child has a cough before vomiting, do not self-medicate so as not to aggravate the situation. Before the baby is given medical attention, there are a number of steps that parents should take.

Home help

  1. To make breathing easier, the shirt is removed from the baby or the collar of the pajamas is unbuttoned.

Note! Do not leave your baby in a supine position. It is better to take it in your arms and hold it upright, resting the baby's head on the mother's shoulder. This will help spit up without serious consequences.

  1. The room in which the baby is located is ventilated. If the air is dry, humidification is required.
  2. Measure the body temperature. If it is not there, it is recommended to take the child out into fresh air (in favorable weather).
  3. Back massage will help in the discharge of phlegm. Perform it with light tapping.

Cough help

  1. Inhalation of non-carbonated alkaline mineral water or a special saline solution will ease the cough.

When the baby feels better, he should be given warm milk or water. All other therapeutic actions will be carried out by a doctor.

Health care

In a situation where a child vomits when coughing, syrups will not help (and can even harm). Means for treatment should be selected by a pediatrician. A preliminary examination is required, the purpose of which is to establish the cause that caused such a cough:

  • visual examination of the baby;
  • listening to the chest;
  • study of the sinuses;
  • sputum culture;
  • blood test;
  • allergy tests.

If the diagnosis is doubtful, X-ray and ultrasound are prescribed. You may also need to consult an ENT doctor, pulmonologist, allergist, cardiologist.

Having made a diagnosis, the pediatrician prescribes medication according to each specific case. This will eliminate the root cause of the seizures. Therefore, in parallel with antitussive drugs, antibiotics, heart drugs, antihistamines, etc. can be prescribed.


After the doctor prescribes therapy, in addition to the main treatment, you can use folk recipes (but not as an alternative). They will help get rid of a severe suffocating cough:

  1. Herbal teas will make the phlegm less viscous and help remove toxins from the body. Small children can brew chamomile, nettle, mint, linden, coltsfoot, adding raspberry jam or dried twigs from a berry bush to the drink.

Healing decoction for cough

  1. A decoction of viburnum, which is given to the child in the morning and evening, helps well. To prepare a drink, pour a glass of berries or flowers with a liter of boiling water and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes.
  2. A warm infusion of dried leaves of mallow and plantain will help the child. 1 tbsp. herbs are poured with a glass of boiling water, insisted for 40-60 minutes. and filter. The baby is given a drink 3 times a day for 2 tablespoons.

An excellent remedy is the juice of black radish with honey in a 1: 1 ratio, which is given to the toddler for 1 tsp. every 2 hours. If the baby is prone to allergies, this remedy will have to be excluded.

Preventive actions

It is easier to prevent vomiting from coughing than to take measures to eliminate them. The child should be tempered from the first days of his life. If the baby has weak immunity, it is better to limit his appearance in crowded places, especially during epidemics.

In order not to provoke a strong cough, leading to vomiting attacks, the rooms where the baby lives are regularly ventilated. Maintaining an optimal level of humidity and daily cleaning is a guarantee of the health of a young family member.

Watch the video: Throwing up blood: A video for patients (July 2024).