
Do I need to walk with my child every day - why is it necessary

Young mothers who have just returned from the hospital immediately begin to face many questions, the most frequent of which are when to start walking with a newborn and whether it is necessary to walk with the child every day. Parents whose children were born in winter are especially worried about this. Therefore, it will be useful for all of them to find out when it is possible to arrange the child's first walk in his life and what rules to follow at different times of the year.

Newborn in a stroller sleeps

The benefits of walking for babies

Walking for a baby is simply vital, both for an already grown up and still small one. Reasons why you need to walk with a small child every day:

  1. Walking on the street helps to train the thermoregulation process in the baby's body and strengthens its nervous system.
  2. Outdoor activities are the best way to create and strengthen an emotional bond between a parent and their baby.
  3. On the street, the child's body takes a break from the harmful influence of "domestic residents", since even in the most sterile apartment there are many pathogens.
  4. During the walk, the lungs of the baby are cleared of dust accumulated in them.
  5. Vitamin D, essential for growth and development, is produced in the body only by direct exposure to sunlight.
  6. The kid will train his eyesight. By alternately examining objects near and from afar, the child will do a kind of exercise for the peephole.
  7. With good equipment, walks in frost, light rain or snow will only benefit the child and a lot of positive impressions.
  8. On the street, a baby will receive a huge impetus in his development, he also undergoes the first stage of socialization. Singing birds, sunbeams, raindrops, new faces, first friends in the sandbox - this is a new, still unknown world for the baby, with which it will be so interesting for him to get acquainted.

Note! No need to go for a walk if the baby has a high temperature, pain and weakness. During the recovery period, you need to walk for 1.5-2 hours a day, since fresh air will help restore a small body.

Kid sleeping in a stroller on the street

Is it obligatory to walk every day

According to the recommendations of many pediatricians, you need to walk with your baby at least twice a day: in the morning and in the evening. Newborn babies sleep very well during a walk, especially if the mother will roll the stroller all the time. For this reason, the best solution would be if you choose the option of combining walking and sleeping. When a newborn baby has already fully adapted to the street, in the warm season, you can walk, for example, in the morning and in the evening for two to three hours.

Why do you need to walk with your baby every day? Walking in the fresh air is very important for the well-being and proper development of young children. This is an excellent preventive and tempering measure. Fresh air (cool and dry, warm and humid) is considered very beneficial for a small organism, since a baby breathes three times more often than an adult, and the ability to get oxygen from the air in newborn babies is not yet sufficiently developed. Oxygen is very important for all life processes and good development. The task of parents is to organize the process of oxygen supply to the child's body as best as possible.

Important! In good weather in the fall, spring or summer, pediatricians advise taking the newborn for a walk 2 or three days after discharge from the hospital. If it is winter outside, then it is better to postpone the first walk with a baby on the seventh day after discharge. At a lower temperature, it is worth waiting for warmer weather and instead of walking outside, take the crumbs out to the glazed balcony with a window open for ventilation for 10-15 minutes.

Child on a winter walk

What you need to take for a walk

When packing for a long walk with your baby you will need:

  • Depending on the season, warm or thin blanket;
  • Raincoat in case of rain;
  • In the warm season, a mosquito net to protect the child from insects;
  • Diapers, a few just in case;
  • 2-3 toys;
  • Pack of wet wipes;
  • Drinking water bottle;
  • Dummy (if the child is accustomed to it);
  • If the baby is bottle-fed, a thermos with hot water and formula;
  • If, after a walk, you plan to go to visit with your baby, you need to take a change of clothes;
  • For babies from six months - a thermos with herbal tea.

Additional Information. If it's rainy outside and mom thinks why she needs to go outside, you can take your child for a walk on the balcony. A good solution would be to find a suitable pavilion with a canopy in a nearby courtyard. It is also very convenient to move around with a stroller, covering it with a raincoat, this will help protect the baby from cold drops of rain. A raincoat usually comes with a vehicle.

Things you need for a walk

Tips for walking with babies

When going for a walk with your baby, you need to follow these tips:

  1. The first walk with a newborn should start from 10 minutes outside. In the future, increase the time by another 10 minutes daily. Once the infant has passed the adaptation period, you can begin to develop your own regimen.
  2. In summer, mom and child can walk almost all day, provided that the weather is not very hot. If the air temperature has reached above + 30 ° C, it is better to postpone the walk to the morning or evening, so as not to overheat the baby.
  3. In spring and autumn, you can almost always walk with a baby, except for the period of heavy rain and wind. The walks can be quite long - 2-3 hours.
  4. When the child grows up and sleeps less, you need to teach him to walk during the waking period, and spend sleep at home. Such a schedule will give mom the opportunity to relax and calmly do all the household chores.
  5. In winter, when the frost is from -10 to -15 ° C, you should not give up walking. You can walk for about 1.5-2 hours a day. Frost is an excellent disinfectant, as it destroys all disease-causing viruses and bacteria in the body.
  6. You should refuse to walk only in winter with severe frost above -15 ° C, as well as in heavy rain and hail. You need to be careful about walking in windy weather, since the dust that the wind picks up carries with it a lot of different microbes.
  7. In hot weather, direct sunlight should be avoided, which can burn the baby's delicate skin, so it is better to walk in cool shady places.
  8. It is necessary to dress the newborn according to the weather, so that he does not overcool or overheat.
  9. In order for the baby to breathe only with his nose during a walk, he can be given a pacifier, previously attached to the clothes with a ribbon or a special clothespin.
  10. For walks with a newborn, you need to buy a special stroller. It should be on wheels with shock absorbers, a flat bottom, a mattress made of natural material.
  11. First, mom should get ready and dress for a walk, only then equip the baby, so he will not overheat and sweat.
  12. For a walk, it is preferable to choose quiet places that will be located at a distance from roads and a large number of cars. The most suitable places are a public garden, a park area and a playground.
  13. For a walk, it is better for a baby to wear clothes made of natural material so that it does not irritate his delicate skin.
  14. In summer it is very important to protect your baby's skin from the scorching sun. Put a cap on its head to prevent sunstroke.
  15. It is better to walk several times a day, focusing on the baby's feeding schedule. If you go outside between feedings, it will extend the walking time, the baby will not have time to freeze, his sleep will be sound.
  16. It is necessary to take a bottle of boiled water and a pacifier outside. If the baby wakes up and starts crying, it can be distracted for a short time.

Clothes for walking

Also, do not forget that:

  • During the walk, it is necessary to ensure that the child is neither cold nor hot;
  • For a walk, you need to dress the baby in layers, so that later you can take something off if he suddenly gets hot;
  • While walking, it is better to avoid noisy places such as avenues, squares, markets, highways;
  • If the weather is bad outside, do not deprive your child of the opportunity to breathe fresh air. An ordinary walk can be easily replaced by sleeping on a glassed-in loggia or balcony;
  • If there is a need to go with a baby, for example, to a supermarket, it is better to remove the blanket from the child or unbutton his jacket, because if he sweats and then gets back on the street, a cold cannot be avoided.

Parents need to remember: walking with a baby should only bring pleasure, joy and peace. It is better to determine the mode of walks and their duration individually for each specific case. When deciding to go outside or not, you should focus on the child's physical well-being, family circumstances and the weather outside the window.

Watch the video: Why Does My Child Toe Walk? (July 2024).