
Red dots around the eyes of a child - possible causes of a rash

Rashes, red dots around the eyes of a child can occur both in infants and babies a year and older. A harmless small pimple or nondescript pimple in a newborn baby can appear for serious reasons: due to allergies, with a virus or pathologies of internal organs. It is necessary to consult a doctor in time to prescribe treatment.

Red pimples around the eyes and on the face

Why do rashes appear

A rash under the eyes of a baby is not uncommon. Any pathology, the formation of the digestive system in a newborn in the first three months, any infectious diseases that a baby is experiencing - all these processes are instantly reflected on the skin of the baby. Often, the rash appears initially near the eyelids, and then spreads throughout the body.

The reasons for such rashes can be:

  • allergic reactions;
  • exposure to a virus, infection, or bacteria;
  • diseases of the skin;
  • some ailments of the blood and blood vessels.

Important! Often, rashes scare the parents themselves more than the baby. In especially dangerous cases, other symptoms are immediately added: fever, impaired appetite or sleep, moodiness and nervous irritability of the baby. Self-medication and self-diagnosis are not worth doing.

Infectious pimples

Infection in its description has a number of signs that complement the occurrence of a rash:

  • fever;
  • the baby is sharply covered with spots;
  • lack of appetite;
  • now chills, then fever;
  • muscle pain, so that the baby is constantly trying to take a pose;

Note! The child will definitely complain of pain in case of infection. This can be a sore throat, migraine, or abdominal pain.

  • upset stool and digestion, but this symptom rarely occurs.

Ritter's disease

Any infection is contagious because it is caused by a virus. The incubation period, depending on the bacteria that has entered the body, lasts from 2 to 5 days.

Important! If these symptoms are found, the doctor should be called at home immediately. In no case should you take your baby to the clinic on your own.

Allergic spots

If the parents did not find signs of infection: there is no temperature, the baby's appetite is normal, then there is a possibility that the baby has a reaction to some allergen. In this case, spots can appear not only around the eyes, but also throughout the body.

First of all, parents identify the allergen, which is not so easy. There is a scheme that simplifies the search for the factor that developed the allergy. This reaction most often develops in response to exposure to:

  • food (citrus fruits, red vegetables and fruits, egg yolk, honey, milk and other products are especially dangerous in this regard);
  • medicines, in particular antibiotics;
  • through breathing - by the respiratory method;
  • upon contact with an allergen.

How does allergy manifest itself?

Other grounds

In rare cases, diseases of the blood and blood vessels manifest themselves through the rash. With a decrease in the number of platelets, violation of the integrity of the walls of blood vessels, hemorrhagic rashes appear. It is impossible to confuse them with another rash - these are, rather, point hemorrhages.

Roseola in a baby

Skin diseases (prickly heat, fungal infections, insect bites) are treated quickly enough, within a few days.

Rash mechanisms

The appearance of red dots under the eyes of a child usually occurs abruptly: yesterday the child was fine, and in the morning he woke up sprinkled. In order not to panic ahead of time, you should observe the child, analyze the presence of other symptoms.

Additional Information. If the baby is very worried, the rash is disturbing and itchy, then it may be skin parasites. If left unchecked, it heals very quickly. It is not necessary to smear pimples with anything before a doctor's examination, so as not to mislead a specialist.

Concomitant symptoms

Red spots around the eyes appear in a child either as a separate symptom, or as a consequence of other accompanying signs:

  • a sharp rise in temperature;
  • sleep disorders and daily routine;
  • disorders of the digestive system;
  • mood swings.

Important! The causes of the rash, according to doctors, are always some kind of problem from the inside. "On the surface" in the form of a rash appears as a consequence of the disease. Therefore, treatment should be aimed precisely at eliminating the internal cause, it should be identified.

What is the danger

If the rash is infectious, especially meningococcal, then this can cause the death of the baby in one day. If parents do not go to a medical institution, the virus acts instantly and kills the immune system in a short time.

Many viral infections have a number of complications. If chickenpox and rubella are easily tolerated, then measles is very dangerous and can leave an unpleasant residue. Pediatricians recommend that children be vaccinated against measles in order to avoid such consequences.

Komarovsky's opinion

Dr. Komarovsky, a well-known Russian pediatrician, notes that babies may have pimples under their eyes, related to neonatal rash of newborns. The skin begins to adapt to the environment, and the work of the sebaceous glands is only being adjusted.

You don't need to do anything with such a rash. It is also called the "flowering" of the baby. It will go away by itself in a few months. Do not pierce pimples, smear them, or use any abrasive products - this can lead to inflammation or infection.

Additional Information. During puberty, adolescents are also often covered with acne - this is how hormonal changes in the body work. If the rashes bring discomfort, the doctor recommends visiting a dermatologist for nutritional correction and prescribing cosmetological care.

In other cases, it should be remembered that skin rashes need to be examined by a pediatrician in order to detect the presence of pathology or infection in time.

When to see a doctor

If a child has a fever, vomiting, stool, behavior disorders and a decrease in appetite, you should immediately call a doctor or ambulance. In some cases, the pathology develops extremely quickly, and timely assistance will help to avoid a fatal outcome.

Chickenpox in a one-year-old child


To prevent the rash around the eyes from bothering the baby, a number of preventive measures should be taken:

  • monitor the hygiene of the eyelids, choosing cosmetics with a good composition;
  • regularly ventilate the nursery;
  • buy clothes made from natural materials;
  • it is better for babies to take clothes without seams and decorative elements;
  • wash with hypoallergenic agents;
  • maintain the desired humidity level in the room.

For the rash to recede, you need to find the source of its occurrence. The diagnosis is carried out by the doctor and determines the effective treatment. Given the nature of the rash, various drugs and agents, antibiotics and immunomodulators are prescribed. In some cases, the baby undergoes a whole range of procedures.

Watch the video: Pediatric Rash (July 2024).