
Is it possible to do Mantoux if a child is coughing

Not all parents know whether it is possible to do mantu if a child coughs. Before the test, you need to visit a pediatrician to assess the condition of the baby. It is necessary to inform the doctor about the past illnesses. If moms or dads do not agree with the opinion of a doctor who allows a cough test, they can write a refusal.


What is mantoux test

It is a mistake to call mantu a vaccine. This is an allergic test, the task of which is to establish the effectiveness of the immune system against tuberculosis. Even in the hospital, children are vaccinated, BCG, injecting antibodies against a dangerous disease. Starting from the year, carrying out mantu, they control the work of tuberculosis bacteria.

During the procedure, tuberculin is injected under the skin. This substance was obtained after Mycobacterium tuberculosis was neutralized. That is, it does not contain the microorganisms themselves, but consists of the products of their vital activity, the environment in which they existed. For children, as well as for adults, two tuberculin units are used. A substance in such an amount is recognized as safe for the body of a healthy person; no negative consequences have been identified after its administration. Only individual intolerance, an allergic reaction, which cannot be predicted in advance, can be observed.

Note! Three days after the procedure, the pediatrician evaluates the response. The lump around the puncture site should be examined. In this case, the red spot may be larger, it does not affect the result.

In order not to spoil the study, you must follow the recommendations:

  • Do not wet the mantu, do not wipe with creams and ointments;
  • You cannot scratch, otherwise the swollen area will increase, and it will not be possible to evaluate the work of immunity;
  • In order not to attract the child's attention, cover the injection site with clothes, excluding chafing;
  • Do not stick a plaster under which the skin will fog up, wrap your hand with a bandage.

If you follow the rules, the research result can be called reliable.

The doctor evaluates the state of the immune system by observing the reaction:

  • When a seal does not appear at the injection site, it means that bacteria have never been in the baby's body. Perhaps he was not vaccinated at the hospital, or its effect ended. This usually happens after 7 years. A negative test indicates that the immune system is not working;
  • If the papule or induration does not exceed 4 millimeters in diameter, no definite conclusion can be made. There is a chance that bacteria are present in the body and the baby is protected. Usually, a second analysis is prescribed after two months. If the second time the seal has increased slightly, you should not worry, the immune system will cope with tuberculosis. When the papule is smaller or not visible at all, antibodies are absent;
  • The size of the seal is from 5 to 16 millimeters - a positive reaction. Vaccination against tuberculosis works, bacteria entered the body earlier;
  • If the papule exceeds 17 millimeters in diameter, the baby is either sick or has a high susceptibility to mycobacteria of the disease. In any case, he needs to visit a phthisiatrician.

Example reaction

Do they put a sample after an illness

After a cold, SARS or other infectious disease, it is recommended to refrain from vaccination for a month. Although mantoux is not a vaccine, tuberculin gets under the skin during the test. Immunity will perceive it as a foreign and dangerous substance, the body's defenses are activated. After the illness, he already suffered, so it takes time to recover.

In some cases, it is recommended to postpone the procedure for a long time:

  • for six months after the transferred chickenpox;
  • for 45 days if the child has had measles;
  • for 6-12 months when infectious mononucleosis was diagnosed.

The well-known children's doctor Komarovsky recommends adhering to the established deadlines. Usually doctors are allowed to vaccinate, including Mantoux, two weeks after the illness. In this case, it is necessary to assess the condition of the child, measure the temperature, examine the throat, make sure that he does not have a runny nose and other symptoms of SARS.

Note! You can not do mantu within a month after vaccination. You should not break this rule, so as not to overload the crumbs' immunity.

Is it dangerous to test when coughing

Some experts claim that mantu can be done with a runny nose and cough. They explain that the components of the sample do not interact with the immune system, because it is not bacteria that can provoke a disease that are introduced, but the products of their vital activity. They cannot cause tuberculosis, which means they do not pose a health hazard.

During a cough, as one of the symptoms of a disease usually of a viral nature, the immune system works at full capacity. He stands guard over the body and is obliged to respond to the test. It turns out that the appearance of a negative reaction is possible and quite natural. It depends on the characteristics of the organism, its state at the moment. If a child begins to cough, cannot cope with an attack, then his illness is in an acute stage, which means that the immune system is tense.

Severe cough in a child

In any case, you should not risk it and it is better to wait until the symptoms of the disease disappear. When the baby begins to cough up his throat, appetite returns, the temperature disappears, we can assume that the acute stage has come to an end.

What can be the consequences

It must be understood that it is not the redness on the hand that is evaluated, but the induration. Its sizes are recorded every year and compared. This can determine the child's susceptibility to tuberculosis. Therefore, it is important to run the test correctly in order to get the most reliable results.

How the body reacts to mantu

With residual symptoms of a cold, including a rare wet cough, slight transparent snot, children's doctors do not prohibit making mantoux. Usually during this period, the child calmly accepts the injection. If the body reacts, it is insignificant, more often the parents do not notice the changes. To make a test, you need to wait just after the acute stage of the disease, accompanied by significant inflammation.

Note! If the crumbs have an allergic cough, then in the stage of exacerbation, it is prohibited to make mantoux. You need to wait for a period of remission and put a test.

Is it possible to make a mantu for a child with a strong cough, what are the consequences of a test:

  • Temperature rise;
  • Indigestion;
  • Weakness and dizziness;
  • Runny nose;
  • Nose bleed;
  • Nausea;
  • Vomiting;
  • Development of an allergic reaction in the area of ​​the puncture, burning sensation. The rash may appear on other areas of the skin.

Note! It happens that the child begins to snot and cough after the test. This is not necessarily a reaction to mantu. If he was in public places, he may have contracted the infection from a sick person.

Sick baby

To prevent the onset of symptoms, you need to do mantu on time. It is better to wait until the cough has passed and the child is well. After all, the transferred disease makes the immunity less resistant, which means more susceptible to any vaccination. However, unpleasant symptoms can appear if the test is done to a healthy child. This indicates that the baby is allergic to tuberculin.

Antihistamines should not be taken before the procedure, even if they are permitted and recommended by the pediatrician. After all, they are created to reduce the reaction, then the allergic test will not make sense.

How research results change

If a child coughs heavily, the sensitivity of the body may change, because it is significantly weakened. Therefore, he may react incorrectly to the test. For example, the swollen area will be too large. This result cannot be considered reliable. This is a normal reaction to bacteria after illness. Therefore, the meaning of the check is lost. Acute inflammation, such as bronchitis or tracheitis, always gives a false positive reaction.

The body can react in a different way, the papule on the baby's hand will not appear. This can also be explained by the change in sensitivity to tuberculin associated with the previous illness. In any case, the test will have to be redone after two months. Most likely, the child will be assigned additional examinations and a consultation with a phthisiatrician. Ultimately, these actions may turn out to be unjustified, and visiting a doctor, taking tests - stress for the child and his parents.

Visit doctor

Alternatives to sample mantoux

If the parents do not want to put the manta ray, they must find a replacement for it. Tuberculosis is not such a rare disease, therefore, it is imperative to monitor the child's immunity.

Alternative methods include:

  • Diaskintest. It contains not a hundred antigens, as in mantu, but one synthetic protein and excipients. Because of this, it is considered more accurate. When it is carried out, there are fewer false positives and allergic reactions;
  • T-SPOT and Quantiferon. Studies are carried out after the collection of venous blood. They determine the presence of acute tuberculosis and its latent forms. However, they do not distinguish between them.

Blood testing also does not give a 100% guarantee of the accuracy of the result. Unlike Diaskintest, it allows you to record the presence of antibodies that are not currently active.

If a child coughs, whether it is possible to put mantu depends on the stage of the disease. So, when the baby recovers, and the main symptoms, the temperature, disappeared 3-4 weeks ago, then the test can be done. If there is an acute stage, the baby is tormented by a dry paroxysmal cough, the test must be abandoned for a while. After all, its meaning will disappear, and the result will not reflect reality.

Watch the video: TUBERCULOSIS Signs and Symptoms (July 2024).