
Vitamins with lecithin for children

In childhood, the rate of growth and development is very active, so it is important for children to get a lot of trace elements, vitamin compounds, proteins, healthy fats and other nutrients. One of these compounds important for the health and development of babies is lecithin. What foods contain it, how is it valuable for children, and can it be taken in the form of vitamin supplements?


Lecithin refers to a fat-like organic compound related to phospholipids. Such a substance acts as a structural element of cell membranes (their membranes). Its constant intake into the body is important for the functioning of the brain, heart, kidneys, digestive tract and other organs. Children need it from birth, receiving it with mother's milk, and when they try complementary foods, they also need it with food.

Lecithin has the following effects on the child's body:

  • Strengthening and improving the functioning of the nervous system.
  • Normalization of the brain.
  • Improving liver function.
  • Strengthening the immune system.
  • Improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

With a lack of it, the mental development of the child can be disrupted - the baby becomes whiny and irritable, his sleep is disturbed, and thinking, attention and memory deteriorate. Also, the deficiency of such a compound affects the child's motor activity, which is manifested by rapid fatigue.

Products with its content

The main source of lecithin for humans is food. A child can receive this connection from:

  • Eggs.
  • Liver.
  • Nuts.
  • Sunflower seeds.
  • Fishes.
  • Sunflower oil.
  • Legumes (especially from soybeans).
  • Dairy products.
  • Buckwheat and other cereals.

In supplements

If parents wish to supplement their children's diet with lecithin, this can be done with dietary supplements. Modern companies that produce dietary supplements offer it in different versions - both as a one-component preparation and as a multivitamin.

Release forms

Lecithin, which can be given to children from a very early age, is most commonly gel. In this form, the additive does not cause rejection in babies, since the gel is often sweet and tasty. In addition, other vitamin compounds are usually present in such a gel.

For older children, lecithin is:

  • Granular... This additive is dissolved in water or juice, mixed with porridge, yogurt, salad and other food. You can also simply swallow the pellets and drink or chew them.
  • In capsules. They need to be swallowed and washed down with water, which is why such supplements are chosen for children over seven years old.


Supplements that include lecithin are recommended for:

  • Stressful situations.
  • Unbalanced diet.
  • High mental stress.
  • Sports activities.
  • Increased nervous excitability.
  • Enurese.
  • Adaptation in a new team.


Vitamins containing lecithin are not prescribed for intolerance to this compound. Complexes with it, including vitamins D and A, are contraindicated in hypervitaminosis D or A, as well as in problems with calcium metabolism.

Due to the sugar content in children's vitamins, such preparations are not recommended for diabetes mellitus.

We recommend watching an educational video, which reveals in detail all the properties of lecithin and the effect of this substance on the body:

Names and formulations of the most popular lecithin supplements for children


These supplements are best taken with or before meals. At the same time, it is important to observe age-related dosages, specified in the instructions that accompany the selected drug.

Gel lecithin is given to children from a spoon or spread on cookies or bread. The drug in capsules is usually given before meals. The granules are dissolved in a glass of liquid and offered to the child to drink with meals. The optimal daily dosage of the substance is 1-4 grams.


Vitamin supplements, which contain lecithin, respond well in most cases. Parents often buy it for themselves and for kids. At the same time, complex vitamins, for example, Supradin or Multivitamol, and preparations in which it acts as the main ingredient, are also in demand.

Many mothers order lecithin in granules and capsules abroad, choosing products from such popular manufacturers as Now Foods, Source Naturals, Solgar, Bluebonnet Nutrition, and more.

Soy lecithin is bought for girls, and if the supplement is looking for a son, parents prefer a product based on sunflower or egg yolks.

Those who gave lecithin as part of vitamins to a child note that it is mostly well tolerated, but cases of allergies are not uncommon, therefore it is recommended to try any vitamins with it carefully for the first time.

How the substance affects the development of the child, see here:

For the opinion of Dr. Komarovsky about the introduction of dietary supplements, see his program.

Watch the video: 9 Sensational Sunflower Lecithin Benefits (July 2024).