Child development up to a year

At how many months does the child begin to roll over from back to stomach, from stomach to back: +3 video

The baby begins to roll well from back to stomach at 4 - 5 months.

Self-directed coups from back to stomach and from stomach to back become a truly revolutionary event in a baby's life. On his back, he is able to see only his mother's face and a couple of toys above his head or from the side. When that time comes and the child begins to roll over well on his tummy (and this happens about 4-5 months), a whole universe opens up to him, consisting of extremely entertaining objects and phenomena.

First coups

After three months, the baby is already quite well mastering such skills as:

  • turns the head to a sound (for example, to the melody of a mobile or other toy) when lying on its stomach;
  • begins to gradually raise and fix the head and shoulders in a prone position with support on hands;
  • movements are becoming more and more coordinated: the child is curious to feel his face, grab his nose.

During this period, the baby can hit the mother by suddenly making a coup from back to stomach. It is difficult to call it a real coup, rather, not a very successful attempt to roll onto the side from the position on the back, into which the caring mother put the baby down. But the beginning of active movements has already been made, and now the baby will not stay on his back for long. True, children really begin to roll over only when their muscles of the neck, arms and back are strong enough, which usually happens a little later (4-5 months).

Attention! After three months, when the baby learns the skill of coups, you should always hold the baby with your hand, changing his diaper or turning away to take a tube of baby cream or a bottle of massage oil. It is unacceptable to leave the baby alone on the bed without sides and, even more so, on the changing table, since this is fraught with falls and injuries.

According to some mothers, their child, just at the age of 4-5 months, very cheerfully began to turn from back to side, then to the tummy and abdomen to the back - in a word, to make coups in different directions, having managed to fill himself a few bruises before the mother believed that the baby really learned to roll over on his own.

Flips from back to stomach and back (4-5 months)

After 4 months when the child lies on the back, he raises his head and looks at his legs with interest, can bend them at the knees, pulling them to the chest and trying to reach them with his fingers. Then he periodically begins to turn the body from back to side.

By 5 months the child can hold his head well, rise on his hands, lying on his stomach, arch his back in every possible way. He loves to sway, lying on his back, can thus roll on the crib, pushes off the bed with his legs in a prone position. Such movements actively help the development of the necessary muscle groups, therefore, just at this time, many babies begin to roll over well.

It must be understood that when the baby rolls over, and then learns to sit on his own and then crawl, then similar muscle groups are involved. This means that when the muscles of the neck, back, legs and arms are strong enough for full-fledged coups, your child will gradually begin to make attempts to sit down and crawl himself.

Development article:

  • We start to sit
  • We start to crawl

Helping to make turns

You need to help the baby to master a new skill in a playful way with a mandatory smile and words of approval. Noticing that the child happened to accidentally roll over on his own, try to play with him, putting the toy on the side of him, stimulating the baby to turn.

You can do simple exercises to strengthen your back and arm muscles to help your child learn a new skill. Before starting the exercises, you need to make sure that:

  1. The kid is well able to raise his head while lying on his back, and holds his head well while lying on his stomach.
  2. The child has a pronounced desire and the formed skill of lying on his stomach with his head raised, leaning on his hands for at least 5 minutes.

If the baby is not too interested in lying on his stomach, you can hold him for a while in this position, for example, swinging on a gymnastic ball or putting a bright funny toy right in front of him.

Flip exercise

It is done when the child is on his back. With her right hand, the mother clasps the baby's right shin, while with her left hand she easily fixes her left leg so that it does not bend. Then the mother begins to gently pull the right leg down, and then towards the flip, so that the right leg is above the left. There is no need to rush and pull too much, the child should be in a state of rotation for about 10 seconds.

Video exercises from mom-Lara

Corrective gymnastics for babies will help the baby learn to roll from back to stomach:

After the coup is successful, the baby's handle can remain under the body. Try to give the baby the opportunity to straighten it on its own. If the baby starts to get nervous, then you can slightly increase the movement for the leg, while the handle will gradually be released. The exercise can be repeated 3-5 times in several approaches during the day. Remember - all movements are exceptionally smooth, without sudden jerks and jerking!

Watch the video on how you taught your toddler to roll over. Within three weeks, the baby was learning to roll over! And here's the result! When you wake up, the first thing to do is lie on your stomach!

Mastering the skills of an independent coup opens up a new interesting world for the baby, gradually leading him to the need to crawl, and then walk. And, of course, when the baby masters it properly, then the mother should not forget for a second about simple safety rules.

You should not specifically begin to train your child to sit or even stand, if by 5-6 months the baby is not yet able to roll over. It is best when each new stage in the development of the toddler replaces another smoothly and in the desired sequence. Yes, children can sometimes "jump" or significantly reduce certain stages, but these stages will still replace each other in turn.

We read further: details on how to teach a child to roll over

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