Games and entertainment

Board games for a child: interesting and useful

Many adults are in no hurry to buy board games for their children: chess, dominoes, backgammon, loto or other special role-playing board games, since on the Internet you can find activities for a child for every taste. Of course, it is much easier to give a crumbs a tablet with educational programs and cartoons and take care of yourself than to spend half an hour spending time together. Yet psychologists are confident that board games have a future. What are their benefits and how to choose the best toy for the full development of the child?

This kind of entertainment has a long history. For example, senet (moving chips along the track) was played by the ancient Egyptians 5500 years ago. And this is not surprising, because they do not need either equipped grounds or expensive sports equipment. You will need a table (you can do with the floor), as well as the necessary items - cubes, boards, various cards, tokens, etc. However, the benefits are not limited to this.

Only advantages, no disadvantages

  • Board games are irreplaceable when organizing family vacations and children's parties. With their help, parents can easily bring elements of humor and competition into the solemn atmosphere.
  • Active fun is prohibited during hospitalization or illness, but no one bothers to take checkers with you to the ward.
  • They are educational material in educational institutions, as well as a good way of leisure during recess.
  • They can be played in any weather conditions, at different times of the day, both tete-a-tete, and in a large company.
  • They can easily take a bored child on the road.

5 reasons to play board games with children

1. Account

The mathematical component is present, in one way or another, in most tabletop toys. Sometimes this is a routine calculation of points or the number of places for a token to move. Complicated versions ("Monopoly") include even the simplest banking operations, when a small "economist" must use the start-up capital wisely. Also, "board games" improve memory and teach how to solve problems, which is useful when learning the basics of mathematics.

2. Reading

To understand the rules, kids need to read the instructions, text on cards and phrases written on the playing fields. By captivating your offspring with such an activity, you yourself will not notice how he begins to understand the meanings of words, and then read signs, advertisements and, of course, books.

3. Family communication

They really help to improve contact with family and friends, to establish communication between children and adults, and teach to find ways to interact with each other. This is a kind of psychotherapy, when household members relieve stress from work or study in a family environment.

4. Interaction with peers

They provide babies with unique opportunities to build relationships with other children, mutual understanding and patience. Children learn the correct behavior in society, because they need to follow the sequence, empathize, accept with dignity both victory and defeat (We also read: communication skills of the child: we develop from a young age).

5. Alternative to a computer

In our opinion, this entertainment is an excellent replacement for computer or video games. Experts are sounding the alarm: about 80% of adolescents under 13 years old are addicted to gadgets. They can sit for hours or even days in front of the screen without food or rest. Agree that chess battles are sometimes not inferior in intensity to the passions of some digital strategy (IMPORTANT: 10 signs of children's addiction to computer games and the Internet: harm from the computer).

Choosing the right games!

Before you buy a box of dominoes, read the rules of the toy and make sure that your little one will like it. Consider the interests of children, as well as their age. It is not always necessary to be guided by the age range indicated on the accompanying leaflet, because all babies develop at their own special pace. One already at the age of six loves to sit at the checkerboard, and the other has just begun to put puzzles.

Don't take it for growth! If the game is too difficult for the child, then he simply will not be interested in it or will not understand. If it seems too light, it will very quickly throw it to the far shelf. The best choice is a toy with different difficulty levels. It is such a purchase that will captivate the younger generation for a long time.

Experts advise buying at least five such entertainments at home. Variety will keep your child busy with the maximum benefit for his intellectual and emotional improvement.

The advantages of board games are obvious: they do not require free space, have an extremely positive effect on children, help to have fun with mom and dad or friends, and also give new skills and abilities.

You can choose and buy board games in the online store BABADU.RU -

A few more board game reviews:

Watch the video: Family Board Games for ages 8 and up - hand picked by a kid (July 2024).