
A child coughs and cries - causes of coughing while crying

If a baby starts coughing when crying, this does not necessarily mean that the baby is sick. Caring mothers immediately try to give the baby a medicine in order to relieve him of an unpleasant symptom. This may be a normal reaction of the body to excess mucus. It is important to know what signs indicate inflammation that needs treatment.


What is a cough

Cough is a way to clear the respiratory tract, the mucous membrane of which can be irritated by dust, sputum, and microorganisms. It is a reflex defense. The cough is designed to help get rid of anything that disturbs breathing. The same goes for small parts of toys, buttons and paper clips that end up in children's throats. If the crumbs manage to clear their throat, the small object will leave the respiratory tract, and you will not have to visit the ENT. It is not always easy to spot a foreign body, especially if the child is not yet speaking. Therefore, during the games you need to watch the baby.

Note! The cough can accompany an infectious disease, acute inflammation, or be a symptom that requires self-treatment.

Why does a child cough when crying

When a baby cries, the amount of mucous secretions accumulating in the nasopharynx increases. They begin to run down the back of the throat and irritate the receptors. The latter are also found in the nose, larynx, trachea and bronchi. As a result, a cough begins. With the help of an unconditioned reflex, the body tries to get rid of excess mucus that interferes with the passage of air.

Newborns often have a physiological runny nose, nothing needs to be done with it, with age it goes away on its own. When crying, the mucus becomes more mucus, and the baby may cough.

Baby crying

In some babies, crying violently leads to vomiting. Excess tears and mucus act on the soft palate, irritating it. If the muscles are weak, the baby will vomit. Then it is important to be close to the baby, tilt his head forward. If the child vomits, there is a risk that he will choke on vomit. As soon as the baby calms down, stops crying, he needs to be washed with cool water.

A child can cough when crying if his nervous system is at the limit:

  • The kid does not get enough sleep, he is put to bed late in an overexcited state;
  • In the life of the crumbs, there are too many impressions and emotions that he cannot cope with. It doesn't matter if he gets upset during the day or is happy, any experiences are reflected in his condition;
  • The baby does not spend enough time in the fresh air, he leads a monotonous and sedentary lifestyle.

Tips for mom

Parents should monitor the well-being of the baby if he has a cough:

  • Is the baby sleeping well, has the appetite changed;
  • When the cough begins: only during crying, or attacks occur regardless of tears;
  • Does cough bother at night. This usually indicates the presence of a disease or inflammation that requires a doctor's examination.

If the child's condition and mood remain the same, and there are no additional symptoms, then you need to try not to bring the baby to hysteria. As soon as the child starts crying, distract him, switch his attention. If you calm him down quickly, you can most likely avoid another coughing fit.

To avoid overexcitation of the baby, to reduce the risk that he will cough when crying, you need to take care of its mode:

  • Do not ignore the signals when the baby is tired and ready to go to bed;
  • Walk daily, be sure to ventilate the nursery, providing fresh air. With newborns, it is recommended to go outside, starting from the seventh day of life;
  • Plan noisy events in the morning, give preference to quiet activities in the evening.

Children under one year old are most susceptible to the mood of their parents. If the mother is upset or irritable, the baby feels it and begins to worry, copying her emotions. It is important to take care of a favorable family climate.

A happy family

Is it dangerous if the baby coughs

If a newborn coughs while crying, there is usually nothing to worry about. The main thing is that the child does not have a fever and his behavior does not change.

Note! Do not be afraid of coughing, because it also has a healing function, helping to restore breathing. It relieves phlegm, the accumulation of which, combined with being in a stuffy room, can provoke bronchitis and pneumonia.

First of all, the presence of the disease must be excluded in a newborn. Even if a child eats breast milk, which strengthens his immune system, there is a risk of contracting a viral infection. Therefore, it will never be superfluous to consult a pediatrician.

If a child cries when coughing, it is likely in pain. Then he can refuse to eat, because he experiences unpleasant sensations when swallowing food. This is especially dangerous for a newborn, because in the first weeks after birth, nutrition is the basis of a baby's life.

When to call a doctor

If a child starts to cough after crying, the pediatrician should be visited in the following cases:

  • The baby's temperature has risen above 37.5;
  • The attacks end in vomiting each time;
  • You have other symptoms, such as a runny nose, upset stools, and a hoarse voice;
  • The baby refuses breast, formula and other food, if he has already become acquainted with complementary foods;
  • The child is breathing heavily, as if he lacks air;
  • The baby does not sleep well, looks lethargic, is not interested in toys and what is happening around.

A whiny and lethargic baby

Note! Infectious diseases are not always accompanied by an increase in temperature. A cough that occurs while crying may be the first symptom. Do not ignore such signs, especially if the baby is not yet 3 months old.

When a child coughs and cries, you need to find out why this is happening. This is usually due to an increase in mucus running down the back of the throat. The cough occurs reflexively, the body reacts to everything that makes breathing difficult. If additional symptoms appear that are noticeable in a calm state, you need to consult a pediatrician.

Watch the video: Childs Cry a clue to diagnosis - The Characteristic Sound of Whooping Cough (July 2024).