
Tea for a child - is it possible for babies, at what age

Tea is a common drink that contains a significant amount of nutrients. They have a versatile effect on the child's body. Parents are interested in when it is possible to give tea to a baby, and whether it will harm the child.

Baby tea

Is tea allowed for babies

Babies should be given special drinks that do not contain caffeine. The following are allowed:

  1. Herbal mixtures based on chamomile, mint, lemon balm and fennel. They have medicinal properties, have an antiseptic effect, calm the nervous system and the digestive tract, and facilitate the excretion of phlegm.
  2. From about one year old, children are allowed vitamin, fruit, berry drinks. They strengthen the immune defense, increase appetite, saturate the body with vitamins. Little ones will be very useful tea from rose hips, linden, apple, currant.
  3. Dill-fennel drink that prevents intestinal colic.
  4. Various mixtures that improve the functioning of the digestive system.

Note! It is best to buy herbal baby products in specialized stores.

Black and green teas should not be given to children until the third year of life. They contain caffeine, which is dangerous for the child's body, and other components that cause nervousness and sleep disturbances. Even at the age of three, a child needs to be offered weak seagulls.

At what age can you give

Parents are interested in when to give tea to a newborn. In order not to harm the health of the crumbs, pediatricians recommend introducing it into the children's diet, starting at the age of six months. When a child is bottle-fed, you can start drinking tea from the age of four months.

Varieties of children's teas, benefits

There are different types of teas for children. All of them differ in their benefits and contraindications.


Fennel teas for babies are known to be effective in treating digestive problems in babies. In the rating of healthy drinks, they can be put in first place. This is the healthiest tea for babies from 1 month old. It tastes good enough, has a beneficial effect on health. Helps:

  • remove inflammatory processes;
  • normalize digestion and metabolism;
  • soothe colic;
  • reduce the amount of intestinal gas;
  • calm the nervous system;
  • strengthen immunity;
  • cure constipation.

When giving teas to babies for babies from birth, you need to closely monitor the dosage.


It is allowed for children from the first years of life. It is useful for the digestive, immune, nervous and circulatory systems. Eliminates the increased formation of gases, fights microorganisms, strengthens the immunity of children. It has analgesic properties, so it can be used for colic and abdominal pain. Chamomile is an integral part of grandma's recipes.

Chamomile tea

Note. Chamomile drink is prescribed in cases where the baby is crying all the time, is nervous, does not sleep well.

For its brewing, it is recommended to use ready-made preparations sold in pharmacies. They come in different forms:

  1. Loose teas.
  2. Dosed, placed in brewing bags. They allow you not to be mistaken with the amount of raw materials.
  3. Granular extracts. Small granules contain chamomile extract, are easy to brew, do not contain artificial substitutes. They can be given to monthly babies. To obtain tasty and healthy tea, it remains to pour the granules with warm water according to the instructions.

Note! Children's doctors recommend choosing granulated tea for a child.


It is one of the safest herbal preparations for a child. It is allowed to be included in the diet from the age of four months. Possesses useful properties:

  • normalizes digestion;
  • relieves nervous overexcitement;
  • has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart;
  • destroys pathogenic bacteria.

Linden tea should not be given to a child every day. This is due to the fact that linden is a medicinal plant, drinks based on it do not need to be consumed daily.


Dill water is an effective remedy for intestinal colic in newborns. Its useful properties are as follows:

  • relieves spasm of the intestinal musculature;
  • promotes the active work of the intestinal microflora;
  • relieves inflammatory processes in the intestines;
  • normalizes kidney function;
  • calms the child, has a beneficial effect on his nervous system.

Dill water can be added to expressed breast milk. Newborns can have 15 drops of this medicated drink drip on their tongue before feeding.

Dill tea


The most commonly used rose hips. A decoction from it, as from other fruits, is recommended to be given to a child from six months of age. Fruit drinks enrich the child's body with vitamins, strengthen the digestive and immune systems. Lingonberry decoction is very useful for children.

You can add honey to fruit drinks. This is done only if the child does not have an allergic predisposition. It is very beneficial and convenient to use granulated teas for brewing a fruit drink.


Children can also use other herbal teas.


Regular consumption of this drink contributes to the normal functioning of the central nervous system. It should be given to children with increased excitability, tearfulness.

Mint drink

Mint tea is allowed from the age of three months.


It has the following effect:

  1. Promotes normal bowel function.
  2. Soothes pain during teething.
  3. Enriches the body with vitamins and minerals.
  4. It stabilizes the nervous system, soothes before bedtime.
  5. Eases the condition of the baby with colic.

According to Dr. Komarovsky, it can be given to a child before bedtime as an effective sleeping pill.

Thyme tea

It can be given to babies for colds.

Important! Before brewing thyme gulls for babies, you should consult a pediatrician.

How to brew properly

Note! Tea for children should not be brewed according to the same recipe as for adults.

Healthy baby drink recipes are easy to prepare.

Fennel tea

To get a healthy drink, you need to grind the natural fruits of fennel. One glass of boiling water will require a teaspoon of crushed fruits. Having filled them with boiling water, you need to let it brew for half an hour.

Baby Soothing Tea

It will require the following ingredients:

  • 30 g of peppermint;
  • 40 g lemon balm;
  • 25 g of chamomile inflorescences;
  • 25 g of linden flowers.

For 250 ml of water, you only need a teaspoon of the mixture. Pour it over with water and put on a small fire. Without bringing the drink to a boil, remove it from the stove and leave to infuse. For a sound and healthy sleep, you need to give your baby about 60 ml of tea.

Berry drink

It will require:

  • 15 g raspberries;
  • 200 ml of water;
  • a few cherries;
  • 5 branches of mint.

The tea must be brewed in a small enamel bowl. Pour all the ingredients with cold water and put on a small fire. After boiling, you need to remove the tea from the stove, cover and let it brew for 10 minutes.

Lingonberry tea

To prepare it, you need a teaspoon of lingonberry leaves and 200 ml of water. Pour boiling water over them. Then wrap the container and leave to infuse for 20 minutes.

Lingonberry drink

Tea consumption rates

A child should not drink herbal teas in the same way as an adult. Parents need to consider what kind of tea to give for a baby, from what age to do it.

How often to give

It is not recommended to give herbal teas every day. The optimal number of teas for babies is 3-4 per week. Parents need to constantly monitor the health of the baby. If there are problems, the tea should be discarded.


Teas should be introduced into the child's diet gradually. For the first time, a few teaspoons of the drink will suffice. If the body responds well, then it is necessary to gradually increase this amount. As a result, it should not exceed 100-150 ml per day. After eight months, the child should be taught to drink tea from a mug.


Usually, baby teas for babies are contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the herbal component. The baby may experience an allergic reaction to any medicinal plant. Teas should also not be drunk with other medications, especially diuretics.

Allergy to dill water

Dangerously! You cannot give children's drinks as self-medication, brew them "by eye" and use the herb collected with your own hands.

It is strictly forbidden for children who are breastfed to give chamomile tea in large quantities. Because of this, anemia can develop. Mint tea for babies is prohibited for diseases of the kidneys, genitourinary system.

Herbal tea for a child is a healthy drink. It enriches the body with vitamins, valuable organic substances. Like any other drink, it is recommended to start introducing tea to a baby only after the appropriate recommendation of a doctor. If the child's condition has worsened from tea, it is necessary to show it to the pediatrician.

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