
How to take blood from a finger from infants, preparing a child for analysis

How to take blood from a finger from infants is a serious question that worries parents of newborns. They know that this is a painful procedure, so they want to rid their baby of it. However, many diagnoses cannot be made without a blood test. In some cases, he plays a leading role.

The baby is taking blood for analysis

Fingertip donation indications

Babies are given fingerstick tests to determine important indicators. The main ones are:

  • leukocytes;
  • erythrocytes;
  • hemoglobin;
  • platelets;
  • erythrocyte sedimentation rate;
  • leukocyte formula.

All these values ​​are important for determining the state of the body and circulatory system. Complete blood count (CBC) is prescribed for the following diseases:

  • leukemia;
  • anemia;
  • pneumonia;
  • cold;
  • otitis;
  • gastritis;
  • allergy;
  • gastroduodenitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • heart disease;
  • neurological problems.

A decrease or increase in values ​​indicates a health problem. When the doctor receives the results, he or she can make a preliminary diagnosis and prescribe an initial treatment.

Also, babies will need to take preventive tests. This is necessary to determine the presence of a disease that can develop in the course of life. In the first year of life, the UAC is prescribed in:

  • 1 month;
  • 3 months;
  • 6 months;
  • 12 months.

In the case of a cold, additional procedures are prescribed in the interval between these periods.

Important! Do not neglect the delivery of a blood test from a finger - it can reveal hidden diseases.

What the analysis result can show

Monthly babies painfully experience such a procedure, but quickly forget about the pain caused. At the same time, it is common for a child to show his discontent. This is normal - his instinct for self-preservation is triggered.

A fingerstick test is done to see how the body reacts during a cold or other illness. Babies in the first year of life often suffer from anemia. They are considered physiological and disappear with age. Some patients are prescribed iron supplements to replace the loss in the body.

Important indicators of a complete blood count

IndexNormal value
Erythrocytes4.5-5.5 × 1012 / l
Hemoglobin120-160 g / l
Platelets150-450 × 109 / l
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate2-5 mm / h
Leukocytes4-9 × 109 / l
Segmented neutrophils19-45
Rod neutrophils1-6

Such values ​​are typical for children from 0 to 3 years old. Further, changes begin in the child's body, after which the optimal analysis result becomes the same as in adults.

Children's scarifiers

Reason for the diagnosis

A month-old child is required to pass a preventive blood test to detect hidden diseases. Diagnosis is carried out if there is a suspicion of a problem in the baby. The doctor preliminarily examines. An examination is prescribed if you suspect:

  • pneumonia;
  • inflammation of the middle ear;
  • sore throat;
  • bronchitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • allergies;
  • neurological diseases;
  • problems with heart;
  • suppuration of the skin;
  • dermatitis;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Leukocytes react sharply to any changes in the human body. An increase or decrease in their values ​​indicates inflammation or other problems.

How to prepare a baby for analysis

How to donate blood to a newborn at 2 months is an exciting question. Crumbs have very small fingers, the puncture needles seem large. Paramedics-laboratory assistants know how to do their job correctly without harming babies.

Important! For the delivery of a blood test from a finger, babies are prepared in advance.


A nursing child cannot do without food. Doctors do not allow children to starve. At two months, they feed on breast milk or formula. They need it for peace and good sleep. At this age, food intake does not affect the test result.

Heel puncture

Is it possible to drink water before analysis

A two month old baby wants to eat every three hours. If the baby wakes up late in the morning, then he can be fooled with water. This will be enough for him for 30-60 minutes so as not to feel hunger. Children under one year old are usually skipped at the clinic.

Note. Do not give babies to drink sweet juices or compotes on an empty stomach. Sugar is rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream and slightly changes the values ​​of the main indicators.

Psychological measures

Psychologically, it is not necessary to prepare a child under one year old for a finger puncture. At this age, he does not understand the essence of the procedure, and does not remember the previous time. The memory of babies begins to form at the age of 1.5. This is called selective memorization, children only capture certain moments.

Closer to three years old, babies are familiar with this procedure and are aware of its consequences. They start to be capricious and refuse to enter the office. You need to try to set the baby up in a positive way. Methods:

  • tell him about the "mosquito" who bites his finger;
  • invite the little one to look at the "train" in a stick;
  • distract the kid by watching a cartoon;
  • sing a song that calms him down;
  • promise candy after analysis.

Such methods will help persuade the child to donate blood, but they do not promise that he will behave calmly.

Description of the procedure

How is a general blood test taken from a baby who is not yet sitting? The main goal of a specialist is to obtain liquid from a finger. To do this, he will have to apply maximum efforts.

Features of blood sampling in newborns

They take blood from infants at 2 months, where it comes from. Usually, punctures are made in the ring finger of the left hand. If the baby tightly clenches his hands into fists, then they pierce the big toe or the area near the heel. The manipulation occurs according to a certain algorithm:

  1. Prepare the workplace.
  2. Wash hands, treat them with alcohol.
  3. Put on gloves.
  4. The area for puncture is smeared with cotton wool.
  5. An injection is given with a child scarifier.
  6. A fence is carried out with a special capillary with a pear.
  7. With a cotton swab, they pinch the finger of a newborn.

Not all polyclinics have scarifiers for children, so they are used by adults. If they are not available at the medical institution, you can purchase a needle at the pharmacy. Laboratory assistants will not refuse parents and will carry out the procedure.

Where is blood taken

If, according to indications, blood is taken from a vein, then the nurse can take a test tube and pour some liquid into it for a general analysis. Some doctors cannot tell the difference between venous and capillary blood. Although it is between them, albeit not essential.

The material is taken in a specially designated room. It is called "Laboratory". It is equipped with places for receiving patients, all the necessary items and materials are on them. There is a separate box of gloves on the specialist's desk. After each patient, the laboratory assistant must change gloves, treat the work surface and wash his hands.

The boy's blood is taken

What materials are used

To take an analysis from a finger, the following tools and materials are used, these are:

  • sterile cotton wool;
  • antiseptic;
  • scarifiers;
  • glass capillaries;
  • rubber bulb;
  • laboratory glass;
  • disposable gloves.

In children's medical institutions, the availability of materials and compliance with the sanitary and epidemiological regime are strictly monitored. Parents have nothing to worry about.

How to pinch a finger so it doesn't hurt

So that the child does not get hurt, a finger is clamped before the puncture. This is usually done by a specialist. In some cases, you may need help from a parent. The ring finger of the left hand is first rubbed with the fingers to allow blood flow. It should get warmer. With the left hand, they pinch a finger at the level of the phalanx bend and make a sharp puncture. The faster the needle pierces the skin, the less pain the newborn will feel.

How long to wait for the research result

A clinical analysis is prepared during the working day, if there are no malfunctions in the equipment, but not more than a week. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate is 1 hour. The results that arouse suspicion are rechecked manually by laboratory technicians.

A complete blood count shows the general health of the child. Parents are concerned about the process of taking blood. Children under one year old will not remember pain, so do not worry. Some babies may not wake up at all during the procedure. Babies are no longer worried about the process of passing the test, but by the unusual environment and strangers.

Watch the video: Newborn baby sample collection. neonatal blood draw procedure (September 2024).